Net King’s Beginning With Breathing Method

Chapter 275 You Are The One Who Plays!

"Sure enough, this look of anger and depravity is no different from those people at the beginning." The white light in Jibu's eyes flashed, and his body quickly escaped from the tennis attack.

The current situation of Gruss directly evoked his memories of being at the British Tennis Club.

The Englishman who looks gentleman on the surface has arrogance and arrogance in his heart.

Obviously it does not have the strength of the king's German team, but it has the world's first-class problem.

After that, only a bang was heard.

As expected by the trace department.

The tennis ball did not fall on the court at all.

"Out of bounds, Keigo Atobe scored."

"Game, Keigo Atobe, 1-0!"

"Exchange venue."

The referee glanced at Grus, then pronounced the sentence.

"If you only have this ability, you'd better be defeated at the feet of this uncle as soon as possible."

At the moment when the sidelines crossed, there was a mocking chuckle on Trace Department's face.

To this.

Gross complexion was gloomy, he leaned on his burly body and glanced down at the trail, and snorted coldly from his nose.

"If it is your purpose to provoke me, then congratulations."

Faced with the successive provocations from the trail department, Grus was indeed angry.

As a very traditional citizen of the British Empire, he always looked down on tennis in the neon area.

You know, back then, tennis was a pastime game for their European aristocrats to play in their courtyard.

In this way, the two exchanged halftime with different mindsets.


The tennis ball is like a pocket-sized pinball toy, bouncing back and forth between Gros's wide palm and the ground.

Unlike the comprehensive path that William took, he still took a very clear power path that has been explored.

With his somewhat burly body, the overall look is full of pressure.

With his gaze swept across the stern posture of the track department, Gros was disdainful in his heart: "Okay, let me tell you what tennis is."

Gros's sturdy arm muscles slammed into a drum, and the racket in his hand was brought out by a whirring wind, and it hit the tennis ball in mid-air fiercely.


The net was stretched to Ultimate, and the tennis was strangely stuck on the racket for a while.

The next moment.


The blasting sound of an air current spread all over the court, and the tennis ball was surrounded by a twisting cyclone, almost rubbing a touch of crimson in the air.

"Here, it was this serve at the beginning."

On the sidelines, Ju Juping's breath suddenly faltered.

Before, it was this foreign student named Grus who used this seemingly ordinary serve and injured two Lions players.

As a result, Lion Music's always strong doubles combination directly abolished one game.

Now, in singles, the opponent has used the Minister of Bingdi again.

"Don't go head-on-!"

Focusing on Trace, he shouted anxiously in his heart.


Face the ball.

The trace department let out two turbid breaths, and the body that was ready to start the posture quickly crossed two steps, and the racket in his hand was directly hit horizontally.

Just after the tennis ball banged to the ground, he still flew towards the bottom line with considerable momentum, and he shot.Swish!

The arms of the track department were tightly tightened, swinging the racket and cutting hard from the bottom of the tennis ball.

After the tennis ball slid through the net for a short distance, his wrist shook quickly, and his arm pulled up sharply.


The tennis ball sneered down and threw it back high.

"Hehe, I have some skill."

Gros smiled coldly when he saw that the trail was useless.

Without the preparation of the midfielder to use a smash, his body can only move in the direction of the tennis ball.



Suddenly, the two men froze in the backcourt and near the baseline.


"'s the first time I have seen Mibe playing so conservative." Xiang Riyue hesitated and whispered softly, "Is this okay?"

"Xiang Ri, this is the core style of play of the trail department," Yu Yuu had a small smile at the corner of his mouth, without the slightest worry in his eyes. "In other words, you are usually too accustomed to his offensive style of play. "

Since the match he played with the shirt last year, Rubu has actually merged the two styles of play he carries.

In normal times, because he can easily win by relying solely on eyesight, few people have noticed the ability of the trail department to fight protracted battles.

"Is that so?" Xiang Riyue was a little surprised.

Aside, he pushed down his glasses gently, and said coldly: "I think that Trace Department should have encountered some familiar scenes, so I used this style deliberately."

England's endurance flow and endurance are very clear, and the burly man with blond hair and blue eyes on the opposite side obviously meets these characteristics.

Watching the track department continue to run back and forth between the two bottom corners of the court, the shirt wanders leisurely.

This wave, this wave is murderous!





The seesaw on the court has continued.

Five minutes, ten minutes...half an hour...just this round, it took as much as half an hour.



"Game, Gros Alexander, 1-1!"


Gasping for breath, Gros gently pulled his shirt, and ran at high intensity in the neon weather, and he couldn't bear it.


Looking at the sweaty trace on the other side, there was a cold smile on his face.

"Stupid guy!"

He didn't expect that the other party would want to use physical strength to drag him down. Although his strongest is strength, physical strength is an advantage in their own country.

The game continues.

Grus is still open and close, and every blow contains full power.

The trace department seems to use more energy and skills to resolve this power every time.

Unconsciously, the score was opened quietly by Grus.

Two hours later.

"Chance Ball!"

Seeing that the opponent hurriedly played a not too high lob because of excessive physical exertion, Grus was delighted.

"Let me end the game completely!"


His body leaped up awkwardly.

Looking at the tennis ball that had entered the range of his smash, he swept away the shaky figure on the opposite side, and his eyes were cold.


The force of the explosion fell from mid-air, and the tennis ball was like a fiery Great Fireball.

" should be over now!"

He stumbled a bit, and Gros realized that his sweat had been spilled all over the floor.

Just now.

Damn it!

A twisted golden light shot into the sky from the half-time of the trail department.


"This is..." Grus's eyes were round and his face was incredulous, "How could it be possible!"

Compared to the heavy drop of the tennis ball on his backcourt, it was even more unacceptable for him to stand quietly in a half-squatting body, and the expression on his face was full of sarcasm at him.

"Is this the level of the British U14? It is really enough to make this uncle funny."

This sentence, like a heavy hammer, hit his heart fiercely, and his face suddenly turned pale.



Grus' eyes were red and his nose became extremely heavy. The racket in his hand was creaked by him, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Before, you've been playing with me?!"

Gros, who had reacted, only felt a wave of incomparable shame rushing to his heart.

It turned out that he was just a clown jumping up and down in the opponent's eyesight. The key is that he didn't see through the performance of the other party, and really thought that the trace was a frog at the bottom of the well, so he lifted a rock and hit him in the foot.

"Hehe." Trace Department was not polite, and straightened up the racket with two fingers, with a look of arrogance, "Yes, this uncle is playing you, I didn't expect you to be a fool to react now."

"very good……"

Already irritated by the trace department, he couldn't speak, and Grus tremblingly walked to his service line.

Gamble on the glory of the Alexander family, he wants to completely crush the kid in front of him!


Very decisive, Grus directly threw the ball out of his arms.


The terrifying flames almost filled the entire stadium.

"Boy, destroy it under the fire of heaven."

With a trace of scorching aura, the tennis ball is like a burning meteorite, rumbling directly.

"Oh, there are many flaws, freeze it!"

Bitter words sounded in the stadium, and a country made of ice and snow went directly from the body of the track to the surroundings of the stadium.

Ruinbe Kingdom!

The combination of mental power and eyesight has almost been brought to the ultimate level by the trace department.

The flame fluctuations on the tennis ball were gradually drowned out by the snow and ice of the Rubu Kingdom.

Without the blessing of mental power, this is an ordinary and slightly stronger tennis ball.

"Your blind spot can't escape my eyes!"

The cold eyes pierced the entire stadium, and the traces directly understood the condition of Gruss' entire body.

After two hours of fierce battle, the opponent was the prey that was about to exhaust his energy.

Raise your arm slightly.

A racket with a light purple frame was swiped in mid-air.

With a icy icy wind, the tennis ball twisted and blasted heavily at Grus's feet.

"The body... can't move?!"

As if his whole body's joints were frozen, Grus could only stand still in place.

Bang dong!

The tennis ball shot up high, and directly hit his profile fiercely.

"Game, Keigo Atobe, 3-5!"

"How come, how..."

Feeling the severe pain from the jaw and the strong smell of blood in his mouth, Gros's brain went blank.

However, time has not waited for him to think any more.




The pain from his body made him open his mouth and breathe in pain.

The exhaustion from his legs and body made it impossible for him to escape the blockade of the Kingdom of Trace Department.





One ball after another.

In this very depressing scene, the oranges on the sidelines were full of enthusiasm.

If he is on the court at this time, he will definitely let the human body below know what is fear and pain.

at the same time.

Nagoya Xingde's camp was already silent, and William looked at the falling figure on the court with an angry face, the chill on his body was biting.

Staring fiercely at the arrogant track department on the court, he couldn't wait to get off the court immediately and tore the opposite side severely.

The failure of Grus, in any case, declared the failure of their plan for the Great Empire.

It is a pity that his anger will not be conveyed to the court.


"Game, Keigo Atobe, 6-5!"

"Exchange venue!"

Trembling all over, walking to the coaching bench, Grus was in a trance.

He didn't dare to make eye contact with William, he just wanted to end this shameful and painful game as soon as possible.







"Only the last ball left."

Holding the tennis ball tremblingly, Gros just felt like he was going to fall apart.

Grinning open, revealing bloody teeth, his body swayed to make the final shot.


"Referee, this uncle has abstained from the game."

Raising his hand, Tsutobu sneered at Nagoya Singde's camp.


Just as the words of the trail fell, the audience who had been prepared to cheer all stayed in place.

A violent noise sounded from all around the playing field.


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