Net King’s Beginning With Breathing Method

Chapter 289 The same fate again?


"Mistaken serve, out of bounds!"


"Double serve mistakes, hang on the net."

"Yukimura Seiichi leads, 15-0!"

As the game continues, the situation has turned to Yukimura's side.

First, he lost his sense of touch, and then lost his sight. Trace has already lost his greatest weapon.

That outstanding eyesight is like the source of no water, the rootlessness, and there is no room for display at all.

Even at the back, the track department's sense of hearing was also deprived.

"The overall situation is set!"

On the opposite side, Yukimura smiled.


On the court, the traces stripped of the five senses quickly fell into a desperate situation.

"It's the seventh game, he..."

On the side of the court, Xiang Riyue had an anxious expression on his face.

By now, the track department can't even respond to the referee's prompts.

"Serve delay...0-30!"


"Serve delay...0-40!"


"Game, Seiichi Komura, 5-2!"

Almost no soldiers were killed, Yukimura easily went to the next game and came directly to the match point of this game.

"This guy on the trail..."

Ajiuzin's pale yellow eyes shrank coldly, he didn't expect that Trace Department would fall into the five senses unknowingly again.

This person from Yukimura Seiichi is indeed very stressful.

At this time, in the senses of the trace.

In the chaotic dark world, he was the only one looking around blankly.

No vision!

No touch!

No hearing!

In this silent darkness, his heart became more and more depressed.

"As time increases, negative emotions accumulate in my heart, until I can't bear it and my emotions collapse."

Shang Xian You gazed at the motionless figure of Jibu, with a trace of worry in his eyes, "Chabu, can you break through yourself."

Inner world.

Looking at the abyss that straddles him, Trace's expression is solemn: "Will the excessive calmness be swallowed by this silent darkness all the time?"

There was a hint of enlightenment in my heart.

Trace Department remembered the last time he had experienced the five sense elimination, and the aura in his body became silent more quickly.

Do not retreat nor enter.

Trace Department stood before this abyss with his eyes closed. The consciousness of the brain continued to converge, and a bitter will began to brew.







As Yukimura scored one goal after another, many of the Bingdi cheerleaders closed their eyes. They did not expect that Tsube would lose in this way.

"The last ball!"

"The last ball!"

On the contrary, Li Haida was so powerful that he shouted in unison.

Standing on the edge of the stands closest to the stadium, Kirara waved his arms, his face excitedly followed the Li Haida players and shouted.

As long as they win this set, they will be one step closer to the final championship.


"It's over, classmate Shibu."

Yukimura held his breath and said in a low voice.


Throwing his palm upwards forcefully, the tennis ball jumped straight over his head.

Next moment!

"Go ahead."

With a hint of purple light in his eyes, the tennis ball made a white light silently in the air.


With a dull sound, the tennis ball swiftly passed by the track after the corner point of the hair-receiving area.

The trace department still has no response!

"The gap is too big, there is no hope."

Inoue Shou sighed, Yukimura Seiichi had already come to the front of most people in terms of spirit.

And precisely, the spirit is the most mysterious and powerful dimension in the tennis field.

In his opinion, there is basically no hope for Tracebe to escape from Yukimura's realm.

However, the next moment.


There was a crisp sound.

This time the tennis ball actually landed firmly in the net of the mark.


Those audience members who were still a little disappointed began to cheer up.

Even the top of the shirt Yu was a surprise on his face. At this time, Jibu's eyes had restored the usual charm, and those deep eyes were shining brightly!

"This state..."

Tezuka's stern eyes flashed suddenly, and the palm of his arms shook slightly, if he read it right...

"The trace department has broken through the five senses!"


Fuji's blue eyes were surprised, and he said in a low voice, "It's really amazing."

After all, they can feel the terrifying chill in the stands.


Obviously, the sun was in the sky, but there was a light layer of frost on the walls on the side of the stadium.

"No one can trap me, my uncle!"


Accompanied by the low roar of the track department, the entire stadium seemed to have been blown through a blizzard.

The cold wind is like a knife.

Yukimura stood in front of him with one hand, and his blue-purple eyes were filled with surprise and surprise. He didn't expect the trace department to be able to do this step too!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The other thing that exploded with the tennis ball was the lighting around the court.

Fragments of the lampshade that shone with crystal brilliance, just like this, fell scattered, dotted with the imposing phantom that flashed behind the trace department.

"Achibe Keigo scored 15-40!"

After the ball, the complexion of the traces became paler. Although his eyes became brighter, his aura had obviously faded.

"Student Mibu, I have to say, I still underestimated you."

The cold wind cleared.

Yukimura stood dignified in the backcourt, and the ball that Tracebe had just hit back was completely beyond the limit. His body was eroded by the cold wind, and his body was so rigid that he couldn't make a counterattack.


In an instant, the purple spirit in Yukimura's eyes flourished. With just a blink of an eye, the tennis ball landed on the border of the receiving area and flew out toward the off-court.

"Hehe, dare to look down on my uncle, but he hasn't been born yet."

Trace Department laughed and flashed away. After breaking through the five senses, he now only feels refreshed and clear.

"Get me back!"



After the tennis player started, his face changed drastically. The pained expression could not be concealed, and his body was desperately out of control.

"I want to use this to stump me!"

There was a sharp flash in his eyes, and the traces clenched his teeth, trying hard to maintain the stability of the racket in his hand.

But what horrified him was that one wave, two waves, three waves...

Like a wave, this pain seems to be endless.


The moment the racket landed, the tennis ball was thrown out by the track pad.

"That's it!"

Yukimura looked solemn, and his forehead was also covered with beads of sweat the size of rice grains. But although his face was pale, there was a decisive divine light in his eyes.


With a volley, the tennis ball was blasted to the backcourt on the other side of the trail.

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, Affiliated High School of Likai University, 6-2!"

"The singles No. 2 match ended and the High School Affiliated to Lihai University won the game. The number of rounds was 6 to 2."

On the high chair, the referee announced loudly.

No one had thought that the situation in the last few minutes would change suddenly. Although it was eventually won by Yukimura, it was undoubtedly a wonderful match.


"It's a pity, I thought that there was hope for the trail department, but I didn't expect..."

On the sidelines, Shiba Saori sighed with regret.

Just now, she thought that this game would usher in a turning point, after the trace department broke through the five senses, relying on the trace department kingdom to have a chance to drag to the tiebreaker.

Inoue Mori shook his head and said, "It can only be said that Yukimura had reservations from the beginning."

In competitive competitions, it's not that whoever breaks out can win. Those who can stand to the end are often left behind.

"Could it be..."

After a moment of contemplation, Inoue watched the aura of the ice emperor, and sighed softly, "Will this year be the same as last year?"

After the success of Li Hai's big tactics, Bingdi seemed to be standing on the cliff again.

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