
The referee's voice spread throughout the audience.

"What a terrible killer move."

Rooney's temples were already covered with fine cold sweat, and there was a trace of fear in his restored eyes.

In that beautiful scene, what is hidden is a terrifying murderous intent.

The sharp wind like a knife made him unable to even lift a trace of his mind.

Even the homology of the two brothers... was relieved at that moment.

"Ruman." Rooney whispered with a heavy heart.

"...Brother, the game is not over yet, I will not give up."

After a moment of silence, Ruman walked slowly to the hair-receiving area and crouched in silence.

His eyes were firm, even if he felt the fear at the moment before the synchrony was lifted.


Seeing his brother like this, Rooney suddenly felt an emotion.

When the two were bullied when they were young, in the end this somewhat taciturn brother always stood in front of him.

"Obviously I am bigger than you for a few minutes."

"What?" Luhmann was dumbfounded.

He didn't know what happened to Rooney all of a sudden.

But the next moment.


A special white cyclone stretched out from the top of their heads again, linking them closely together.

"Then let us finish this game together!"

"elder brother……"

Looking at the figure almost exactly the same as him, Ruman smiled lightly on his face.

Buer raised his head and paused for a while.

The awareness and determination of the two opposing people made him feel. If it is outside the arena, they may be able to communicate with each other.

"But... I also have my position."

The expression on Fuji's face was solemn, and the lingering energy on his body became even more compelling.

The wind blows the flowers down.


With a trembling of the string, the tennis ball once again dissipated in mid-air like a Sakura flower.

Opposite the net.

Luhmann only felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

The invisible wind, the sharpness of the wind. They are all hidden under the beautiful appearance just now.

In the frontcourt, Rooney's body was also a little trembling.

"Move up!"

Gritting his teeth hard, Ruman almost exhausted all his energy to overcome this instinct.


The cyclone on his body nearly doubled, his steps straddled and his arms swelled suddenly.

Brush it!

With a wave of his arm, the racket crossed the trajectory of if there is nothing.


With a stab, like a knife in butter, the tennis ball pierced the net and shuttled through it.


Only feeling a pain in his wrist, Luhmann glanced intently, and there were already seven or eight thin traces on it that seemed to have been beaten.

There is also a huge gap in his racket, which proves to everyone the horror of the ball just now.

"It's a pity..." Hopkins's eyes, which had been drooping, lit up. "I didn't expect these two brothers to evolve?"

Aside from Bu Er Zhou's help to reach the world level, what he didn't expect was that there would be a surprise.

The corner of Reinhardt's mouth twitched, "Good enlightenment."

In the face of a powerful opponent, everyone may have different choices in desperate situations. However, only those players who really dare to face fear can go further on this road.

"Colin, Shelda, you guys go get ready."

Although Reinhardt praised the Carlsson brothers, he also knew that the failure of this doubles was a foregone conclusion.

This is called Fujitsu Zhousuke, completely switched to another tennis style.

More terrifying and more aggressive!

After a few minutes.


With a wind chant, Sakura drifted away.

The tennis ball was quietly hidden in the wind. When looking back, the tennis ball had already shuttled out of the court.

"The Neon Kanto team scored. Game, Fujisuke, Niou Masaharu, 6-3!"

The referee glanced at the tennis ball, and then announced: "The doubles two match is over and the Neon Kanto team will win the game. The number of games is 6 to 3."


A burst of cheers rang out, and then the audience sent fierce applause without hesitation.

This doubles match is more exciting than many games they have watched in the past.

"Good job, no two!"

"Tezuka" slowly walked up, with a strange look in his eyes.

Fuji lowered his arms and his face returned to the usual appearance, "Nio-san, you are not him!"

Squinting his eyes and smiling, his words made the expression on "Tezuka"'s face stiff.


His body shape shook, Nioh changed back to his original appearance.

Seeing the smile in front of him, he always felt like he had encountered another of his kind.

"You really don't suffer at all." Niwang squeezed the braid behind his head lightly, smiling like a sly fox, "However, it's really good to partner with Fuji-mate."

"me too."

Fuji smiled and stretched out his palm.

The two looked at each other and shook hands, and walked off the court together.

Side of the court.

Iu Jiang squinted at all of this, with a faint smile on his mouth.

"In the future, there will be Nioh Masaharu, so you can develop more on the doubles side."

In his mind, he was already imagining Nioh's phantom to be like other people.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see the possibility of this path in the follow-up. As long as he doesn't go crooked, then after breaking through that limit, it will be that kind of power...

Expectations in my heart rose.

Today, the performance of Fujitsu Zhouzhu can also be described as shocking.

Maybe it's nothing in U17, but in middle school...

"No, it's wrong."

As soon as the thinking in Jiang's mind changed, "I am afraid that Byodoin had gone so far in the type of technology at the beginning."

He was a little slapped in his heart, and it seemed to be dragged out for comparison. Fuer Zhousuke is also a very powerful character.

"The shirt, as expected, those who were with you were some monsters!"

Irrie's thoughts drifted away, and he remembered the two men who had broken into the army with Shang Shan Yu before.


On the other side of the sea, Yuu, who had just got off the plane, couldn't help but sneezed.

He tightened his coat tightly and found that there was no cold air here.

"It doesn't matter, if you are sick, we will be very troubled."

Behind him,-Kun Dao Yu Dou smiled lightly.

After leaving South Korea, this -kundao senior is quite honest, but will come to tease him from time to time.

Shangshanyou didn't want to pay attention to him too much, and without turning his head, he said seriously: "I'm fine, let's hurry up and meet Tanjima-senpai."

-Kundao Yudou smiled and shrugged.

After returning to the big team, he didn't feel so relaxed anymore, and those guys weren't so easy to talk.

Speaking of it, he still had some thoughts at first, but after getting along for such a period of time, he found that in such an atmosphere, he was still quite comfortable.

"Let's go!"

Yuu took the lead. He is very much looking forward to the next ten days of his trip to Thailand.

Metropolitan Ares Tennis Hall.

The joyous atmosphere of the Neon Kanto team is no longer there. I originally thought that winning the first game would be a good start.



"Game, Colin Wilson, Shelda Bed, 6-2!"

"The doubles No. 1 match ended and the West Blue shore team of the United States won the game. The number of rounds was 6 to 2."

After more than an hour of fierce battle, they lost the second game by a big score.

Shinzu and Kikumaru walked off the court a little weakly.

Originally thought that the combination of the size and size of the opposite would not be too strong, but the result was desperate.

"If the uncle did not make a mistake..." Trace's eyes flickered, and his face was not particularly good-looking. "The guy named Shelda played a total of 187 bottom corner kicks."

"Not only that." Sanada turned his head and glanced at the somewhat disappointed Shinzu, and sighed softly, "No-self has no effect."

My heart was dazed.

Took a simple greeting to everyone, and then returned to his seat.

Perhaps, he should continue to think about his future path.

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