Tennis can still be played like this?

For the next hour and a half, Daqu Longci showed everyone present what kind of tennis he called Daqu Longci's tennis.


"Hang the net!"

"Game, Daqu Longji, Jiajifeng and many, 5-3!"

On the high chair, the referee glanced at the panting Gupta, then gritted his teeth and announced.

Since changing to two rackets.

Almost one enemy two.

Facing the crazy attack of Sha and Gupta, Da Qu Longci abruptly interpreted what is called a perfect defense with no ventilation.

Whether it is a lob, a smash, a smash or a short shot.

Daqu Ryuji is like a tireless tennis machine. The two rackets swung in his hands were vigorous, and he effectively returned every ball.

"What kind of monster is that guy?"

By this time, Sha didn't have the mentality he had at the beginning.

Obviously he and Gupta have tried their best, almost all their physical strength has been exhausted, but looking at the opposite...

Except for the small area where the front and back are soaked, there is only a fine layer of sweat on the opponent's forehead, and his breathing seems fairly steady.

"And... our mental erosion doesn't work anymore."

Gupta took a heavy breath, and then said bitterly.

"It seems that you will stop here!"

On the opposite side of the stadium, Daqu Longci's calm words sounded.

As he said, his gaze turned to Jiaji wind in the corner of the court, "Kaji, you almost have enough."


This time, Jiaji Feng Duoduo did not refute anything, instead he nodded seriously and walked slowly to the left half of Daqu Ryuji.

"Damn it!"

Singh made a punch with his right hand, hammering his left palm hard.

Had it not been for Daqu Longci's reminder just now, he had almost forgotten that there was a very fast Jiajifeng on the opposite side of the game.

The opponent has almost maintained good physical strength since just now, so let alone the result of the next game.

"Still miscalculated..."

Sharma's expression was solemn, and his somewhat empty pupils carefully glanced at Daqu Longji's body, "However, the mental powers of Sha and Gupu Puta are not completely useless."

In his field of vision, the area of ​​mental power that represented the stabbing time of Da Qulong had been pierced by black thin lines, riddled with holes.

"He called another teammate at this time because he was also approaching his limit."

"Hmph, if only the two guys Sha and Gupta last longer." Singh was slightly unwilling.

"Winning or losing is destined for a long time, we prepared at the beginning to be one hand worse than the other party."

Speaking of which, the sand and gupta endurance of practicing yoga are much stronger than most people. However, it is a pity that they ran into the big song dragon times.

In addition to the slightly weaker mental power, this person is also extremely horrible.

"This guy Daqu almost got offended."

On the other side, Shuji Tanajima's face also showed a weird smile. Just now Daqu Longci called for Jiazhi wind, and its meaning is self-evident.

Beside,-Kun Dao Yudou smiled, did not speak.

In the information he collected, Daqu Longci has two fatal weaknesses.

One is that he was too lazy in the U17 training camp. Compared with U17's overall uplifting and cruel atmosphere, he was a bit too Buddhist.

Second, because he is absolutely confident in his own strength, he is sometimes a little arrogant on the court, and mental relaxation often becomes the point that opponents take advantage of.

He knows all this, but he is not obligated to tell the guys next to him.

But in the end, Daqu Longci is not stupid, he is not the kind of person who survives to the end by himself, and often puts a lot of things down for the victory of the team.

Kaji windy admission became the last straw that crushed the Indian team's duo.


A black and red afterimage passed.

The tennis ball that had just landed couldn't wait a second at all, and was volleyed back by a racket that seemed to appear out of thin air.


With a blast, the grass scraps fly away!

The tired Indian duo only felt a flower in front of them, and when they looked back, the tennis ball had already rolled down behind them.

"Game, Jiaji wind is much, Daqu Longji, 6-3!"

"The doubles No. 1 match ended, and the Neon representative team Jiaji Feng Duo and Da Qu Long sub-group won the final, with a total score of 2-0!"

"Finally got a point."

The expression on Yukimura's face was a little loose.

This nearly three-hour double-on-one match is not only a test for the players on the court, but also for the players who watch the match off the court.

Especially, he is about to play as the singles No. 3 player.

This expedition, the next game that will start immediately can be said to be the game in which he officially played in the true sense.

In South Korea, because of the shot of the shirt Yu, directly stifled all the hopes of the South Korean team. In Thailand, Tezuka was arranged to play.

At this moment, it is finally his turn!

"Relax, these are just opponents for warming up. Our real opponents are the strongest people in Europe."

Jackie Yu cheered Yukimura with a smile.

On the side, Tezuka also showed a rare smile, trusting in those beautiful eyes, "Just show your strength."

"Don't worry, I won't let you down."

Yukimura smiled and stood up. He gently unbuttoned his jacket behind him, picked up a racket, and started to warm up when he walked to the sidelines.

"Your opponent is No. 2 of the Indian team. Be careful when that happens."

Tanjima Shuji, who was leaning on the bench, reminded Yukimura who was warming up seriously.

Yukimura was taken aback for a moment, then a gleam of light appeared in his two deep purple eyes, the corners of his mouth smiled, and he nodded and said, "Really, I'll be careful!"

"How do I feel this kid is more excited?" Wugu twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Don't forget, his two companions have achieved brilliant results before."

Duke, who was squinting to observe, suddenly said: "The top player defeated the South Korean team leader Tezuka Kunomitsu defeated the Thai team leader."

"It turned out to be like this. It's really youthful and passionate. I feel like I'm going to ignite again!"

When the Date man heard it, he only felt his eyes gleam. It seems that he has returned to those times and years of fighting in Lion Music.

"Ha ha……"

Wugu smiled mockingly at him. At the beginning, Lion Music Middle School was crushed to death by their vines of shepherd.

"However, the situation you mentioned really reminds me of the time when the old Yamato and other people competed."

The fog valley sighed low, and their previous session could also be called the dazzling stars.

"I don't know how the boss is now."

Speaking of this, Wugu and Duke were silent at the same time. The news that the Phoenix was injured in Byodoin couldn't hide the two of them at all.

Although I have learned some of the situation over the phone, it is still a bit worrying if I have not seen the Byodoin Temple in person.

The game, in this slightly heavy atmosphere-started!

"The next singles No. 3 game will be played by the Neon National Team New Year Military against the Indian National Team Barry Singh."

"Barry Singh serves first, and the game ends!"

The referee announced loudly, and at the same time there was a burst of violent cheers from the sidelines.

It can be seen that Barry Singh is still a very popular tennis player in India.

"Unexpectedly, my opponent would be a kid like you."

Before the net.

Singh's momentum was blazing, and before the game even started, he directly overwhelmed the survivors.

Yukimura glanced at the opponent's very strong arm, his voice firm and confident, "On the court, the score is often more convincing."

Being polite and not losing Haki's words directly blocked Singer's next words.

"Very well, Yukimura Seiichi, right? I remember your name. It's rare for you to dare to talk to me like this."

Singh laughed loudly.

Just relying on the words that Yukumura said just now without stage fright. He, the Indian lion, will also regard it as a real opponent.

Even if he seems to be just a freshman in high school!

"I think, this name...maybe you will remember it for a long time."

The purple meaning in Yukimura's eyes faintly flashed.

His body has reached the bottom line and he is ready to receive the hair.

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