Net King’s Beginning With Breathing Method

Chapter 468 Final Year's General Assembly, Death Group

Inside the lobby of the secluded ancient temple.

The shirt was sitting in front of the old father's coach, with a peaceful smile on his face.

If Mifune were here, you would definitely find that the two powers on the body had reached a perfect and subtle unity, the spirit and the body were intertwined, and they were incomparably harmonious.

After Bi Byodo-in Temple opened the gate of Shura Shinto, abandoning the light and choosing another path leading to darkness, Shang Shan Yu directly cut the limited road into nothingness.

After that, with every step he took, he was creating his own brand new path.

Just like the two roads of Echizen Minajiro from scratch.

"Little guy, congratulations."

The old man's tone is still so long and steady.

He was holding a cup of hot tea in his hand, and a murky light flashed in his slightly opened eyes.

For many years, he hasn't seen the second person appearing on a completely new path.

In the current neon, and even in the world of tennis today, most people either take the road of perfection, or the road of Shura Shinto.

During his decades of coaching in Hexagon, what he taught was always the idea of ​​enjoying tennis happily, but he never took the initiative to teach that group of children to perfection or Ashura.

Because he knew that to think of another player of the level of Echizen Nanjiro, just relying on these is far from enough.

The road is made by people.

It is not difficult to go from one to ten, but the difficulty is to make a breakthrough from zero to one.

Now, in front of him finally appeared another junior with such a possibility.

"Thanks to the predecessors, I have disturbed you during this time." Shang Xian Yu sat down and paid respects, expressing his respect for this older legendary player.

It can be felt that the opponent's love for tennis is definitely not lower than that of their younger generation players.

The old coach shook his head, his beard trembled and breathed out, holding the tea cup without speaking.

Soon, a few wisps of steam floated up, once again covering his eyes that were no longer clear.

He raised his head slightly, his gaze passed over the shirt Yuu in front of him, as if ignoring the space constraints, and flying away somewhere in the Kansai area.

"Xiao Ai, have you seen it..."

There, there is a new grave with a few small flowers dotted with it.


Two days later.

Tokyo, Ice Emperor Academy.

The campus was a bit empty on the weekend, but soon, groups of outside school personnel wearing other school uniforms walked in from the door.

They were in twos and threes, and many of them would say hello to each other when they saw it.

"It's finally coming."

Dashi stood at the gate of Bingdi's school, looking at the four golden characters of Bingdi Academy in a daze.

The drawing ceremony of the national competition was held in Bingdi for the first time.

"Dashi, Dashi..." Tezuka's calm voice came from the front.

His body was startled, and Dashi quickly recovered.

He ran for a few steps to catch up with Tezuka, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face: "Sorry Tezuka..."

Just now, he was just a little emotional, wondering if their youth society would not have such a day.

Tezuka shook his head and said nothing.

This year is their last session, and it is also the one in which he will go all out and give it a go. No matter what the final result is, he doesn't want to leave regrets for his junior high school career.

The two followed people from other schools towards the Bingdi's auditorium.

The same venue. Similar setting.

The teams from the Kanto region who came here were a little bit emotional. The ice emperor has really been like a big mountain in the past two years, pressing firmly on top of their heads.

Even Li Haida, who they thought was the most promising, lost to Bingdi in the final three times in a row.

The organizer on the stage is making arrangements, and the schools that are already present are also discussing.

Among them, the representative of Liuqiuri from Aichi Prefecture has the loudest voice.

Especially in this Kanto contest, Li Haida, who lost again, became the protagonist of their ridicule.

"I think Li Haida is getting worse and worse. This is the third time.""Yeah, maybe you won't be able to make it to the finals of the national competition this time."

One of the representatives wearing a red headscarf smiled. In the words, Li Haida was completely ignored.

However, on the seat not far behind them, Kirara was angry. Looking at the two people talking loudly below.

Just when he wanted to stop him, Sanada beside him pressed his arm and got up and walked down.

"Liu Liqiu in Aichi, right? I don't mind if you say it in front of me on the court."

Sanada's complexion was slightly dark, as he looked down from a high position, giving them a great sense of oppression.

The two of them shrank their necks and stared at the man who suddenly appeared in front of them. Their voices suddenly became trembling, "Really... Sanada?!"


A trace of contempt flashed in the eyes of the emperor Li Haida, such a guy was not worth his anger at all.

Inside the auditorium.

The representatives of other schools either looked sideways or sneered, watching the little farce that just happened.

Relying on big talk to attract attention, but when the boss really came to the line, he didn't dare to let go. It was ridiculous.

"Tsk...Sada of Lihai, is he really a junior high school student?"

Just when everyone thought the matter had been revealed, another funny voice sounded next to him.

A very special Okinawan slang term attracted everyone's attention.

No one thought that at this time, someone would dare to pick up Li Haida's Sanada.

"It seems that the warning to some people is far from enough." Sanada's eyes flickered.

This time, he looked over with a completely sullen face, and they Li Haida was not able to provoke anyone.

Kate Yongshiro combed a very peculiar big back, leaning on the stool relaxedly.

He glanced at him, feeling the sharp gaze after he came, and the corners of his mouth curled upwards, "Kafei, just say a few words, or I want you to eat bitter gourd."

"Ah la la~"

The two of them sang and got together, and the level of speaking skills was not known how many times higher than the representative of Liuliqiu.

Dongfang Yamei, who was sitting on the edge of the corner, swallowed lightly, and now the whole lottery hall was strangely quiet.

Because of the host location, their Shanbuki is considered as a specially selected team. In this case, they won't say much.

Deadlock until...

Cang Dang!

The door of the auditorium was pushed open.

Two tall figures appeared at the door glowing with white light.

Everyone knows that the champion of the last national competition has arrived.

The tense atmosphere was swept away.

Mibu and Shangshan Yu stepped in together, and directly attracted everyone's attention.

One of them is elegant and noble, and the other is as gentle as jade. Carrying that kind of kingly aura, the representatives of this classroom suddenly lost their brilliance.


The two separated in the first row. After stepping onto the stage, the two snapped their fingers, and then arrogantly opened his hands towards the bottom:

"Everyone, welcome to my uncle's kingdom."

His words caused many people's mouths to twitch slightly, and they subconsciously moved their gazes away.


"The Minister of Bingdi, is that such a character?"

Kate Yongshiro sat upright, looked at the "shining" trail on the stage with interest, and muttered, "It's really interesting."

For a team like them that entered the national competition for the first time, some of the previous concepts of the Ice Emperor were still in the imagination.

When they were thinking about each other, no one noticed that Jackie Yu had already scanned all the people present.

"Sure enough, the lion music, the overlord of the Kyushu region, is getting worse after all."

Top Yuta stayed on Kate Yongshiro's body for two seconds, and it seemed that the other party's breath was unexpectedly strong.

After the arrival of the champion team Bingdi.

The draw for this national competition has officially kicked off.

"Mu Zhiteng Middle School, A1."

Men Xiewu was the first to go down, and after realizing that he had drawn number one, an excited smile appeared on his face.

Divided at two ends, there is a greater chance of avoiding those super-powerful teams.


"Nagoya Stars, A9."

"Lion Music Middle School, A11."

"Fudofeng Middle School, A13."

"Biga Middle School, A14."


"Bingdi Middle School, A16."


The sequences of group A were all extracted after each representative took the stage.

At the same time, in accordance with the regulations. There are four champion and sub-teams that can enjoy the right to the first round of byes. In Group A, there are a total of 12 teams in the end.

However, just when the list of Group A was released, Sanada, Shiraishi and others frowned.

Sitianbao Temple, Lihai University Affiliated Middle School, and Youth Academy, these three powerful teams even entered the lower half of the area.

Although the results have not yet come out, many people have realized that the lower half is probably a veritable group of deaths.


Three days have passed since the draw.

However, the storm brought by the death team did not stop in the slightest.

According to the results of the final table.

If nothing else, the three schools, Qingxue, Lihai University, and Sitianbao Temple, will meet one after another in the semifinals and semifinals.

As for who wins and who loses in the end, I am afraid that no one can pack the votes.

Qingxue here.

After getting this result, everyone felt a pressure.

Not to mention Kansai's champion Shitenbaoji, just the middle school attached to Lihai University is a barrier that they have extremely difficult to cross the past.

Dashi's face wasn't so good-looking.

I also seemed a little absent-minded when training for the national sprint.

This time he went to the stage to draw the lottery, but it looks like it was completely messed up by him alone.

This is obviously their last chance before graduation. Among them, he represents not only himself, but also Tezuka, Fuji, Kan, Kikumaru, Kawamura...

All the hard work of their little friends over the past few years...


Kikumaru's hand stamp was stamped, and Dashi, whose thoughts were interrupted, raised his head.

Then I realized that not only Kikumaru, but the other team members also stopped their training and stood still and looked at him.

In an instant, Dashi felt his nose sore, and tears were about to fall.

He had accumulated guilt for a few days, and it all broke out all at once.

"Yes... I'm sorry, everyone!"

He bent down and bowed.

However, it was immediately overwhelmed by words of concern.

"Dashi, I have to hurry up to train meow, I can't miss your partner." Kikumaru lifted Dashi with both hands, full of vitality.

Taocheng also waved his arms to the side, "Senior Dashi, no matter what opponent is in front of us, we will go down together..."

"If you want to win the championship, now is not the time to be decadent." Ryoma pulled his hat coolly.



Dashi sniffed, his face was a little embarrassed with a smile, "Hug, sorry everyone."

He clenched the racket in his hand and returned to the training team.

By the window of the activity room on the third floor.

Coach Ryugasaki put his arms around his chest and watched quietly what happened on the court.

Finally, seeing Dashi stepping out of the threshold in her heart, a bright smile appeared on her face.Too harsh sense of responsibility.

Regarding this point in Dashi's character, she hopes that a change will occur as a result.

On the field.

Fuji smiled and looked at Tezuka, who was practicing swinging the pat right next to him. In order to prepare for the whole country, the determination Tezuka showed in the case of Oishi this time was really extremely powerful.

"I believe we will win!"


He followed the rhythm and continued their sprint intensive training.

And as the ice emperor on the side of the host.

Just when many people thought that they were also sure to win this year.

The first and second teams of the entire tennis club did not have a trace of relaxation and were conducting high-intensity preparation training.

It is precisely because I have seen the scenery at the top, and it is also because I don't know how many teams are watching.

Therefore, the sweat they put in is not less than a drop.

They don't know how hard the teams behind them are, so they can only work harder and work toward their limits.

Top Yuu, Akutsu...

Their physical fitness is already high to a certain extent, so they relax at all.

This period of training before the national competition is not only the body of training, but also the spirit of training a team.

And this invisible force is often able to reverse the situation at certain critical times.

The week after the lottery went by in this intense and depressing training.


Ariake Forest Tennis Park has become lively again.

The national competition kicked off in this park, which is capable of hosting large-scale tennis tournaments.

Because of the bye in the first round, although all the Bingdi didn't have to play, they still came to the scene to observe the game.

In fact, it was not just them, Qingxue, Lihaida, and even the official members of Sitianbao Temple were not idle.

There is no weaker in the national arena.

Even a small omission may be changed due to the special home order of the national competition.

The match next to the ice emperor was Higa Junior High in Okinawa against Fudomine Junior High in Tokyo.

As the dark horse team that entered the national competition for the first time, the news that the two schools collided in the first round also attracted a lot of audiences.

Speaking of it, this can be regarded as a match of grievances. Tachibana, the minister of Fudomine Middle School, was once the minister of Shiraku, and Higachu climbed to the throne on Shiraku's corpse.

However, this game is not as exciting as the audience imagined.



In a singles three, a doubles two, the players of Higa Middle School showed unparalleled extraordinary skills to everyone.

"That move just now..."

Seeing Ping Guchang walk off the stage with a smile, Kamio hasn't reacted yet.

The other party is too fast.

Even if he has mentioned his own beat as the fastest, tennis hits an unguarded dead corner every time, but that person will come back easily.

"Martial arts in Okinawa..."

Ju Juping's eyes shone brightly.

He played as the number two singles player, but took a point from Higazhong's hand.


They lost again in the No. 1 doubles of Fudo Peak, facing Tian Ren Zhihui's explosive offensive, even Ishida Tetsu's fluctuating ball had nothing to do.


In the end, Kishiro Kate, who played first in the singles, played Shinji Itake very gracefully with a 6-0.

The whole game basically ended with a big crush by Higa Middle School.

Next to the stadium.

All the Ice Emperor watching the battle put away the relaxed expressions on their faces, which was much better than Jiazhong's performance than they expected.

And looking at it this way, the opponent obviously hasn't used all his strength.

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