On Wednesday, Bingdi’s school tennis club.

Because it was during the summer vacation, the campus without students seemed a lot quieter.

Shido Ryo was still the same as before, and he came to the indoor gym that coach Sakura had bought for their tennis club.

In order to ensure that the entire team can not be affected by weather factors and carry out normal training every day, the coach's hand is quite large. Almost all professional training equipment is invested in this gym.

Whenever the competition comes, this place has become a place that almost every candidate must visit.

The usual training can certainly improve certain tennis skills, but the strong and abundant physical strength, as well as the most critical core strength in the tennis match, all need to complete the training here.


Shido Ryo was very familiar with pushing open the outermost glass door of the gym. After changing his training uniform next to him, he came to the indoor stadium.



He just stepped forward and heard a hissing groan from inside.

A look of surprise flashed across his face.

Shiido Ryo looked over in the direction of the sound, only a broad back was seen, sitting on the stool of the high-position pull-down machine, holding the sponge grip with both hands, and pulling a heavy fixed barbell up and down.

Every time this figure exerted its strength, it would let out a low moan.

At the same time, his sweat-drenched back showed strong muscles like a bat, fluttering his wings slightly, eye-catching.

Drops of glittering sweat flowed slowly down his white neck. It gives people a sense of oppression that doesn't dare to breathe.

As if it would disturb him in the next moment.

Shioto Ryo swallowed lightly.

The scene in front of him gave him a feeling of envy in his heart.

But soon, a suspicion arose in his heart, because he was very familiar with this figure.

"Morning, Shito."

With a bang, the shirt loosened the stretched weight in his hands.

He got up and picked up a white towel next to the machine, wiped the sweat from his forehead and face, smiled and greeted the door.

With his perception, when Shioto Ryo walked in, he had already spotted the other party.

"Well, early... top shirt."

Mito Ryo was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled and greeted him, but he didn't expect that the shirt Yu first asked him and said hello.

"Why did you come here today?"

He came to the butterfly machine used to train his chest and shoulders. After a brief stretch of his body, he asked a curious super-top.

At this time in the past, Shang Xian You usually didn't come to the school gym to train on purpose. He had his own set of unique training methods.

"It's nothing, I just feel that today's body needs to be moved." Jackie You took a sip of a drink and smiled slightly: "It's you, you are the first to be there every time you train."

Shioto Liang shook his head and said in silence for a moment: "I know, you guys have never let up. For example, in your kendo meditation, you wake up earlier than us every day, right?"

Speaking of this, the light in his eyes flickered.

Although he claims to be able to continuously examine himself from a specific perspective. But in front of the hard-working and talented perverts such as Yushang Yu and Akutsu, they still deeply felt their own shortcomings.

"Well, don't be too arrogant."

Shang Xian Yu patted him on the shoulder, "Compared to when it was two years ago, now no one dares to look down upon you Ryo Shioto easily."

The two met and smiled, seeming to recall the scene when they went to the street tennis court together.


Shioto Ryo was also seriously doing the bird action of the butterfly machine holding his chest next to him.

A group of thirty, he did five sets, only then panted slightly and stopped.

On the side, Yushang Yu, who has been observing from the side since just now, said, "Shido, in addition to the strength training of the upper limbs, you also have to continue to strengthen the strength training of the lower limbs."

"Compared with your right foot, your left foot is a bit uneven when it kicks the ground."

After the vision improved again.

Sungshou Yu keenly observed that when Shiido Ryo was doing the last two groups, when his upper body exerted force, his left leg shook slightly.

Obviously, this is because Shito Ryo's power is still unstable.

Perhaps this is not a big problem for the usual outbreak, but once you get caught in a see-saw in a strong showdown, then this small problem is likely to become a loophole for the opponent to break through.

He knows very well that for players such as Gan Zhenzhi or Liu Lianji who specialize in data tennis, Shido Ryo, one of the core of the Bingdi doubles, must also be the focus of their research.

Shiobe stunned, he quickly seemed to have thought of something, and nodded in silence.

"Um...I will."

Although it is difficult to have both persistence and outbreak.

But since the person who used to point to him, Tsung Yuu, pointed out this problem, he would also take it into consideration in his training content.

What's more, he also discovered that the lightning half-volleys he once used for winning were not enough in the past two years as his opponents continued to grow.

Shang Xianyou smiled, and soon he continued to devote himself to the next round of training.

The chest, shoulders, back, arms, wrists of the upper limbs...

The thighs, calves, ankles of the lower limbs...

This muscle group in each part is his next target to be trained in place.

Today this day, he wants to be heartily and let every cell burn to his heart's content.

Not long.

Bingdi's luxurious fitness room became quiet again, but occasionally there was the creaking vibration of the machine and low breathing.


Outside Tokyo, a luxurious villa area with a beautiful environment.

A young man with stars shining in the corner of his eyes jumped down from a high platform.


In the blue pool water, a pulsating white splash rose.

But the young man who fell into the water with grace did not surface, he was like a flexible and free fish, diving in the clear blue pool.

50 meters...100 meters...200 meters...

One back and forth, two back and forth, the aristocratic teenager with short purple-gray hair seemed tireless, consuming all his energy.

Maybe only in this way can he stop thinking about the difficult thing to decide.


"Master Trace, your exercise volume today has exceeded the standard."

Michael appeared by the swimming pool very respectfully, reminding the boy below.

He understands very well what the trace department is worrying about now, but if it is out of consideration for the trace department itself, he also hopes that the trace department will follow the master's arrangement on this matter.


The head of the trace part floated up from the swimming pool. He reached out his hand and turned his wet hair back, and there was a sharp color in his eyes, "Michael, I know, now this amount of exercise is for me. It's not a big deal."

After speaking, he swam to the side of the pool and walked up, took the towel in Michael's hand, wrapped it around his body, and walked slowly towards the villa.

Along the way, only his wet and Madara footprints were left.


at the same time.

Far in the mountains on the outskirts of Tokyo.

The members of the youth school are also undergoing very special training in Yamanaka.

And beside a stream in Yamanaka, a middle-aged wretched uncle in a Taoist uniform is rarely serious, and is teaching his son the experience.

That's... there is an experience about the true meaning of tennis.

With only three days left before the finals of the national competition, both teams are getting stronger in their own way.

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