

The two continued to fight.

The tennis ball bounced back and forth between Tracebe and Shiraishi, and the various delicate small treatments and small methods made the others on the court enjoyable to watch.

"Do you feel that Shiraishi's state is different..." Yuan Zhe also saw something wrong, rubbing his chin and asked.

"Well... Shiraishi should have understood something. It's really amazing..."

Pingshanzhi's eyes brightened, and he could already see that Shiraishi's state was constantly rising, and it had gradually surpassed the state at the beginning of the game.

"Is this crossing the threshold!?" He secretly rejoiced in his heart!

"This Shiraishi Kuranosuke's foot strength, nerve reaction speed and strength are getting stronger?!"

Shinzu watched the situation on the court gradually being controlled by Shiranosuke Shiraishi, and said this doubt in his heart.

"Well~ he is evolving!"

Sweater Yu sat up straight and said with a torch-like gaze.

"It actually did it!"

Tsung Yuu's heart is a little speechless, can these talented guys start evolution on the fly? The previous wild guesses turned into reality, and Shiraishi Kuranosuke's tennis is constantly evolving.

Jungshou Yu can see that Shiraishi Kuranosuke has a certain belief or will cohesive in him. It was originally just a small closed-loop basic tennis system that he expanded.

The progress brought about by the simultaneous improvement of the five dimensions is huge. Under the high-intensity attack of the trail, he gradually defended, and the previously lost beauty and mellowness are returning to him step by step.

Isn't this appearance the future Shiraishi Kuranosuke who has a biblical title?

You suddenly felt a little itchy in your hands, and it was not easy to meet national-level opponents of different styles in the game.

"Trace Department is really lucky sometimes..." Shang Shan Yu felt a little bit savory in her heart

On the field.

Atobe Penultimate's insight also discovered the changes in Shiraishi Kuranosuke's body. He didn't expect that the other party would have undergone earth-shaking changes in just a few minutes.

However, there is no worry but joy in his heart.

"Yes, this uncle can only go further with such an opponent!"

Traces' eyes flashed with extremely excited light, and now only opponents of the same level could arouse his strong sense of victory.

"Shiranosuke Kuranosuke, come on!"

The trail is up and down, and the tennis ball is heavily deducted with a terrifying aura.


With a sound of blasting, the tennis ball crashed against Shiraishi's handle.

Here comes the waltz to the shattered!


Facing the helpless move before, Baishi's mouth bends, and the light flashes in his eyes.


The terrifying reaction speed made his body step backwards, his upper body deflected and tilted to the right, and the racket in his left hand was pulled down by one-half of the racket position.


The tennis ball was bounced back from the racket face. The angle and height of the rebound are still the smash range of the trace.


Trace Department hummed coldly, and the second waltz smash came as scheduled.

"That's not necessarily true, classmate Jibe!"

As soon as the soles of the feet stepped on, Shiraishi's hair flickered, and the terrifying speed brought a whirlwind of circulation.


Shiraishi's arm trembled lightly, and the tennis ball was intercepted by him after it landed, and his huge smash force was calmly resolved by him.

He adjusted his body very quickly, and responded to the second smash.


With an afterimage of the tennis ball, it quickly landed on the backcourt where it hadn't landed yet.

"15-15, Shitianbao Temple Shiraishi Kuranosuke scored!"

A perfect smash volley!

Shiraishi's eyes are confident, and he looks at the trail with a high spirit.

"I won your ball!" Shiraishi smiled and said in a relaxed tone.

"Very good, that's interesting!"

Onobe's tone remained unchanged, and the fighting spirit in his eyes became stronger, even if his one of his tricks had been broken by Shiranosuke Shiraishi.

"Since you have seen through the waltz that is heading for destruction, what should you do with this ball?"

The trace department took a breath.


Toss the ball and swing.

The tennis ball passed through the court in an instant under the tension of the trail.


The incomparable backspin allowed the ball to drag and slide, leaving only a pale yellow trace.

Tang Huaise, who only caught a glimpse of the court, served!

Step on... step on...

Shiraishi's eyes turned, and his body ran at high speed, leaving only a trail of yellow afterimages in place.

"He wants to try to receive Minister Tang Huaise's serve!" Shido Liang's eyes widened, his expression unbelievable.

"But is there a chance at that speed!?"

Although shocked, after seeing Shiraishi Kuranosuke's terrifying speed, Shido Ryo had another expectation that he could receive in his heart.

He was fascinated by such a duel, and he didn't want to miss a single detail.

"That kind of speed activates the body while judging the point of the tennis ball, so it gives the illusion that the ball is relatively static with the track."

Forbearance for a while, I suddenly understood why Shiraishi Kuranosuke's instantaneous burst speed was so fast in everyone's eyes.

But even if the reasons are known, not everyone can achieve such superb response speed and keen judgment.

Like a precise tennis machine, Baishi caught up with this Tang Huaise serve from Trace Department.


With his arms dancing lightly, the tennis ball slid over his racket.

"30-15, Jingwu from the Ice Emperor Relic Department scored!"

"Will it be one centimeter lower?"

Shiraishi lowered his eyelids and smiled at the corner of his mouth. He already had a judgment about this ball.

"It's not unsolvable!"

Others may not have seen it, but when the ball was at close range just now, he had already seen that the ball still bounced slightly.


Shiraishi returned to the backcourt, looking forward to the next serve from Mibu.

"Huh~ I still didn't receive it. At the moment I thought he was going to hit Minister's serve."

There was a hint of fortune on Xiang Ri's face. It is true that Shiraishi's burst just now was too shocking, and he could catch up with such a serve...

"Ha ha……"

Jackie Yu smiled in his heart, his eyesight should be the sharpest among the spectators, Shiraishi has already met the ball just now, as long as there is another one, Shiraishi will definitely be able to receive it!

After all, Tang Huaise's serve from Tracebe is not Tezuka's zero serve.

Of course, to the level of Shiraishi, the power of basic tennis is also reflected. In addition to the lack of nirvana to determine the outcome, it is simply a nemesis to the move-type players.

On the field.

Trace Department's eyes were slightly cold, and he could see Baishi's movements very clearly just now, but just like this, it would be too small to look down on his uncle Trace Department, and there was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.



Everyone outside the court was shocked, and it was Tang Huaise who served again.

This time Shiraishi's speed was even faster. Almost the moment the tennis ball hits the ground, he has already reached the landing spot.

Shit... Shit...

The strong spin made the tennis ball sprint down to the ground again.

"right here!"

Shiraishi Kuranosuke's eyes condensed, and with a very confident wave, the front end of the racket almost rubbed the ground, suddenly picking up the tennis ball.


The tennis ball trembled lightly and flew high with a graceful arc.

"Nice lob!"

Golden Koharu admired it. Even from the perspective of his schoolmaster, it is incredible that Shiraishi can hit such a perfect lob after breaking the track.

"Furthermore, Minister Bingdi's other trick has been seen by the minister, this blow..." There was a cold light under his lens.

The serve trick was broken by Shiraishi again, but Tracebe didn't panic at all, as if he had already expected it, he got higher and higher.


The dance of destruction came again.


Shiraishi smiled in his heart, which might be a good choice for others.

But I am Kuranosuke Shiraishi!


This time, Shiraishi used his strength to bend his knees and squat.

Outside the court, Shang Shan Yu looked at Shinzu Yushi with a weird look. Isn't this a cut version of Kylin's landing? Why did you get it out first, Shiraishi.

"Haha, Shiranosuke Shiraishi, indulge in the magnificent skills of this uncle."

Facing this high sling, Trace Department gave a chuckle, as before, greatly stretched his arms, twisted his wrists, and slammed the ball down again.


With a terrifying spin, the tennis accelerated to the ground.

The Shiraishi racket, who was about to hit back, stagnated and stopped in mid-air.


A look of shock appeared on his face.


The tennis ball is like a yellow long snake, with layers of ball shadows, passing by Baishi against the ground.


"Smashed a smash like a serve!"

The people in Sitianbao Temple exclaimed, the ball in the track department was like a thunder, making their hearts tremble.

"too strong……"

"Is it impossible for Shiraishi to reach that level!?"

Ninzuqian also had a tremor in his heart, and had a radical change in the cognitive strength of his peers.

"This guy at the trail department turned out to be a frustrated escape!"

The shirt on Yuu's eyes are bright, not only that he has been working hard to improve, but the Minister of the Department of Trace has never pulled it down!

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