"Hey, boring."

Looking at Tezuka who didn't respond much, Akutsu snorted softly, and wanted to turn around and leave.

Compared to a calm player like Tezuka Kunimitsu, he prefers to play against a passionate player like Tachibana.

Although the former is stronger, the collision with the latter makes him feel more hearty and refreshing.

This scene also fell into the eyes of everyone in Qingxue.

"This guy is so arrogant!"

Among the Qingxue team, Taocheng looked ugly and said angrily.

Ajutsu's provocations one after another made him angry with his violent temper, and he subconsciously had to pull the sleeves of his arms.

"You really are a single-celled organism."

"Huh? What are you talking about? Smelly Lion Majesty, you are too embarrassed to say me!"

Hai Tangxun's words immediately attracted Taocheng's attention.

Suddenly, the two of them stared with big eyes and small eyes, an expression of disobedience.

Echizen Ryoma on the side stretched out his hand and pulled the brim of his hat, turning his head a little speechlessly.

However, these two seniors are probably also using this special method to ease the current tension and depressive atmosphere.

The present momentum of the opponent is totally different from the time when he played against him before.


Tezuka's gaze fell on Akutsu's back, and there seemed to be cold flashes inside.

"If you want, just come and try."

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly in Ajujin's ears.

The juvenile character of two years ago has never been completely erased from his heart.

"Hehehe, good, good!"

Ajujin turned around again and let out a deep smile, "I wanted to fight you two a long time ago."

Whether it was Tezuka or Yukimura, he was preparing to overcome the obstacles of the past before challenging Yuu Yuu.


The eyes of the two met in midair, and the blood and Qinghui met again.

"These two people......" Chitose Qianli's eyes trembled a little.

It is not that he has not heard from Tono Atsushi about some of the world games, and now this game is the same as the previous one in Shiraishi, and surpasses the understanding of most of them.

"Xiao Jin really wants to go down and fight them."

Toyama Kintaro's eyes were full of excitement, with an eager expression on his face.

The super players who appeared in this national competition have exceeded his psychological expectations.

"Don't worry, you will have a lot of opportunities in the near future." Shiraishi smiled and patted Xiaojin's shoulder. He glanced at Chitose thousands of miles, and there was a sentence in his heart: "In that place, I'm afraid I don't even dare to put on a shirt. Said to be the strongest."


Xiao Jin didn't hear his other meanings. After hearing that, there were many opportunities to fight these powerful enemies, but he nodded more excitedly.

On the field.


There was another white light that seemed to be slow but impatient, straight down the frontcourt where Yajutsu was receiving the serve.

"Want to disturb me? Get out of here!"

Seeing that the white light was about to fall to the ground like the first two balls, Akutsu roared, attracting everyone's eyes.

He was half-bowed, and his body was like a gray electric light, rushing towards the tennis ball that had landed in his own area.

The blood-colored radiant particles floated around his body, squeezing out the radiance of the heavenly clothes abruptly along the way.

On this grass pitch, Tezuka's zero serve is no longer an unsolvable problem.

I have to say that Li Haida gave them the correct answer.


Ajutsu watched the tennis intently, and the racket in his hand protruded forward.

The dark red light cuts in, and then it jerked upwards.


The tennis ball flew high over the net with a fierce topspin.

The zero form of Cheng Wei's three goals in a row was cracked again on the court!

"Damn it, even used such an unreasonable move!" Horio gritted his teeth, and reprimanded unwillingly.

Akutsu's physical fitness has also been extremely strong during these three years, and he is fully capable of cracking the zero formula like Komura and Sanada.


"Except for the two goals used to adapt at the beginning, he now almost perfectly resists the negative impact brought by the glory of the sky, and his body has restored his mobility."

Gan Zhenzhi said with some worry.

Once even the limit of seamlessness can no longer limit Akuzu, then Tezuka will only be left with the last resort."There is no way, the other party's beast aura has entered the stage of materialization, even the seamless brilliance of the world cannot continue to affect the other party."

From the side, Fujii said intently.

His gaze did not change in any way, and he had been watching the confrontation between the two on the court, so he quickly figured out the current situation between the two.

Now Tezuka, it is best not to fall into a war of attrition with the opponent.

In a sense, Akutsu is not a pure power player, he just made all aspects of his body function Master too perfect, and then gave people such an illusion.



With this ball, the two played against each other anxiously for several rounds. Because of his first mover advantage, Tezuka didn't fall behind for a while.

He played very cautiously and did a good job defensively, which did not give Ajiuzin more room to play.

In the next round, Tezuka retreated half a step with his left foot and gave up half of his position sideways.


His right hand emptied the frame, and his left hand drew out the horizontally flying tennis ball.

Ajujin's body is still swift and violent, and his whole person is like a gray whirlwind, raging in every corner of the court.


Ajujin twisted his ankle and pulled his hand up.

But soon, as the tennis ball flew out, a trace of condensed color flashed across his face, and his fierce eyebrows frowned toward the middle.

"Is it here again?"

There was a hissing sound on the court, and the twisting vortex once again attracted the tennis ball towards the huge light of the bottom line of the midfield.

The silent Tezuka realm was actually activated again within a few rounds of pairing.


A bunch of ultra-high-speed white light, without giving Yajiu time to react, flew out from the boundary of his other half.

Not only that, but the line is still pressed!

Tezuka is using his incomparable ball control ability and unpredictable spinning skills to consume the patience of this beast.

"Qingxue Tezuka, 40-0!"

"This is the difficulty of Tezuka. As long as he can contain his opponent's offensive momentum, he will be able to swallow people in at any time with the ingenious rotation of the field."

Shiraishi's eyes were solemn and his tone was leisurely.

Those who have competed with Tezuka can experience this feeling of being restrained.

If you crack the field, he will use the zero form to find a chance to score; if you Isshin wants to crack the zero form, the silent field will pull you out of a fatal loophole.

Supplemented by the unpredictable brilliance of the unpredictable limit, and the rotation of the supreme realm that has yet to emerge. Quietly, Tezuka took back the initiative of the game.


Tezuka squeezed a tennis ball, then flicked it upwards.


This time, his style changed again, directly turning into a powerful and fierce topspin.

The tennis ball was pressed against the outer corner of Ajiujin's serve, and the rapidly rising angle seemed to be perfectly popped out of the court in the next moment.

Once the game is ended with an ace ball, then the morale of the next is also a considerable improvement.

Ajutsu is not stupid, he can naturally expect such a scene.


Whoosh whoosh!

His clothes fluttered in the wind, and his face was completely cold.

A bloody thunder light emerged.

The blood-colored ball of light leaped out of his palm again, just as the streamlined body moved to the front of the tennis ball. His shoulder blades twisted, his arched arms swung down from mid-air, and several afterimages of the racket hooked up.


With a trembling sound, the court set off a violent air wave, and the moment the grass flew out of the tennis ball, it flew up.

The power of this ball is not even lower than the one he made before.


Tezuka didn't retreat but moved forward. He stomped forward, crossing directly over the circular trace he had left on the ground.

The cyan light particles floating around his body became more and more shining, almost dyeing Tezuka's whole person into a ball of light, making it difficult to see the look on his face at this time.

"Is this going to continue head-on?"

A cold snort in his heart, Master Tezuka was not surprised by some sweet spots, but if he wanted to use this, he would continue to collide with Akutsu, which would be very irrational.

This time, however, he did not guess correctly.

The white-lighted racket in Tezuka's hand, diagonally downward, reached the bottom of the tennis ball.


The crisp and extremely clear sound of padding made many people's spirits uplifted.

"This is the second method of cracking!"

Sanada held his palm tightly, and he found that Tezuka seemed to have some reservations when he was playing against him.

A brilliant short shot to the apex.

The tennis ball spins up and down and slowly crosses the net in the middle.

"Do not make jokes!"

Just when everyone thought that Yajutsu was about to miss the ball again. With a loud shout, it suddenly rang from across the court.

A blood-colored Changhong flashed past.

From the backcourt to the net almost instantly.

Ajutsu didn't wait to give Tezuka the zero-style effect. He only saw him pad one foot, put his racket on his waist, and then pushed it horizontally.


The tennis ball was directly buckled down with a sharp inclination of less than thirty degrees.

Great power, short ball speed, low angle!

Ajutsu's counterattack was this very dangerous vertical smash in front of the net.

call out!

A sneer appeared on Ajujin's face as he watched the tennis shot hit the ground.

The opponent can hit such a wonderful short ball, and the light ball he started is not a deliberate bait.

"Ice Emperor Ajujin, 15-40!"


In the audience on the sidelines, many people swallowed lightly, and then wiped the sweat from their foreheads because of tension.

One game, there is still suspense!

Tezuka missed a point, took a deep look at Akutsu in front of the net, and then walked off the backcourt service line without much expression on his face.


Raise your hand to throw the ball, bow your arm to shoot.

That is at this moment.

A strange change had taken place in Tezuka's aura, a brilliant and vast aura suddenly emerged from his body.

Knee down and push on the ground, stand up and raise your head.

The power of the lower limbs was transmitted upward, and Tezuka's arm fell like a whip.


The net line on the racket was pulled out by the tennis ball in a full arc, and then all the power that Tezuka attached to it burst out.

Tennis shuttles like silver threads, and the speed is a bit horrible.

Ajujin didn't dare to be careless, his eyes were like electricity, staring closely at the silver thread that shuttled towards him.

"Hey, I saw it!"

Just as he hummed triumphantly in his heart, his feet had already followed the body's instincts and moved in a certain direction.

The steady strength of the lower limbs gave him a strong explosive power. Even in the process of running back and forth at such high speeds, his power would not be much weaker.


The racket sticks out.

The racket in Ajujin's hand was pressed decisively when the silver thread just refracted from the ground.

The black and red light cut off the silver light in the air!

Tezuka's serve was really good, but it was far worse than zero.

"This is... a super half action."

In the ice emperor's team, Shido Liang's eyelids twitched.

When is Ajutsu...?

"Whether it is a tyrannical vertical center of gravity smash or a fierce super half-volley, these offensive moves have been perfectly integrated into Ajujin's own tennis system."

A remembrance flashed in the eyes of Shang Shan Yu.

In the beginning, Ajutsu was quite bad at the technique.

And now, a body of amazing quality coupled with various familiar attacks*** has made him go farther and farther in the unpredictable direction.

"Unexpectedly, the neon young players are as good as the report they sent back." Kan Letruru held his arm with a look of surprise.

He rubbed his chin with the back of his hand, and his current performance, even in their U14 training camp, was extremely good.

Going back this time, the evaluation of Neon may need to be more cautious.

Ajiuzin scored another point again.

How to do?

Seeing that the situation of the game was about to be reversed, the members of Qingxue couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat for their minister.

Although the highest realm that Tezuka understood hasn't been used yet, they have believed what Kikumaru said at the beginning.

Ajiuzin, the long-dormant "beast", has grown into such a terrifying situation without knowing it.

On the opposite side of the stadium, Tezuka's eyes flickered slightly.

He just glanced more carefully at the shallow hole left by the tennis ball on the ground.

Immediately afterwards.There was no sluggishness in the hand movement, and another ball was hit by him.

"It's useless."

Ajujin shook his head slightly.

He flashed and moved towards the tennis ball. After scanning Tezuka's movements, he sneered, "After seeing tennis of that level, you should also know that this level is nothing at all."


His arms are strong, as fast as thunder. After bringing up a bloody afterimage, he hit the tennis ball hard.

The arrogant force directly pressed the tennis ball into the shape of a long shuttle. There was a trace of tyranny in it, and he flew in the direction of the hand mound.

This time, Tezuka was still the same as before, without moving half a step.

"Something's wrong..."

Shinzu just wanted to ask a question.

Then he saw that bloody light deflected from Tezuka's side.


In all directions around the stadium, several people whispered in their hearts at the same time.

"Out of bounds!"

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 2-1!"


The decision of the referee fell, so that many people felt relieved.

However, it is more hope that this game will not stop. Tezuka's calm and unmoving appearance in the last ball just now made the heart surging.

The key to the game is here.

Anyone who knows some situations understands that the next game is the focus of the two sides to decide the outcome.

"Hehe...it can't be wrong."

After returning to his usual appearance, Akutsu glanced at the front of Qingxue next door.

In the end, the double spin that appeared in tennis, which he couldn't solve at all, should be the so-called supreme meaning.

After a short break, both sides returned to the court.

Tezuka held his hands in front of him, his feet straddling the hair extension line, his waist bowed slightly, and the center of gravity of his whole body was pressed down a lot.

In the face of Ajutsu's serve, he couldn't have the slightest scorn.

Although the highest field is strong, if you can't even hit back the tennis ball and apply spin, then the strong field can't be used at all.

Just before getting ready to receive and send.


Ajutsu's body moved, and the tennis ball was tossed upright by him, with clear and strong lines on his slender arms.


As the racket flicked, the accumulated explosive power directly exploded the tennis ball into a golden light.

"What does he want to do?"

A look of surprise flashed in Tezuka's eyes. It was not that the ball was too strong, but that Akuzu hadn't started the wild state used in the first few games.


The seamless brilliance shone, unceremoniously swaying in the direction of Ajutsu.


At the moment Tezuka hit the ball, two cross-twisting whirlwinds spread out from around his body.

The special rotation, which is as same as the inside, was once again given to the tennis ball by him.

A through ball from the front.

For some reason, Tezuka has always had a bad feeling in his heart.

This ball is both suppression and temptation.

Zi Zi Zi~

A trembling voice sounded.

It made people feel the heavy pressure of the scalp numb, and it suddenly spread from the half-court on Yajuzin's side to the surroundings of the stadium.

Ajujin's eyes were silent, but his palm was shining with a terrifying golden light that made people dare not look directly.

Time seems to be stagnant at this moment.

Everyone in the stadium didn't seem to see clearly how Ajutsu acted.

In Bingdi's position, the long eyes of his shirt flickered.

Now that Ajutsu's thinking reached the Ultimate scenario, he had also experienced it before.

Not surprisingly, this ball should be a light shot in the last state.


The tennis ball crashed down, opening a huge gap in the ground at Tezuka's feet.

Everyone who realized it later realized that there was a loud noise in their ears.

When their expressions changed and they looked towards the bottom of the court, they only saw grass chips and rubble splashing out from the side of Tezuka.

The seamless brilliance was also dissipated...

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