Net King’s Beginning With Breathing Method

Chapter 502 The Glory of Despair

Haitangxun half-bended, panting heavily in his mouth.

Playing such a difficult curve wave is not without cost.

Had it not been for last year, when they were staying together at the Far Mountain Club, an old drunk man had taught him a special technique for exerting strength, I am afraid he would not be able to achieve the current level.

"But... I, Haitangxun, are not that easy to bully."

Haitang raised his eyes, his eyes filled with cold light.

"Give me the ball below." Gan walked over and patted his shoulder.

In terms of serving alone, Huadi's strength is very powerful, but it is still too ordinary.



After regaining his senses, Ren Fu raised his brows. Since the other party has made a new move, they will naturally use more things to deal with it.

And it's definitely impossible to play tennis like that without a physical gift.


Huadi threw the ball upwards.

Then he stared and jumped, rarely using a volley high-pressure serve.

At this moment, the racket seemed to have become an extension of his arm, like a whip, swinging towards the tennis ball that was slowly falling.


The tennis ball fell to the ground with a fierce downward spin, only after a gap bounced.


After the sound of friction sounded, and a small cloud of smoke was raised on the court, it violently shuttled out of the ground.

"Here, the imitation after the imitation."

Seeing this scene, Yanagyu's heart was grave.

Huadi's ability is not a secret on their Lihaida side.

This ability to perfectly replicate the various skills that have appeared on the court, although the flexibility is not as good as the state of selflessness, and is not as exaggerated as the performance of the Nioh Phantom, but as long as the tactics are well arranged, it can often be fatal to the opponent. everything.

At this time, Qian Zhenzhi's body stopped halfway.

With his forward burst speed, it is difficult to receive a Tang Huaise serve at this speed.

And even if you can catch up, your eyesight and timing of catching the ball are a huge test.

"Hehe, Shinzu is really the same. The second-year Qingxue finally broke out, but he was immediately restrained by him." Shido Liang showed a light smile on his face.

If this situation persists, it will continue to put pressure on the opposing party's psychology, and will make the opposing party feel that their own efforts have no effect at all.

"So you forgot, Renzui had the title of Kansai Wolf before he came to our ice emperor. Playing with opponents and then completely defeating them, this is his tennis style." Xiang Riyue joined hands, He raised his eyebrows and said.

If you can't receive a serve, even if there are other moves on the opposite side, there will be no way.

As Xiang Hiwa Shido said, Kan Sadaji really has a headache now.

If they can't break serve, then even if they win every subsequent round of serve, the final score will be fixed at 6-4.

"But Tang Huaise puts a lot of pressure on his opponent's wrist when he serves.

An idea appeared in Qian's mind, but he quickly drove it out.

If you want to win the game, you should not place hope on your opponent.










The scores on both sides began to stagger up, seeming to bite very tightly, but Gan Zhenzhi's heart became more and more anxious.

Continue like this……

He gritted his teeth, and at the moment the tennis ball sounded, his body tried to run forward again.


The sound of intensive footsteps sounded a little messy and anxious.


Seeing that the tennis ball was about to land, his arm stretched diagonally forward.


The tennis ball almost rubbed his border and slipped over the ground below.

"Ah! It's over!!"

The Horio people who were waiting eagerly relieved the breath in their hearts.

This time the attempt was unsuccessful, which means that the situation on their side has come to a very dangerous point.

"Game, Ice Emperor Academy, 5-3!"The referee's voice pulled them back to reality.

This doubles match came to the match point on Bingdi's side.

"Take another round!"

"Take another round!"

On the edge of the court, the cheering of the ice emperor cheerleading team could already be heard.

"Is it only a marginal error..."

Gan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but he still didn't show it calmly, instead he had a very frustrated look on his face.

In this game, it is not enough that he can receive a serve from Tang Huaise, he also needs Haitang to enter that state again.

That somewhat dangerous state...

"Senior Qian..."

Haedang Xun just wanted to step forward to comfort him, but found that the opponent seemed to have completely lost his fighting spirit.

"Useless Haitang, even if we win this round of serve, we still can't win the opponent."

Gan shook his head, and wanted to walk past Haitangxun.

Hearing this, Haitangxun's eyes reddened.

For some reason, he only felt a wave of anger rushing toward his brain.

In this case, the various efforts that I have made before, and I desperately used the Tornado Wave Snake Ball, have all these been erased so easily?

Haitang lowered his head and took a deep breath.

He is not reconciled yet!



There was another violent explosion.

The tornado-like wave ball changed its orbit and fell in unexpected places for Shinjuku.

"It's the tornado wave snake ball again, Haitang's arm..." A deep worry appeared in Jumaru's eyes. With his eyesight, he could see that the muscles on Haitang's arm had twitched slightly.

In order to bite the score, his arm has already been over-consumed.



Renzu's voice was not loud, but it made the opposite of Haitang's heart tremble.


A solid and steady figure left an afterimage and flashed from behind Shinjuku.

The birch land is like a reef, his feet hooked to the ground, and above his arched arms, there are also hideous blue veins wriggling.


The racket was swung out in a horizontal swing. The posture and movements are as good as Haitangxun's tornado ball.

The strong force was vented through the hole between the racket's net lines.

next moment.

The tornado-like yellow light wave flew backwards along a similar path.

"Oops, the most troublesome thing happened."

There was a thud in dry heart. The tornado wave snake ball is likely to be imitated by the opponent, but he did not expect Huadi to be used in such a clever place.


When he bullied himself forward and wanted to catch the ball, Kaoru Kaidō was faster than him.

Haitang's eyes were red, and he blocked the ball. There is a belief in his heart now that no matter what ball you play, I will fight it back for you.


He pressed his hands against the racket, allowing the horrible waves to shake his wrists.

"Uh ah ah~"

Haitangxun raised his hair and let out a roar.

Unlike the state where he had returned to the limit of forbearance, his arm is now approaching a certain limit.

Bang dong.

The tennis ball flew back high, and the racket in his hand fell to the ground.

Hai Tangxun clutched his arm and knelt down in pain.


Gan exclaimed.

Taking this opportunity, Shinobu didn't hesitate at all, facing the leaping back tennis ball, his body jumped up.


A blazing light beam pressed down.

"Ice Emperor scored, 30-30!"

Shinjin had no expression on his face after landing, and his silent eyes represented that he had also entered the state.

With the two doors open at the same time, he was able to avoid Gan Zhenzhi's prediction of his data to the greatest extent.

"Haitang, are you all right."

Gan Zhenzhi walked quickly to Haitang, who was holding his wrists and lowering his head. But found that the other party did not respond to any words he said.

"...I haven't lost yet...I can't fall yet..."

Like a demon whispering, a rustling voice was coming from his mouth.


Gan Zhenzhi's outstretched palm was slammed off by him.

Suddenly, Hai Tangxun suddenly let out a sneer.

"You guys who don't have, just let me tear them up!"

He raised his head and grinned White Fang.

On the opposite side of the court, Shinzu looked up a little strangely, even Huadi's eyes floated slightly.

I saw that Hai Tangxun had untied his green headscarf, his skin was dark red, and the hair that was released turned gray, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was full of bloodthirsty chills.

The sudden change surprised everyone.

Taocheng opened his eyes wide, as if they had met Haitangxun for the first time.

"Smelly Lion Majesty, entered again..."

He felt a little scared about the appearance of Hai Tang Xun.

"Unexpectedly, Qingxue's Hai Tang Xun also has this special physique."

"Demonization is not that easy to control."

Hearing the words of the mark, the shirt shook his head leisurely.

Haedang Kaoru had also been demonized when he was playing against Yanagi and Kirara before.

However, up to now, the only person who can truly demonize the Master and incorporate it into his own system is only Ajiuzin.

As for Li Haida's Kirara Chiya.

He has just been able to overcome the effects of demonization.

On the field.

Gan Zhenzhi was forced to take a step backwards by Haitangxun's momentum. His forehead was already full of nervous sweat. Under this state, Haitangxun was unstable.

"Senior Gan, hurry up and serve."

The slightly hoarse voice of Devil Haitang carried a special texture.

This completely different character made Qian Zhenzhi even more vigilant.

He returned to the backcourt.

In this situation, they have no retreat.



The attack on both sides began again.

And in a demonized state, Haitangxun changed his previous style of play.

All kinds of snake balls in his hands became weird and dangerous.


Forbearance and dodging sideways.

Suddenly, he felt a fierce energy slashing past his cheeks.

"Game, Youth Academy, 4-5!"

"Exchange venue."

Hearing the referee's voice, Hai Tangxun lowered his head and smacked his lips gently: "Tsk, it's a pity."

If the ball just hit Shinobu, then the game may be over sooner.

"Hehehe, this kind of game is what I want!"

He looked at Haitang and rubbed his eyebrows, and at the same time, he was thinking about eliminating the negative effects of demonization for Haitang as soon as possible.

There is a little restraint when it comes to doubles, but when it comes to singles.

have a rest.

Forbearance stood holding a tennis ball in the backcourt.

Although the opposite state is a bit tricky, it's not that he hasn't seen it before.



With the feet pressed, a serve from Don Huaise was shot from his hand.

In this game, he did not use the moves of other school players when he was in the state of no self. In other words, he did it deliberately.

"Hehehe, still want to use this trick against me?"

Haitang gave a strange laugh, his body left an afterimage on the spot.

In just a few steps, he actually rushed from the receiving line to the point of the tennis ball.

The racket was inserted fiercely and resolutely, and then he picked it up.


With a fierce topspin, the tennis ball shook sharply in the air, and then flew directly towards Huadi's face.

Huadi slightly turned sideways.


He raised his racket in a solid block.The tennis ball bounced back instantly, and the position was still on the other side of the border.

Just when Haitang was about to continue his actions, Qian from the side rushed forward first.


He fished his racket and hit the tennis ball back along a leaping straight line.

"The next ball is a slash shot back from Shinjuku."

Quickly judge in your heart.

In his eyes, the entire stadium turned into a grid of intertwined lines, continuously feeding him various information.

Step on!

The action of Demon Kaitang was not slow at all. As soon as the tennis sound rang, he ran towards the other side of the court.

For a time, the two of them took turns to fight back, and they actually maintained the situation steadily.


He swung his feet and hit the tennis ball back to his side.

And doing it is to seize the opportunity, a beautiful short shot in front of the net.







The scores of the two sides rose staggered, and the degree of anxiety was not weaker than the previous games.

"It's really troublesome."

Forbearance closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

The opponents had already been dragged down by them, but such a change took place.

Demonization does not mean that you can enter by entering, it needs a special emotion as a guide.

This particular emotion was actually caught by Hai Tang Xun when he thought he could crush the opponent's psychology in one fell swoop.

At that time, he asked Huadi to use the Wave Tornado Ball because of this consideration.

"Forget it, let you understand the gap with us more deeply."


Toss the ball upwards.


A brilliance completely different from before suddenly emerged from his body.

"I thought the opponent would be Li Haida."

He smiled in relief, and then the racket fell with a little bit of shining particles.


The simplest flat serve, but it's quick to make people feel astonished.

"Bingdi Academy, 30-30!"

This is……

In the stands, the spectators from other schools all opened their eyes, looking at the shining figure on the court.


Seeing the final burst of Jōnin's football on the stadium, Yukimura sighed slightly.

From this moment on, there was no suspense in this game, and Qingxue's last glimmer of hope was also stifled in the cradle by this brilliance.

Chitose Qianli's eyes were scorching, he didn't expect to endure foot a little bit faster than him, and took the lead to enter the next level.

After tens of seconds.


Forbearance is another standardized flat serve.

The brilliance of the tennis ball passed directly from under Haitangxun's crotch.

Even if he had entered the state of a demon, he couldn't break free from the spiritual oppression brought by this brilliance.

"Game, Ice Emperor Academy, 6-4!"

The referee's voice finally put an end to this very anxious doubles second match.

"Suffering this guy, he can really hold it back."

Trace Department snorted softly, then turned his head and glanced at Qingxue's reaction.

With two match points in their hands, they will soon bring even deeper despair to Qingxue.

For today's final, they were already preparing for the quarterfinals.

the last year.

He has the same idea as Shang Shan Yu, no matter who the final opponent is, they must win each other in a crushing manner.

Trace Department turned his head, and he also happened to see the look in the eyes of Jackie You looking back.

The promise made in the activity room two years ago is becoming reality step by step.

Yuu got up with a racket in his shirt.

On Qingxue's side, they all fell into the gray-white abyss at this moment.

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