
Echizen Ryoma called out softly, but he could not shake Tokugawa's determination.

Walking to the stand, Tokugawa Chuan raised his eyes and looked at the army team on the high ground.

His eyes were as deep as water, but at the deepest point they looked like a volcano about to erupt.

For this day to come, he has been preparing for two years.

Maybe his original idea was very naive, but no matter what, he would never fully approve of Byodoin Phoenix's idea. There must be a break between the two.

This situation and situation caused the eyes of the rest of the army to turn toward the court of equality. Even Jackie Yu, who had just returned from victory, looked at him with a little playfulness.

These two are the typical type of falling in love and killing each other.

Although the concept is a little out of sync, each other has already recognized the other's will.

Byodoin ignored the eyes of other people watching the show. He took a step forward and stepped on the steps of the stand in front of him with one foot.

"Very well, it seems that the past two years have not turned you into the same waste as those guys."

As soon as the Byodo-In Temple spoke, they scolded the players in the reserve court. Everyone was shocked, but they did not dare to stand up and refute.

Then, his voice changed, and his tone became more aggressive, "But who gave you the courage to make you dare to stand in front of me for the second time and say such things."

Domineering aura and pressure are coming.

The middle school students looked solemnly, because they also saw clearly at this time, the No.1 badge that was flipped slightly in the wind at the collar of the Byodo-In Temple.

The game on the shirt you just now was so amazing, so what kind of fierce and powerful strength will the strongest in the expeditionary army have?

Can this senior Tokugawa cope?

Just simply looking at the aura of the two of them, they are not at the same level.

Tokugawa Kazuya's eyes were calm, and he was not disturbed. Just stood proudly, staring at Byodoin.

"Haha...Since you have this consciousness, let me see your support."

At the moment when the overbearing voice fell, the situation suddenly changed.

Zi Zi Zi~

The surging electric current crackled.

A cloud of golden light with a strong sense of destruction emerged from the palm of Byodoin Temple.

"Go to hell!"

call out!

Byodoin Phoenix sipped in a low voice, and slammed his arm downwards seemingly casually.

This group of golden light mixed with destructive aura draws an elegant S-curve, and lasses towards Tokugawa Kazuya at the bottom of the stands. The powerful mental pressure has made many people pale.


Tokugawa's complexion changed slightly, and he raised his arms to a block. The turbulent air wave directly penetrated his racket, leaving a hole in the ground that was turned over by gravel.


The depressive aura behind Tokugawa was ups and downs, he raised his foot and took a step, pressing forward with his body, abruptly pushing the ball of light back.


Just like demolition, even the walls next to the stands are not immune.

The violent smoke and fine gravel directly drove the middle school students toward the rightmost court.

Here, there is the only game that hasn't ended yet.

"very good!"

Byodoin Phoenix glanced fiercely at Tokugawa, but then he didn't want to make a move anymore.

He put away the racket and said with a sneer: "Tomorrow morning I will be waiting for you on the original court. I hope you don't regret it."

After speaking, he put away his racket and glanced over the game on the rightmost court.

This game has already entered the tiebreaker.

The two of them seemed to be isolated from the world, no matter how loud they were, they didn't shake their determination to continue the game.

However, at this time, the conditions of Onobe and Irie looked very bad.

They were all gasping for breath, and sweat from their cheeks kept running down, soaking the clothes on their chests.


Another ball fell.

Trace Department ran for two steps, and then stopped in place. He supported his knees with both hands, only feeling the burning pain in his lungs, and his eyes became abnormally sore and swollen.

It's like reaching the limit...

He and Irie played more than seven games, but he almost forgot how much the score was already.

Anyway, after entering 6-6, they did not score two consecutive points in the opponent's hand.

200 balls or 300 balls?

Trace only felt that he was holding a breath in his heart. Even the frail predecessor Rujiang could compete with him to this level in the 7th game, so is he really at his limit?

Unfortunately, no one can answer this question for him.

There were a lot of Irrigian playing on the opposite side of the court, and a hint of cunning flashed across his eyes.

Atobe Keigo is like this now, and how similar he looked when he just entered U17 in his first year of high school and couldn't ask for it.

"Trace-kun, go ahead, the key to the evolution of eyesight, you are already the Master."


Into the river was a little "weak" and swung the ball heavily.

The speed of tennis is still very fast.


The trace on the opposite side didn't dare to neglect at all, he turned and chased after the tennis ball. This anxious scene, they seem to have repeated it many times.


The racket in his hand was swung down.

The gleam in the eyes of Mibu became cold, and the eyesight raised to Ultimate once again made it possible to see the reactions of Iriezaduo's body parts clearly.

"Freeze this uncle!"

Huhu, Huhu~

The cold wind was bitter, and the blizzard-like scene once again roared towards the opposite court.

Under this ball, he also briefly exhausted his stamina.

Just now, when he had two serving rights, he only scored one point. If Irietsu scored the first point in the round, then...

Click! !

However, at this moment, a crisp ice breaking sound rang from the opposite court. Suddenly, Irie Sudo's figure looked like a ghost, completely ignoring the shackles of the Obe Kingdom.

He seemed to have completely separated from the kingdom of ice and snow, and the racket in his hand was lightly cushioned under the tennis ball with an imperceptible glow.

After doing all this, he also seemed to have lost all his strength, staggered, and collapsed on the court unexpectedly.

The eyes of the two met in the air, and finally fell on the tennis ball that was slowly flying back.


Seeing the tennis ball hit the net.

After clenching his teeth, he must continue to press ahead to save the ball. However, just after he took two steps, his calf muscles twitched and his steps became weaker.

Moreover, the angle of the short shot of the river playing a lot is not bad, and it actually drifted downward at a faster speed with the help of the spin brought out by the wiper.

Da da da……

The line of sight in front of Jibu's eyes flickered, and the sound of these tennis balls hitting the ground seemed to fall in his heart.

"It seems that the winner is also on your side."

Shuji Tanajima was leaning on the stand after halftime on Irue Kata's side. He looked at Irue with a ridiculous smile in his eyes and said, "Your side, but the longest lasting of all games."

Neither of them paid attention to him on the court, and could only hear two unequal gasps.


He shook his head, and did not deliberately expose the old friend Rujiang. Turning around, he walked towards the first army team high in the stands. His current identity and stand were still the third position of the first army.

A shuffle game triggered by a shuffle game.

But it left a deep mark in everyone's hearts.

Tonight, it is destined to be another sleepless night.

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