Net King’s Beginning With Breathing Method

Chapter 59: Advancing to the Finals

"At the start of the game, the Ice Emperor Academy will endure the foot and serve to the Hiyakeren."

Shinzu, who was guarding the backcourt, tapped twice on the tennis ball.


The tennis ball soared, Shinji's shoulders shrugged slightly, and his feet slammed into the pad. The tight waist exerted force, driving his elbows, swinging the racket, and hitting the tennis ball in the air.

Synergize the whole body.

Enduring one of a thousand different skills.

With a strong air current in the air, the tennis ball hit the right half of the six-corner duo.

"Good coming!"

Faced with a terrifying ball, Hexagonal Araki's expression didn't panic at all.


Just moving one step to the right, his arms stretched out with all his strength, with the super-length racket, Kabuto easily managed this powerful serve.


Tennis reflexes, the speed is not slower than tolerant serve.


With a slight downward spin, directly hit the center line.

"No traffic here!"

Xiang Ri chuckled, a dexterous jump stopped the ball in front of him. At the same time, his left hand made a signal behind the opponent's unnoticed.

Signal tactics!

A special tactic learned from Yamabuki doubles, which can effectively grasp the initiative of the court when the opponent is not aware.

Sure enough, Mukai intercepted Sada, who had no hexagon in front of the net, and returned the ball in the face of a tricky stunt, but was still blocked by his wooden racket.


With a crisp sound of hitting the ball, the tennis ball was slammed to the near corner of the right hand, which revealed the vacancy of Sun.


The corners of the two hexagonal mouths are slightly bent, and their special rackets are also quite effective against this kind of super shot.

"You got fooled~"

Xiangri, who was squatting on the ground, narrowed his eyes. How could he commit such a simple mistake.

Behind him, Shinozu was like a ghost, piercing through it in an instant, almost in sync with the tennis ball, and the ball was ushered in the Shinjuku racket as soon as it hits the ground.


The racket is upright and pulled upward. A straight bottom corner kicked out.


A pale yellow light flashed, and a white ball mark was accurately left on the boundary of the hexagonal bottom line.


"Fast speed!"

With a hint of shock, Sada and Araki looked at each other. In the eyes of the two of them just now, Shinobi had suddenly moved to the right side of the court, and they couldn't react at all.

As expected to be the Ice Emperor, the two of them looked solemn and dared not to be careless.

This side.

Shinobi's mouth bends slightly, and after seeing the movement of the fingers behind Xiangri, he kicks the ball again...


Outside the court, Hexagon's father turned his head slightly, opened his eyes, and in an instant there was a hint of clarity in his heart.

"The posterity is terrible..."

He knew that there were only two first-year players on the opposite ice emperor.



You come and go on the field, and when the ice emperor takes the next game first, Hexagon also kept his serve.

The score is 1-1.

"Senior Araki, senior Sada, come on!" Saeki cheered for his senior on the sidelines.

Being able to stabilize the situation from the powerful Ice Emperor, in his view now, the seniors are not without the possibility of winning. After all, with the racquet made by the father himself, even if the opponent is strong, they have the confidence to beat a game.

"Don't be careless, Saeki~"

Sheng Zhigang, the current minister of Rokkaku, reminded that although Saeki is a good newcomer, sometimes his eyes are too one-sided.

"Director, what's the matter?" Saeki Toujiro was puzzled.

"Araki and Sada's physical exertion is too abnormal."

Sheng Zhigang lightly pointed his finger, and he could clearly see that the forehead of the six-corner duo was beginning to sweat, and a small piece of clothing on his back was also soaked.

"how come!?"

Saeki's heart was shocked, but he knew how hard the predecessors were in training. By practicing sprinting on the sand track, he developed a not-so-weak physical strength. Now it turns out to be...

"It's the reason for the counterattack~"

At this moment, a feminine voice sounded not far away from the two of them.

At the beginning of Guanyue, he fiddled with the hair on his forehead, with an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You are?"

Sheng Zhigang frowned, looking at the uninvited guest who broke into his team's area.

"I am the beginning of the moon watching of Saint Rudolph. Didn't you just curious about the ice emperor's method? I can tell you the answer~"

Guanyue smiled slightly, seemingly confident in the next conversation.

"No, if it's okay, please leave."

Sheng Zhigang looked cold and winked at his side. In an instant, the other two tall hex players stopped in front of Guanyuechu.


At the beginning of the month, the complacent smile instantly stiffened on his face.

"Hmph~ you deserve to lose to the Ice Emperor!"

Leaving such a sentence as a vent of anger, Guanyue hurriedly left the hexagonal position.

"Senior, why just now..."

Zoe looked at the minister who was angry just now, and was a little puzzled. It seemed that Saint Rudolph wanted to provide information.

"Saiki, what is the spirit of our hexagonal tennis?"

Sheng Zhigang asked an unrelated question. Then, without waiting for Saeki's answer, he raised his voice slightly and replied by himself: "What Dad taught us is to play tennis happily. We must be open regardless of whether we win or lose."


He pointed his finger.

"Although Araki and Sada are at a disadvantage under the opponent's moves, they will not be confused and will not give up, because everyone in our hexagon will enjoy every game they play."

"Sorry, senior!"

Saeki looked ashamed and lowered his head to apologize for his previous thoughts.

"It doesn't matter if you lose, just try to win it back later. I hope some guys who are ill-intentioned, such a victory is not what we want." Sheng Zhigang slowed down and said softly. Saeki is the next mainstay of their tennis club, and he doesn't want them to make detours in the future.

Was that Saint Rudolph's moonwatcher so kind at the beginning of the month? He had gone through several national competitions with his predecessors, and he had already understood the gloom and danger in his heart.

This small incident did not attract the attention of others, except that the expression on the face of the moon watching outside the court was a bit ugly.

After losing to the Ice Emperor, he carefully studied the information of the various players of the Ice Emperor. Originally, he wanted to cooperate with the ice Emperor's biggest opponent Li Haida, but Li Haida didn't pay him any attention. He was so angry that he ran to Hexagon again today, but he didn't expect to be treated the same.

He couldn't figure it out a bit. If Li Haida is confident, then why is Hexagon?


On the field.

Ninzu and Xiangri, who have been implementing the tactics, are becoming more and more tacitly coordinated. On the other hand, after the six-corner duo struggled to resist a few rounds, they were gradually torn apart by Ninzu.



With Xiang Ri Yueren's difficult high-altitude stunt smash, Bingdi won the doubles second match.

"Game, Ice Emperor Academy Ninzu Yushi, Xiangriyueren, 6-2"

"The game is over, Bingdi leads 1-0!"

In the referee's announcement, the two teams shook hands.

Looking at the slightly trembling right wrist of the Rokkaku duo, he held his feet and smiled at Xiangri.

The tactics worked!

In the analysis behind the top, although the hexagonal racket is a sharp weapon, whether it is an attack range, a defensive range or a return power ball is very good, but the too long racket has stricter requirements on the wrist and arm.

Every return shot requires stronger power or rotation than normal shots. This has become a weakness that can be exploited.

Under the forbearance of thousands of skills, all kinds of hidden tricks are essentially used to continuously consume the opponent's wrist and physical strength.

So even from the third game, it doesn't matter if the opponent sees through the cipher tactics, because this is just a cover from the beginning.


After a short break, the first doubles match officially started.

I don't know what Hexagon daddy and the players ordered, but he played extra cautiously in this game.

Not only was the score bitter, it even dragged the game into a tiebreaker.

Fortunately, Shinkai Kai and Yuji Sakamoto after special training, physical strength is not shortcomings, and ultimately won 7-6.


After the scene, the two of them no longer control their breathing rhythm, and gasped for breath.

This is the first time the two have played so hard since they formed a doubles. It is worthy of being the first double of a six-pointer. With the blessing of the special racket, the gap with the ice emperor duo has been infinitely smoothed.

"It almost dragged the team back." The two looked at each other and sighed slightly in their hearts.

The next opponents will only get stronger and stronger. From the finals to the national competition next month, every game will be a test.


In singles three, the ice emperor played on top of Yuu. Hexagon has no chance.

Under Saeki's shocked expression, Yuu Yuu's clean and neat 6-0 dealt with Minister Moriji of Rokkaku, even if he is also a top-notch player in Kanto.

"The game is over, Bingdi Academy won, with a total score of 3-0!"

During the broadcast, the referee's voice sounded, completely announcing that Bingdi had won.

This game also let everyone watching the game once again see the strength of the ice emperor. Even the national level Hexagon failed to score a point in the hands of Ice Emperor.


at the same time.

On the other side of the court, Shinichiro Sanada made another quick swing of the racket.


"Game, Shinichiro Sanada, High School Affiliated to Tachikai University, 6-0"

"At the end of the game, the High School Affiliated to Lihai University won, with a total score of 3-0!"

It was also 3-0, Sanada didn't keep a bit of his hands, and he abused Yamabuki's super rookie Chiyoshi Kiyoshi.

With a difference of only five minutes, both teams advanced to the finals of the Kanto Contest at the same time.

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