"Hey... I don't know if it's right or wrong."

Watching the shirt Yu leave from him, the eyes of the old companion who had been squinting opened slightly. From the news from U17, he knew that the tide of this era had begun to change.

"Ajutsu, go find your own way..."

Thinking of the jealous little guy who hurt the physical education teacher, the old man smiled in his heart. Originally, he was going to act as a guide for Ajutsu, but... it's okay now.

"After all, Yamabuki can't give Akutsu the stage for the dragon to take off..."

A sigh revealed his helplessness.

After getting the information and address of Ajujin, Shangshangyu didn't stay much, and went directly to his house.

After doing a few subway stops and detouring for a while, Yushang Yu found a place for Ajujin in a small street.

It seems that this apartment is not too new, and the floor is only five floors. Tsung Yuu went upstairs and rang the doorbell directly at the door of 401.


After a crackling sound, a nice female voice came from the room.


Opening the door, Akuzu Yuuki looked at the boy outside the door a bit dumbfounded.

"You are?"

A trace of doubt emerged in his mind. He didn't seem to know the boy in front of him, nor was he like the neighbor next to him.

"Well, hello, Aunt Yuuki, I'm taking the liberty to interrupt. My name is Shangshan Yu. I am a friend of Akutsu's classmate. This time I came to look for him..."

Jackie Yu is very thick-skinned, even though she has never met Ajutsu, she still said this cheeky.

"Huh? Are you Aren's friend, cough cough... and don't call me auntie, just call me Miss Yuuki."

A look of surprise appeared on Akuzu Yuuki's face first, and then he coughed twice and corrected the name of Top Yuu.

"That Yu, Yuuki-san seems to have something smeared."

Yuu Yuu's nose moved, and it was obvious that Akuzu Yuuki was still cooking in the kitchen.


With a soft cry, she quickly turned around and rushed into the kitchen.

After a few minutes.

"Sorry, it's rude."

Kneeling and sitting in front of the cafe, Akuzu Yuuki's face became a little hot, and he was ashamed in front of Aren.

"Yuki...Ms. Yuuki, when does Akutsu usually come back."

Seeing that there was no movement in the room, Shun Yuu asked directly.

"As for Aren, he usually won't get home until six o'clock. That Yu-kun... Did Aren get into trouble at school again..."

There was a trace of worry in Yuuki's eyes, and she could see it at this time too. It seemed that Yuu Yuu's expression and behavior should not be particularly familiar to Akuzu.

If this is the case...then Shangshan Yu came to the house specially, there is only one possibility, Ajutsu was fighting again at school...

Thinking of this, her eyes darkened unconsciously.

"Um, Ms. Yuuki, Akutsu-san didn't fight, but I do have something to talk to you this time."

Seeing that the situation was not right, Shang Xian Yu quickly explained that if the other side cried, he would really have a big head.

"Hey~Is that so..."

Yuuki's face changed quickly and her expression became serious.

"Then this little gentleman, what question is going to ask about Aren."

Akuzu Yuuki calmed down in an instant, and even changed his name to Yuu Yu.


It took ten minutes before Jackie Yu explained his purpose to the other side.

"So... do you mean you want Aren to transfer to Bingdi Academy to play tennis?"

A trace of distress appeared on Akuzu Yuuki's face. After entering junior high school, Ajujin took charge of all these matters. Even the previous touches will never let her touch again.

"Yes, Yajujin has the qualities to become the world's top athletes, and you also know tennis..."

Jung Yuu nodded affirming that the world's attention to tennis is terrifying, and it can be said with certainty that it is definitely ranked first in all kinds of sports. Almost all of the top tennis players are big stars.

Whether there was any falsehood in Yushang Yu's words, Akuzu Yuuki could also hear the truth. She had been working hard before and had not thought about Akuzu's future.

"Thank you, Yu-kun, I will pass on your words to Aren."

Yuuki thanked her sincerely. She knows Aju Jinren's excellence very well, but at the same time she can be affirmed by other people, and she is happier as a mother.

"Ms. Yuuki, it's getting late, so I'll leave first. If you have any difficulties later, you can also find me."

After leaving a contact information, Shang Xian Yu still made a promise. If Yajujin wants to come to the Ice Emperor later, it may be difficult to reach the one in front of him for some expenses.

Akutsu Yuuki's face was slightly embarrassed, he understood the meaning of Yuu Yuu. Did not refuse, just silently accepted this note. She will continue to work hard to make money for Aren.


She declined the invitation to stay for dinner, and Shan Yu directly prepared to leave.

However, just as he went downstairs, he ran into a guy who surprised him at the top of the stairs on the third floor.

With his hands in his trouser pockets, his hair dyed silver-gray turned back towards his head, and his light yellow eyes contained a sharp aura. Everyone knew that this hanging appearance was a bad thing.

He smiled at Agu Jinren, who was walking up from the bottom, and passed him by Yuu Yuu with the ball bag on his back.

whispering sound……

Ajutsu paused, his eyes squinting aggressively at the shirt Yuu who walked past him.

"I guess it's a new student."

Ajutsu just remembered the face of Yuu Yuu in his heart.

The two were speechless, but when they waited for the shirt to walk to the end.

"By the way, Classmate Ajutsu, I'll wait for you downstairs for fifteen minutes..." Shang Xian Yu's voice was not loud, but it echoed through the corridor.

Suddenly, Ajiuzin felt his heart shrink sharply, ignoring the shirt Yu under the stairs, and ran upstairs with a few large strides under his feet.

Shang Shan Yu smiled in his heart: "This is Akutsu..."

Below the apartment.

Jackie Yu is here silently counting the time. Sure enough, only eight minutes later, Ajutsu rushed downstairs with an angry look.


Jackie Yu only felt a gust of wind, and a pair of big hands had firmly grasped his collar.

"Are you looking for death?"

Raising a hand to make a fist, he squeezed out from between Ajutsu's teeth with horrible murderous words.

The most important person in his heart is his stupid mother, Yuu Yuu's behavior today touched his negative scales.

"Do you want Aunt Yuuki to live like this for a lifetime?"

A simple sentence interrupted Akutsu's movement.

"Your talent and your self-esteem are useless in life now, aren't they? Ajiu Jinren!"

A cold voice was spit out from the shirt You's mouth. After such a long time, Miss Yuuki should have explained everything to Akuzu. Now his appearance is just a false fire afterwards.

"Damn it, don't order me!"

As if being poked to a painful point, Ajiujin's fist closed for three points, still bringing a gust of fist wind to hit the shirt Yuu's face.

"Yes... I really like to slap my face."

Faced with Akutsu's attack, Yushang Yuu still thought of the hapless Shido Ryo inexplicably.


The arm was rolled along Ajitsu's armpit, and the shirt turned around flexibly, clamping Ajitsu's arm that was about to throw a fist.


Then his knees bend, and Akutsu's body squatted on the ground where Yu Yu's shirt was backhanded.

"Also... I forgot to tell you, you are not my opponent in the fight."

With a slight chuckle, Tsong Yuu pressed one knee on Ajiujin's back like this.


Ajiujin's eyes congested rapidly, and a huge sense of humiliation came. He was determined to make the bastard in front of him pay the price!

"Okay, stop playing~ Come with me!"

A few seconds later, Yu Yu's hands suddenly loosened, and Akutsu rolled away, then stood up and bowed, and then attacked Yu Yu like a cheetah.


Suddenly, Ajiuzin only felt a gust of wind hit, and under the instinct of the beast, he only felt a terrifying sharp aura hit his throat.


Ajutsu's leg muscles contracted, and he stopped suddenly, crossed his hands and covered the entire neck and head with his arms.

However, the expected slash did not come.

"Say, stop playing, keep up."

Bang bang bang~

Jackie Yu patted Akuzu on the arm with a tennis racket, and then threw it at him.

After Akutsu recovered from his palpitations, he subconsciously caught the tennis racket that Yuu Yu had thrown over.

"This person... made him feel the feeling of death."

Looking at the back of the shirt Yuu walking in front of him, Ajutsu's pale yellow eyes still did not relax, and his right hand tightly grasped the racket that Yu Yu had thrown over.

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