Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 999: Emergency visit

The embarrassing and boring banquet was still going on, and the Grand Duke Oakles was still drinking and eating meat without any image. He did not even realize that the beautiful maid in his arms had become a corpse, while the others were standing. The banquet waiter who served as the background as a background can only turn a blind eye to the gloomy and **** atmosphere. On the table made of devil bones, in fact, only Ganatika has been eating fruit with a dull expression. Just do it.

However, in the weird traditional atmosphere of "all things must be poured with a cup of virgin blood" in **** dishes, only the sweet and spicy dried fruits are considered to be the taste of the young Avengers...

"How long will I stay in this ghost place? The smell of the law of chaos is about to turn into an ordinary atmosphere and I am adapted to it............ Have I forgotten something? My memory is very clear, but what have I forgotten? What?"

She shook her head helplessly, and Ganatika even uttered what was in her heart.

Perhaps it was because of being close to the abyss for too long and too long. Now he always feels that his mood is very depressed, and his brain is as unconscious as a curtain. The passion for fighting has long since disappeared, replaced by... only this one is left. With a confused numbness.

"I must have forgotten something. I forgot very important and important things, but I really can't remember..."

In the end, the young warrior with the title of "Avenger" could only silently shook his head and gave up this extremely fearful question.

His way to fight against the erosion of madness and chaos is to empty his brain and not think about anything. If things go on like this, let alone the specific effect, at least Ganatika feels that his troubles are much less than the time when the **** battle started. Up.



The noisy and silent dinner party did not last forever, just as nothing is eternal in the legendary world... In fact, this repressive and absurd banquet has not been halfway, and Ganati has not had time to eat. With a whole portion of dried fruits, accompanied by the sound of the palace gate opening, the elegant and hideous music was suddenly interrupted by the cold wind blowing in from the gate.

Amidst the tossing blood-red dust, a petite figure in a hood and robe had walked briskly across the dark corridor.

"Oakris, pack up things immediately, hurry up with me now, we must leave **** immediately"!

The decisive statement reverberated throughout the palace with the crisp sound of the leather boots hitting the floor, and the melodious and gloomy music was instantly quieted in the whistling of the cold wind.

"Sister... Sister? Why did you come here? Leaving hell? Did something happen?"?

Some eyes dimly looked at the graceful figure of the girl at the door. Oakles, who was sitting on the throne, recognized his sister "Candy Merchant" Mimibezi at a glance. At this moment, even the devil's grand prince last second He was still in a state of dim sleepy eyes and incomparably confused, but when the cold wind mixed with dust covered the scarlet carpet, Oakris, who had crushed the cup in his hand, still slammed his eyes wide and woke up for the first time.

Of course, while waking up for a short while, he didn't forget to wave his palm vigorously and immediately shook out a terrifying cloud.

In less than one hundredth of a second, the pale red mist of the law swept along the blast wind and filled the hall of the palace. The poor waitresses only came and opened their eyes in horror with painful expressions. Under the erosion of the legendary blood mist, the blood plasma turned into a cloud of scarlet and burst out.

So far, the cheerful and depressing banquet time is finally over. The viscous blood has spilled over the floor made of white bones, and the strong smell of blood has finally covered up the last hint of alcohol. The atmosphere is warm. The hall of the palace fell silent instantly as if the pause button was pressed, and only the young "guests" remained casually picking dried fruits............

"What the **** is going on? My dear sister, is it the old immortal group of idiots in the Council who have discovered the anomaly on the battlefield of Bellesius?"

"No, but it's almost there... The multiverse is about to cause big things, and the **** battlefield can't stay... And then, there will be no "foreign aid" to help you fight."

Ignoring Ganatika, who was still sitting on the left side of the long banquet table chewing dried fruit, Mimibez, who was nervously questioning her brother, raised her head seriously and lifted her hood. After the gloomy lights went out, that An emerald green long and determined and eager scarlet hot eyes seemed too out of place at the hazy banquet, and her words were also full of deep anxiety and worry.

However, after hearing his sister's low-voiced explanation, the Devil Grand Duke, who collapsed on the throne again, suddenly became much more relaxed than the anxious "Candy Merchant".

I saw him pick up another piece of more oily meat and discharge it into the inlet while releasing his mental power and slowly asking:

"Sure enough... has this day arrived? It seems that the rumors are true that the incredible legendary spellcaster "Destroy Whispers" has really been promoted to Morningstar? Then he must have looked down on the "old stingy" of the Hell Council. The rewards we set up, right? Forget That’s it, it doesn’t matter... I know how dangerous my soul is now, I have tried my I can think of all the methods, but the problem on my body is really an incurable problem. I don’t want to avoid it. If the old **** in the council want to study my soul, they can do it. Maybe they can still think. Do a little bit to keep my sanity"............

After suffering the devastation and sinking of the spiritual level, Oakleys today has obviously changed and different from his personality tens of thousands of years ago. Now this big devil who relies on legendary spirits and psychological qualities to imply anesthesia seems completely Trapped in a state of misery and desperation, he now seems to want to enjoy a few more luxurious banquets, compared to continuing to survive and eventually becoming a crazy beast, who values ​​dignity and glory.

Even if his most important sister came to visit, Oakris still didn't seem to be sober.

Maybe in his opinion, if you die quickly, don't drag down your promising sister is the ideal choice right now?


Facing the small businessman who didn't say a word, Oakley didn't have a chance to finish.

Because he hadn't waited until he swallowed the big chunk of meat in his mouth, a bright orange brilliance like sparks suddenly shattered the dim mist and burst into bloom.

And almost at the same moment when the Devil Grand Duke raised his head, a petite fist already carried the horrible kinetic energy of several times the light and blasted towards the pale face.


In an instant, the entire scarlet palace was shattered and burst under the fierce law impact!


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