Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1000: Time difference

"I understand. Now that the emotion of Ms. "Phantom Mirror" has been confirmed, then I naturally don't need to doubt your judgment... This means that the extra task this time is to use this person infected with "Soul" plague "little girl" as a weapon"?

After receiving the promise of the "chairman", Punk naturally had no reason to be more suspicious, and after Kane's exaggerated explanation just now, he also knew the causes and consequences of the whole thing. ◢Щщш.sUimEnG.lā

Therefore, it is not difficult to guess based on the information that has already been obtained, the reason why the "guild leader" summoned all the two Morningstar professionals that he can dispatch with great fanfare is definitely not only to clean up an inadvertently exposed ordinary Legendary traitor, what is the purpose of the Throne of the Sun under the current tension? How would he use a "little girl" who has been instigated?

Secretly analyzing, punk has faintly guessed.

And there is no need for him to continue to ask questions, the resolute "chairman" immediately spoke out and explained

"You’re right, we are going to use this accidentally exposed lady spy to calculate Mr. Messoul who is hiding behind the tower without seeing the sun. Our code name for this extra mission is "Ambush Sting". And our hunting target is the only loyal subordinate of the "Division" at the Morningstar level-"Sky Shard" Belein-Nika"!

Sure enough, the plan of the "chairman" is the same as punk's guess. He was obviously going to cut off Messoul's important arm before all the storms poured into the stage, and the first action of the "chairman" was to make that Mr. Bellein, who was known as "Meswuer's most loyal running dog", fell silently.

You know, in this embarrassing era where almost all legendary members of the Mage Guild are like scattered sand, and Messul’s name is "the supreme leader". In fact, even an ordinary legendary subordinate can't be mobilized. One can help him handle many high-end things. The loyal subordinates of the Morningstar level are absolutely very important and valuable. In the plan of the "teacher", the "Shard of the Sky", which has been acting quietly recently, is bound to have an indispensable task.

But it is a pity that, because of a simple and ridiculous and natural "accident", this ancient Morningstar professional with a life course may become a stepping stone for the "executors" to destroy the conspiracy of the wizard guild!


"Our plan is very simple. After all, no matter how "destiny" is to help us, there will always be many things that will develop more easily and smoothly than expected... Wait until you see Ms. Phantom Mirror again At the time, Mr. "Instant Kill Gun", who is good at acting, will ask her to pretend to be exposed and run away for help, and faced with the fact that "teacher" Messoul is hiding in the magic tower and refuses to dispatch, her target for help Naturally, it can only be another brainwashing product of the "Legend Training Plan" resident on the plane of Faerun-Mr. "Sky Splinter". Belin, who received the signal for help during the introduction, will go to the "Phantom Mirror" "The coordinate location designated by the lady is ready to respond, and "Destroy Whisper" you and Mr. "Simultaneous Kill Gun" only need to wait patiently there."

The simple plan without any twists and turns was clearly stated by the "guildmaster", and an action to ambush a Morningstar-level professional had been designated during the conversation.

Fundamentally explained, this plan is to use the "phantom mirror" as a bait to force the "split of the sky" to go to danger. The bond of trust between Dia and Belin will be the key to the success of this insidious strategy.

It's just that... After frowning slightly, the prudent Morning Star Mage still asked bluntly without doubt.

The plan of your "President" is naturally exhaustive... But I still have some questions and hope to get answers-for example, is Mr. Belin really that easy to be fooled as a Morningstar professional? Will Messoul, who is currently on the plane of Faerun, get news first to "counter ambush"? Of course, I am not questioning the practical nature of this plan, I am just a little curious about the answers to these two questions."

Neither humble nor arrogant uttered his doubts, and the expressionless caster continued to stand beside the round platform and waited for the answer from the Crown of the Sun.

Faced with the cautious problem of his subordinates, the "chairman" who does not like to be alone and arbitrary, of course, also patiently explained

"The bond of trust is the most difficult and easiest thing to establish between intelligent creatures. In this dark world, it is natural for anyone to doubt the level of trust between two legendary professionals. But this time you don’t need to worry, because for a guy who has been thoroughly brainwashed, many trusts do not require conditions and verification-since Belinneka will inevitably trust his "master" Messoul unconditionally "Then, what reason does the "Miss Spy" trusted by his master be suspected by him? Even from my familiarity with Messoul, I can guess that the "teacher" Mr. Tenzhi once told his subordinates that "need to reach out in time to help his companions" order, after having such a sufficient and necessary premise "Mr. "Sky Shard" has no reason to ignore Ms. "Phantom Mirror"'s request for help."

Seriously narrating the basis of his actions, the tone of the "chairman" is still melodious and deep.

But for the two “spectators”, receiving the gloomy mental power fluctuations is like facing a killer lurking in the shadows. Although the blade has approached silently, the cold light still disappears. Trace.

It is conceivable that this sharp dagger will pierce the fragile throat of the opponent without much time and waiting!

"...In addition to Just as you don’t need to doubt Mr. Belein’s carelessness, you also don’t need to underestimate Messoul’s caution-that guy is for his top secret The plan is not to be leaked, but seven hundred layers of Yaori-level anti-detection enchants have been installed on a simple communication channel. Now even I can’t use any means to get from the rude but effective "secret communication" Eavesdropping on the news. But as a price... the signal that could be transmitted across the multiverse in an instant has also become slow to the extreme due to the drag of too many Yaori-level anti-detection levels. Now Messoul’s subordinates think It would take at least five minutes to send any message to him. In order to rescue his companions in the legendary race against time, Mr. Bellein certainly couldn’t wait for ten full minutes until he received the "teacher". Take action after the opinions

"...So the only option for "Sky Shard" is to send a signal and immediately go to the battlefield to start rescue. It only takes up to five or six seconds to reach a remote corner of the multiverse at the speed of his legendary mage. It takes more than five minutes for Ur to receive the notification sent by his subordinates, so that we can make a time difference"!

After understanding the meaning of "guildmaster" in an instant, punk also quickly figured out the key core of "Ambush Sting" that he needed most attention to.

Time difference!


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