Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1018: The Battle of the Morning Star (4) Fall

There are three waves of "Trace of Light" attacks. After the three waves of the deep black tide sweeping the earth and the sky like a huge wave, the powerful morning star magic will slowly dissipate silently. By this time, all the spaces, laws, and matter flooded by the wave will be decomposed and extinguished, and the light in the entire area will be extinguished and dim due to the demise of the light element...

It is precisely because of such an astonishingly powerful destructive power that this morning star's ultimate move that uses the law of dissociation to attack is named "Trace of Light"!

However, although the power is very powerful, in the strict sense, the "trace of light" that exists as a "mass destruction" spell does not spread to too wide a range, and its effective killing area is actually much smaller than the average. Range-killing legendary spells. This is because Morningstar's control over the laws has been able to achieve extreme precision and energy hits. The greatly reduced kill range represents more deadly high-intensity damage and more difficult to avoid super Fast attack speed. ~~щww~suimеng~lā

So after the dark waves that extinguished the brilliance and dissociated the earth, the area destroyed by the "trace of light" was only a whole deciduous forest sea and a few surrounding mountains. Now the sky is obscured. Since the dark black law tide no longer exists, the area swept by Morning Star's ultimate move naturally only has a deep pothole to replace the original flat ground.

This is a super deep pit that has been eroded to the rocky layer of the Faerun Plane. If the "surface" is taken as the sea level, the depth of the entire pit can reach a depth of three to four million meters.

In fact, under the turbulent destruction of the waves for more than ten seconds, the ordinary plane has long been eroded by the terrifying liquid "dissociation" law, and a huge hole through the plane has been eroded, and only the plane of Faerun serves The weird creations that have undergone the transformation of the Great Austrian Masters of the Netheril era can withstand the ravages and destruction of the Morning Star spells with a weird "rock layer".

It is precisely because of the existence of this peculiar layer of rock that even if the attack released by punk is enough to fragment most ordinary planes in the multiverse, the mysterious plane of Faerun will not appear because of the "small" Morningstar's ultimate move. Large-scale disasters such as plate rupture.

Of course, for the battle between the two Morningstar professionals, it doesn’t matter how solid their battlefields are. The solidity of the plane of Faerun does not allow the unfortunate professionals bombarded by Morningstar spells to escape, such as in the deep Among the super giant pits, the dying Mr. "Sky Splinter" was already lying on the bottom of the cold rock pit and completely lost his fighting ability.

Yes, it only needs a morning star killer move to hit the enemy head-on, and a punk with a caster level of forty-two can instantly defeat the Morningstar mage "Belein-Nika" who has reached level forty-five across three professional levels. Legendary killer moves, Morningstar killer moves, and future Huiyue killer moves are such unreasonable things. If there is no equivalent means to counterattack or defend, the enemy can only run away in the face of such a terrifying “killer”. If for some reason he can't quickly escape the kill range of the enemy's killer's mace............then the future of the fall may be coming like a thunder.

And at this moment, at noon when the brilliance of Mira and Chicasa still shines on the earth casually, on this battlefield that was once called the "deciduous woodland" and should now be called the "bottomless pit", The dying Belein will embrace his fallen future, because after being bombarded by three waves of "tracers" from the front, all the defensive spells he possessed have been completely destroyed, and his soul has been too much. Serious erosion.

Now the "sky shards" with their limbs twisted and scorched and lying on the bare dark gray rocky ground are as fragile, weak and vulnerable as charcoal burned by a fire!

"You are defeated, Mr. Neka, are you ready to meet your destiny?"

Holding a pale scepter in hand, stepping cautiously on the icy rocky ground, punk's dark golden pupils stared at the immovable prey.

Although the large amount of mana suddenly consumed when the Morning Star spell was released made "Destroy Whisper" feel a little uncomfortable, he would not express this feeling in front of the enemy.

Even if this so-called "enemy" is about to become a "dead man"...

So far, the entire fighting time has only passed for less than five seconds. Sufficient preparation and Bellein's weakness made the hunt of the two "hunters" seem extremely smooth, and the poor "Sky Shard" did not escape the caster at all. By all calculations, he had reached the brink of death without even a decent counterattack, and the fruits of victory were so close at hand.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, this idiot is not enough to fight, five minutes? What's the point of him not being able to hold on for five seconds? We even have time to dance around his corpse, celebrate, then evacuate calmly... ………Tsk tusk tusk, the limelight is all let others out, this uncle is not full of fun at all"!

Immediately after the punk landed not far from the "split of sky", Kane, who looked a little embarrassed, also yelled bad words while carefully watching the charred "corpse" in the distance.

Although punk deliberately controlled the aftermath of the "trace of light" and the crazy knight's evacuation speed was amazing, he still consumed a lot of fighting energy to resist the large amount of dissociation law, this kind of "humiliating" The situation has made Kane's face look much uglier than usual.

However, even if the heart is unhappy, the ridicule of the "Instant Kill Gun" on the enemy is still carried out from a distance.

Because although Bellein seems to be dying and can't move a, neither "Destroy Whisper" or "Instant Kill Gun" will not relax their vigilance, after all, they can be clear. Perceiving that there is still a weak consciousness in the "split of sky" in front of him, no one can guarantee at this time whether he will prepare any terrible means of death and wait for the enemy to come forward.

In order to avoid such troubles from happening, the punk standing on the edge of the pit has already begun to prepare for the second powerful "Trace of Light" spell. He doesn't like to leave any chance to his enemies. Smashing a Morningstar killer is the safest way to "end".

"Making a fuss"? No, this is prudence!

And this is the prudent summed up by the lives of many legendary seniors in the era of Netheril!

It doesn't take much time, and a new "trace of light" spell has been formed again in the hands of punk.

"Any last words, sad guy."

After aiming the pitch-black light group that suppressed the fluctuations of terrifying energy at the charred "corpse", the cold questioning of punk was purely to divert the enemy's attention.

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