Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1022: distance

After the Ganatika incident was quickly handled, the remaining trouble was about the construction butler, and for this alchemy golem that he made more than 100,000 years ago and has worked loyally to this day, Punk's approach is still simple and clear. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

He just quietly gave an order to the old butler:

"Sebastian, after conveying this news to Ganatica, you must go to the magic remnant processing area and enter the standby state and stop all functions. As for after that... it's none of your business. Up"!

The quiet ancient tower is silent and deep, the metal stone bricks are bright and shiny, the ancient vacuum withstands the decadent sunshine looking around, and the teams quietly tell the time....

"Dear Mr. "Destroy Whispers", is my work going to end here?"

After hearing this simple and clear command from punk, it seemed to be much more emotional than when it left the factory. It was just a little stunned, except for the simple arms wrapped in metal skin. Except for a slight sway in the shadow of his rickety body, his reaction was not too surprised.

The so-called concept of resistance or refutation never exists.

Even if he has acquired many emotions that shouldn't exist in his work and life for more than 100,000 years, the loyalty of the old housekeeper is still so natural.

So after an almost instinctive question, he didn't need his master to reply, and then Sebastian bowed heavily and accepted the "last order".

Under the soft sunlight, the stiff and heavy construction butler maintained his constant respectful tone and continued:

"Sebastian has accepted the order, and my work is about to come to an end. The completion of the final task will be my final mission... 167,436 years, nine months and nine days. It is a great honor to work for you in three hours, five minutes and forty-two seconds, the great Morningstar spellcaster, Mr. "Destroy Whisper"...Finally, please allow me to make my own claim to leave my Morris jade fruit in the database. Tea brewing skills, I hope the next successor can learn this technique and brew tea to your satisfaction..."

The lonely figure was slender and slender in the setting sun, and the butler uniform that had lost its original color looked pale and old, although at this moment the busy Master Chenxing had already turned and stepped into the closed laboratory. The old butler finally The words of punk may not have been heard at all, but even if it is destined to perform the mission for the last time, Sebastian will still send the caster away as if he was just born on the experimental platform, and then walked through him and cleaned more than ten Wannian metal corridor, to perform the last duty.

Yes, punk has been promoted to Morningstar, the magic tower is going to be refurbished, and the low-level old machines must be eliminated. This... is also part of the mission of the build housekeeper.

What it can do is to keep a copy of the jade fruit tea making skills, so that the "successor" can brew sweet tea at any time, just like him, until the caster returns.

"If you finally return from a battle, there is not even a cup of hot tea in the huge cold magic tower, how lonely the great master..."

It may be ridiculous, or pitiful, but... this is the purest thought of the old butler at this moment.

------split line------

Punk's order to Ghanatika was to travel to the Kingdom of Khatak for relaxation. Except for a simple "low-key" requirement, the caster did not impose more restrictions on the worried young avengers.

After all, for the Mage Morningstar who is busy doing golem research, his "travel advice" to Ganatika is really just out of a simple "boss giving employees a vacation" mentality, and the caster does not understand today's "young revenge". What kind of spiritual dilemma the "Zhe" is facing, he doesn't know how Ganatika, as an "employee" who doesn't regard himself as an employee, understands such a sudden holiday.

However, in the eyes of the "young avenger" who is quite unclear about affair and does not understand punk at all, his identity is by no means an "employee", but a total slave, and everybody who "fights" in hell. For a second, it seemed to be emphasizing this tragic fact to Ganatica, so in such a mentality of thinking, it is impossible for a teenager who has never denied his status as a "slave" to regard a vacation as a "holiday". , He would only understand the punk order as a kind of "expulsion" that he didn't know, and he would fall into more and heavier confusion.

In short, Ganatika, who has left the silent and quiet magic tower, has never stopped fighting skills practice every moment, and even had to obey the order to "play low-key", has no idea what to do. .

He even once felt that standing in a daze at the door of the magic tower was better than staying in the dark basement and releasing legendary fighting skills against the wall over and over again. This feeling that the whole world was suddenly bright and enlarged can only give the current "revenge".者" brings a very strong sense of discomfort.

"It’s said that if slaves are used to being enslaved, they won’t expect I didn’t believe this fact before, but now it seems............I have forgotten what the so-called freedom is like. Up".

After shook his head helplessly and suppressed the wave of vindictiveness to hide himself for a while, Ganatika, who was full of confusion in his pupils, could only move towards the direction of the Khatak Empire mechanized.

After all, the "Destroy Whisper" as the "master" has already issued an order, and the legendary soldier who received the order can only obey it honestly. Whether he really wants to "leave" or not, he has to follow punk's "recommendations" anyway. Retreat from afar.

As for the mentally numb Ganatica, what is going to do in the strange Kingdom of Khatak?

For a while, I recalled that the boy who was forced to "leave home" time scenes did not know himself. Now, he just strode to the "target location" monotonously, but at this moment, there is no beautiful intellectual "big" around him. "Sister" accompanied, Ganatika did not dare to recall the shadowy shadow in her memory.

Yes, I don’t know since when, the teenager named "Avenger" has not dared to recall the Pandora in his memory, not because of fear of sadness, not because of fear of hatred......but because of fear of being gone Sad, but because of fear that there is no hatred............

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