Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1029: Xvia


Accompanied by the light movement of the caster’s lips and teeth, on this moonless night, in the dark and silent magic tower laboratory, the allure, beautiful and beautiful Morning Star Golem finally has its own name and existence. significance.

Her name is Xvia. She is the sharpest shadow of "Destroy Whispers". In the long, long time galloping in the future, she will be the most important trump card and tool for the caster. Her life is destined to be like blood. Flowers generally bloom in battle and killing.

This was formulated by the indifferent Morningstar Mage for the girl's "construct"... "Destiny"!

With the help of sophisticated spells, the operation effect of the energy circuit is finally detected, and the effective function of each rune is carefully reviewed. The person who is watching is standing in the cold magical light, and will not make any movements or expressions because of no instructions. The punk habitually uses a table to summarize the various functions of this masterpiece born in his own hands.

And there is no doubt that this must be an excellent form worthy of the joy of the caster, because the many practical functions listed on this receipt already meet the basic requirements of a "combat" Morningstar Golem.

Name of Magic Creation: Xvia

Magic creation type: Okite type III improved mechanism alchemy structure for combat

Magic Creation Level: Legend (Morning Star Realm)

Main material composition: Starlight Magic Gold, Dim Runestones, Death Ruby, Amini Shadow Steel, Can Financial Mixture............

The core structure of the golem: the remains of the morningstar golem in the era of Netheril, the energy core of the mass-produced magic fan lock in the era of Netheril.

The inherent characteristics of Morningstar Golem:

1. Morningstar attributes-this is an uncompromising Morningstar hierarchy structure, and its basic attributes are almost the same as those of a forty-level Morningstar stalker.

2. Ancient toughness-the remains of the construction golem from the era of Netheril have now become the outer armor of Xvia. Her body toughness is much higher than that of the same type of assassin golem.

3. Energy core: The energy core of the mass-produced magic fan lock in the Netheril era provides Xvia with an almost continuous and inexhaustible huge energy, thanks to sufficient energy gains and exquisite construction Rune structure, Xvia uses curing spells without charging in advance, she can cast spells continuously until the energy loop capacity reaches the upper limit.

(Note: Continued use of curing spells after reaching the upper limit of carrying capacity will cause Xvia to "energy overload", and the overloaded energy structure has a greater chance of damage.)

Cure morning star spell:

1. Morning Star Conjuration Spell-Shadow Hidden: This spell invented by imitating the "Shadow Skill-Shadow Escape" can hide a finite object in a cramped shadow, which is enough to avoid the effects of many detection methods. Let "Shadow Hidden" is quite perfect in terms of concealment (can be used five times in a row).

2. Morning Star Conjuration Magic System Spell-Shimmering Speed: Using a short burst of energy to make the spell releaser suddenly accelerate in a very short time, although it can only be used for short-distance instantaneous movement, its super high speed The explosive feature is very helpful for professionals to be flexible offensive and defensive in a narrow space (can be used ten times in a row).

3. Morning Star Conjuration Magic System Spell-The Dance of Sharp Light: Immediately create seventy-four circular cutting blades around the body of the spell releaser. Each blade carrying the "separation" law has amazing single-person killing ability. Although the duration is extremely short and the attack distance is very close, as a very pure melee killing method, this magical power with strong defensive ability must not be underestimated (it can be used three times in a row).

4. Morning star descending spells-Nether stab: The concept of "death" is transformed into a sharp blade assassination, destroying and attacking the enemy's soul, but although the penetration of this attack is perfect, it is extremely soul-focused The killing "Nether Spike" can hardly cause substantial damage to matter and energy, and its attack area cannot exceed three square centimeters, and its attack distance cannot exceed three meters (can be used three times in a row).

Golem equipped weapons:

1. Blue Dragon Dagger——This is a slender dagger that is not a legendary equipment. It is a "simple weapon" made by the morning star mage using the blue dragon horns captured in the "Meteor Wind". The degree and the degree of ease... both are pretty good.

2. Dragon scale dart-this is more than forty small darts that are not legendary equipment. It is a "simple weapon" made by the morning star mage using the blue dragon scales captured in the "Meteor Wind". The sharpness and ease of hand... can only be considered in time.


The Morning Star Golem "Ksvia" is the third combat golem made by the Morningstar spellcaster "Destroying Whispers" Punk-Sean's life. Compared with the first two combat golems, it is the gram of the "Assassin". Svia is undoubtedly the most powerful and expensive one. Although her limited intelligence prevents her from formulating an overly perfect battle plan independently, as a "weapon", she only needs to understand and execute the orders of the Morningstar Mage. That's enough, isn't it?


"Put on this dress and hide in my shadow. For most of the future, there are generally only two things you need to do, and that is to wait for my orders... and be ready to fight at any time. "!

Expressionlessly, he handed a complete set of black tight-fitting demon leather short sleeves, demon leather shorts, and demon leather robes to Ignorance Xvia, and the caster gave his first order to his Morning Star Golem in a flat manner.

And the girl golem that had just gained consciousness would certainly not have any shame when facing its creator. After quickly understanding the simple commands, Xvia didn’t hesitate to put it on in front of the caster. This simple "three-piece suit".

It’s worth mentioning that in the process of putting on clothes, UU reading actually saw the real "clothing" newborn golem for the first time, which looked slightly surprised, even though it was used by the caster. The black-red leather trousers and leather jackets made by the leather of the first-level lord really only have the shape and function of "clothes". The so-called "aesthetics" cannot even be placed on these simple "cloth pieces", but for many things The curious "little girl" still showed a faint smile of joy because of the monotonous touch in her hands.

Of course, Kesvia, who quickly puts on clothes according to the instructions of the inherent information in the virtual soul database, does not have much chance to get in touch with more "new things", and she must become the "sharp shadow" of the morning star mage if she obeys the order.

This is her "destiny" and the meaning of her existence.

"Follow your will, Mr. "Destroy Whisper", I will turn into your shadow, turn into your sharp blade, and I will kill all the enemies that come to you"!

Standing upright, straightening out his chest, and seriously raising Bing Qing Yujie's face to assure that the morning star golem with a cold voice had already obeyed Punk's orders and was immediately ready to fight.


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