Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1033: curtain

From the information sent by the "chairman", punk can summarize several key points worthy of attention. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

First of all, his killing of "Sky Shard" Belin in the last "Assassination" operation was unexpectedly classified into the operation of the entire "Silent Alliance" instead of being like him. At first, I didn't even mention the personal actions that were completely characterized as "chairman" as I imagined.

If you think about it from the perspective of "Destroying Whispers"... It's actually a bit unclear what kind of behavior is the decision-making situation that is strictly forcibly imposed by the "chairman" on the entire Silent Alliance, but it is punk. It can be heard from those simple compliments and other simpler reminders that under the premise of having the big strategic purpose of "smashing Messoul", the "chairman" has absolutely nothing to "independently assume responsibility and do it alone." The mentality and thoughts of "one person doing things, one person".

Even in essence, the "guild leader" at this time and the "teacher"'s despicable idea are quite coincident-although this matter itself is a pure "private grievance", as long as it is for gaining In the final victory, no matter whether you want to involve the legendary organization behind you or more "innocent people" in the next "war", you will not hesitate.

In other words... this battle has been a hostile war between two legendary organizations from the beginning. Even in these two legendary organizations that are as loose as "clubs", most of the stunned members are even against the entire It doesn't matter if you don't know the ins and outs of the war, anyway, their leader has made the "most correct" decision on their behalf.

Of course, compared to Messoul, who has been driven to a dead end, unscrupulous and unscrupulous, the action of the "chairman" must be more focused on the core concept of "sustainable development", at least in the implementation of Before and after every action, he never disrupted the "principle order" he set up. Like the "division", he used force to force the legendary members to serve as subordinates and even the cannon fodder was not used by the "chairman".

Think about it this way... It's really a wise choice to join the "new" organization of "executives".

In addition to this cryptic expression of the nature of the state of affairs, the meaning that punk can also feel in the information received by the black crystal card is that there is a "danger notice" mission goal about this time.

It’s not hard to hear from the words of the "chairman" that the negotiation between him and "Tiamat" is still quite smooth. Now compared to the five-headed dragon in the abyss, in the pantheon The many kind-hearted deities of the camp are the most troublesome guys.

As we all know, a deity’s camp tendencies have nothing to do with its own personality and thoughts, just as a good person who unfortunately picks up an evil camp priest can only follow the orders of the priest to perform evil actions. This characteristic is placed in the many good things today. The same applies to gods—yes, their behavior is kind and kind, tolerant, gracious, healing the wounded, and acting righteously, but that doesn’t mean that they really want to do this. Too many good gods do nothing to their advantage. Behaviors are caused by persecution by the priesthood.

And in this "war", amidst the frenzied conspiracy of the "teacher", will the "pantheon", which has always been a die-hard ally of the Mage Guild, really know nothing about such blatant crimes? Do they really need to be kindly reminded by the "chairman" to understand what kind of madman they are helping?

The answer is of course no. The eyes of such a group of old monsters are bright. They don't want to give up the huge benefits generated by cooperating with the Mage Guild, and they don't want to offend the blood-red eyes and crazy Mess Ul! The reason they can always ignore the facts before them is only because no one has pierced the last layer of window paper.

So based on this situation, it is conceivable how unwelcome the messengers sent by the "chairman" to the many good camp gods’ lairs to "poke the window paper" will be unpopular, although it is due to the reputation of the Silent Alliance and the good camp. Dogmatic constraints, the gods representing their respective gods are not going to fight with the "friendly ambassadors" who came to talk, but a lot of messy delays and excuses are bound to be endless.

"It's really troublesome. Elves have always been a troublesome race. They are xenophobic, closed, stereotyped, and numerous..." The evaluation of the group of guys by the "chairman" is really perfect, in **** All the demons are easier to get along with than a group of self-proclaimed elves. The great goddess of divine power that not many people know about is not mentioned for the time being. Just an annoying elven palace is enough to make people worry... Under the crown of the Yaori Throne, I also know how difficult it is for this group of people who live in seclusion to avoid world affairs."

After tidying up the North Wind Magic Stone that was not needed for the time being, and opening the portal in one step and returning to his magic tower, Punk carefully packed the crystal card while secretly recalling the "long story" that the "guild leader" had warned him. .

In fact, it’s a wise idea for the “chairman” to arrange for the “Whisper of Destruction” to go to the Eternal Forest to negotiate with the Elf King’s Court, because with the memory of the Elf mother, punk really has a lot of customs and even restrictions on the Elves. Quite familiar.

Of course, it was precisely because of this that he knew why those elves were so difficult to deal with.

Perhaps as a neutral spellcaster, punk and a group of "good and lawful" intelligent creatures have no difficulty maintaining the seemingly "friendly exchanges and courtesy exchanges" but they want to "peace peacefully in front of the goddess of life" "Window paper" and even discussing cooperation matters may not be so simple.

Randomly paced to the window of the magic tower, looking out of the gloomy window through the window that has almost never been changed since the completion of construction, the expression of "Destroy Whisper" still maintains the indifferent appearance. .

In the remote wilderness, the mirror-like lake is reflecting the dim reflection of the dark clouds, and the depressive darkness of the sky still obscures the light of Mira and Chicasa like a curtain...

Watching the emergence of an alternative beauty and magnificent wilderness scene, the silent Mage Chen Xing couldn't help but recall the memory from his "mother".

Speaking of it, since receiving the inheritance of the Great Oman Vedrasha in the Ruins of Netheril, punk has rarely recalled the chaotic records of "never use anymore" from "parents". To this day, he can still easily and intuitively understand the internal appearance of the closed race of "elves" because of the existence of these memories.

Although it is not difficult for the punk who has become a morningstar spellcaster to rely on self-investigation of a large-scale population knowledge, but... there is always no harm in saving trouble and time, right?

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