Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1042: Kindness and order

"Don’t you guys in the good camp pretend that everyone is equal? ​​Don’t you want to be tolerant and strict with yourself? Don’t you aspire to save the innocent? Then there are two weak and miserable kind spirits before you. The innocent made a mistake, will you maintain "absolute order" to end their young lives?"

In the words spoken to Rickhouse, the message that punk wants to convey is what it means. Although the deep questions are not directly pointed out, the caster uses the paradox of "kindness" and "order" to change it. The behavior of the concept is very obvious.

So the most critical question now is...Will the legendary elf ranger of "friendship, mutual help, kindness and lawfulness" choose the two young girls with hollow eyes and powerless to resist?

This is definitely a very worthy question. After being questioned suddenly, the "Misty Morrowind" who looked like a young teenager and was always taciturn was immediately taken aback.

"The development of things is a bit wrong? Why did the confrontation between the two Morningstar bosses hit me all at once? And...Should I act on innocent compatriots? According to the law, this time is harsh. Naturally, it is true, but the phrase "innocent people" by hand seems to be a bit uncomfortable"............

Rickhors, who wants to be asked abruptly, must be so confused and run at a high speed with a lot of overwhelming thoughts, especially when he feels the pressure from the "Destroy Whisper" that is stressful and even creepy, this looks a bit shy. The reaction of the shy legendary teenager was even more unassuming.

I saw that in one second, he performed as many as three actions.

First of all, Like a conditioned reflex, Likhos instantly turned his head to look at the chief priest Aikar, who maintained a smiled expression around him from beginning to end. It was obvious that in his subconscious perception, no matter what actions he took, he should be respected and respected. He’s coming to make up his mind, and he is completely unsure of what orders his “great leader” will give. .

Secondly, the thinking speed of the legendary professional determines that the duration of the action that exposed the confusion is very short, because just for a moment, Rickhors realized that his behavior was not appropriate-he was questioning the "order of the Elf King's Court" "The guy" is an "outsider", when in front of outsiders, as a "temporary enforcer" he should have his own opinion.

So gritted his teeth and frowned, the legendary ranger who fell into the trap of stealing the concept could only clenched his fists while making a decisive "trial" against the two "innocent compatriots" kneeling on the forest floor:

"The crime of blasphemy against the court is unforgivable, and the intention to have evil thoughts in your heart cannot be tolerated. Your actions have deviated from the path of goodness and violated the absolute order. Therefore, in the name of I, Likhos-Drizzle, you are pronounced here. Two people..."

"Not Guilty".


Perhaps it was to prove that the laws of the Elf King Court were strict, or it was to vent the frustration and helplessness of the "order" being questioned, and the "Misty Morning Wind" who proclaimed the guilt of the two elven girls was not inferior to his other one. Companion Ms. Luo Dati, almost at the same moment when the last sentence was uttered, a slender vindictive blade flew straight to the higher faces of Luluth and Nina.

You know, this is an uncompromising legendary attack. If such a seemingly inconspicuous but surprisingly sharp killer is allowed to hit the "sinner" in Likhos's mouth, then you can imagine two ignorant and ignorant. The maiden elves must be smashed into pieces in this dead woodland in no time. It is estimated that the blade of fighting energy that cut off their heads can even penetrate the ground all the way until it hits the lithosphere on the plane of Faerun to stop.

But in fact, the verdict of "Misty Morning Wind" did not take effect, and his attack did not really bring about killing and destruction, because just when the palm-sized green light shot along the ranger's fingers , A flat and gentle light green band was blocked in front of the two maiden elves with an unhurried but unquestionable "no guilt" sentence.

There is no need for a deafening sound to explode, or a messy shock wave to spill. The fighting spirit blade that hits the light green band of light disappears in an instant as if it had never appeared before, except for the brief breeze. , The silent woods are still quiet and peaceful at this moment, even the dewdrops on the grass blades and the tears of the two elven girls who have survived again are as crystal clear as a few seconds ago, never changing............

Without a doubt, when the cruel blade was about to slay the two young souls, Pastor Morningstar, who had been standing by and watching silently, finally made a move.

"You don't need to be too harsh on young people, and you don't need to be too forceful, Mr. "Morning Breeze", I believe that these two beautiful ladies made some unwise remarks only because of evil magic. Just as there is no law that stipulates which words and deeds are regarded as "blasphemous courts", there is no law that explicitly declares how to deal with a poor person who has been deceived and "forced" to make mistakes. After all, even the most Kind people also make mistakes, don’t they? Any mistakes are entitled to be forgiven as long as they are corrected in time... Remember that the "imperfections" left by the great goddess of life when making the law are by no means loopholes of negligence, but It is good faith-kindness, order and trust never conflict from beginning to end."

Instructive, not hurried or slow, Aikar deserves to be a theologian of the morning star In his interpretation, the magic that punk uses to tell the truth quickly becomes "Evil bewitching", the loopholes in the laws of the Elf King's court have suddenly become the so-called tolerance and trust...... Regardless of whether others agree with this view, at least the two "legendary followers" standing next to him— —Rodati and Rickhors obviously believed them all without hesitation.

And after simply calming down the emotions of his subordinates, Aikar, who exuded the sacred brilliance in his polite smile, did not care about the "Destroy Whisper" nor the contemptuous gaze, nor his "noble" status as a Morningstar professional. He just walked to the two innocent elven girls in a flat manner, and then gently brushed his palms over their heads while comforting them in a gentle low voice:

"Okay, it's okay, kind girls, the brilliance from the goddess has dispelled the malice from magic, accept this sacred shelter, and then go home quickly, you are just having a terrible nightmare today. That's it... But remember that next time you can't be so playful again"...

So far, with a few invisible strands of emerald green light tangling on the graceful bodies of Luluth and Nina, the "mantra questioning" spell released by punk is soon in the divine power fluctuations released by Aikar. The failure is gone.

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