Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1045: Surprised

"The lost lamb did not look back in time to search for the light. He fell deeper into the dark abyss... If the White Leaf family once had those righteous and kind ancestors knew that their only remaining descendants had embarked on a journey. The evil road full of thorns, I don’t know how sad they should be." ? WWW.suimeng.lā

The communication between the legendary professionals still does not have any drama of reluctance and retreat. Punk’s veto can basically be regarded as a "failure to win" for the Elven King Court and the Pantheon. It is precisely because of this. The pastor of the Morning Star, Aikar, used this tone of pity and prayer to express his emotions undisguisedly, although in his eyes...punk did not see any real regret or disappointment... …

Yes, the very weird place is here.

The solicitation of the Elf King’s Court failed, and the idea of ​​digging the walls of the Pantheon fell into frustration as soon as it started. However, as the chief priest of the **** of life, the "piety" who carries out the will of the goddess of life in the "mortal" is not only not displeased, On the contrary, he expressed indifferent and even a hint of joy to the attitude of the caster?

On the surface, Aikar’s expression is still an unchanging, gentle smile, although the two “legendary followers” ​​standing behind him who have been guarding punk can never observe the eyes and thoughts of their own chief priests, but they are cautious. "Destroy Whispers" can be sure that he has never read or understood wrong-this "pious man" is indeed very pleased with his decisive decision to refuse the solicitation of the "good and lawful camp"!

"This is really weird. No wonder Aikar, the old fox's solicitation rhetoric is so blunt and annoying. Is this all intentional? Well, although in order to ensure that the erosion of faith will not be too severe, even the most Powerful gods rarely choose true fanatical believers to become their legendary priests, but no matter what, they have no reason to let a guy who is not one with him become the chief priest of the Morning Star... It looks like this is the elf royal court. The pool water is still very deep"!

He continued to look directly at the smiling Pastor Morningstar with cold eyes, and Punk watched Aikar's expression become more weird and meaningful.

Yes, it’s too strange. Although this "feeling" is unclear, but "intuitively" punk feels that this **** stick with the title of "Pious" is very wrong inside and out, even in his language. Gentle, even if his smile is holy and friendly, even if he talks about the goddess of life, Psyche, he will use the adjective "great" as the prerequisite affix-but punk just feels that this guy is not like a priest, his whole body is A guy like Kane who is good at pretending doesn't feel as violent as a knight!

"Forget it, what's the conspiracy brewing between the Elf King Court and the Life God Cult to do with me? Rejecting their boring invitation, I should quickly finish the "chairman" letter and leave."

Silently thinking about the work that he really needs to complete, Punk decided to temporarily ignore the "sense of violation" of Aikar, who has no evidence, and he simply asked directly:

"My personal business chat is over, and now it’s time for business talks-my trip represents the "Silent Alliance". My intention is to convey the will of Mr. "President". I need to step into yours. The temple meets with the projection of Ms. Psyche, and then..."

"No, you don’t need it! I mean... the great goddess of life has everything to do, her time is too precious, so as the chief priest of the life **** cult, I can act for Ms. Celebona to handle most of Things", even if some important decisions are made...this is the trust and obligation that the great goddess of life has bestowed on me"!

Astonishing words were narrated in his mouth, and Pastor Chenxing's gentle and handsome face still showed a perfectly elegant smile.

But at this moment, Aikar's smile is already sacred, a little unreal and even "creepy"!


"What are you talking about? Mr. Aikar..."

"I mean, I can handle various affairs related to the religion of life on behalf of the great goddess of life. You can just hand me the letter from Mr. "Chairman" directly. You don't need to meet the ever-sophisticated Psyche at all. Ms. Ona"!

"...Is this the right recognized by the mother of vitality and emerald, the giver of the overture of life, the queen of the turquoise country, the third goddess of life, and Ms. Psychia Trentrelin?"

"Yes, as you said, this is the trust given to me by the great goddess of life"!


Well, punk is really a rare stunner this time!

Listen to what this Pastor Morningstar is saying? Acting for an ancient great **** with full authority to handle things? He is just a Morningstar professional. Isn't this world going crazy? A Morningstar professional...Even if the only chief priest of the entire church speaks for a great divine power, it is too exaggerated and outrageous!

However, considering that Aikar is indeed using the kind and lawful divine power derived from the goddess of life, it is impossible for professionals in the world to have the opportunity to blatantly pretend to be the chief priest of a great divine power and to "speak out wild words". Not being attacked by gods, so even if it sounds absurd, the words of the "piety" at this moment are undoubtedly credible.

So now a troublesome situation lies in front of punk-I don't know what crazy Psychiona actually gave so many and important rights to this morning star priest who is smiling and hiding a Regardless This situation is the result of many storms and undercurrent conspiracies. Who should the punk who came to the Eternal Forest just to deliver the "danger notice" give the letter to?

He can't ignore Aikar's blockade and rush into the palace of the elves to meet the missing goddess of life, right?

This is not an easy question to answer. Punk's current status is just a mercenary and a mission performer. He doesn't want to be responsible for arbitrarily determining the ultimate destination of this important letter.

So without much hesitation, the caster, who quickly erased the surprised expression, calmly took out the black magic crystal card and asked Aikar who was still smiling:

"Your proposal is beyond the scope of my jurisdiction. I need to ask Mr. "President" for his opinion, please wait a moment."

"Of course, you can please."

Spreading out his hands softly, the calm "pious man" naturally agreed to Master Morning Star's request.

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