Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1068: Demon Lord

Does it make sense for Donnela, the nominal leader, to be present or not? In fact, it doesn’t make much sense. Anyway, his irresponsible attitude will basically only be a peacemaker with the mud. Maybe without his participation in this meeting, it will become more efficient and smooth. After all, all the people present are Legendary powerhouse, everyone does not need the help of a nominal boss to make a "correct" judgment.

Therefore, after Karan explained the details of the distribution of the Abyssal Rift in detail, the fourteen participants, including punk, no longer cared about the presence of the late "Astral Wolf", they were just silent. Without a word, he turned his gaze to the "valkyrie" Iberfil who took a step forward, and then quietly waited for the other party to tell what kind of "life and death crisis" the Karamus Empire is facing today.

Although even without much doubt, everyone can basically guess what these crises will be in front of a huge empire............

"Hello fellow citizens, I am the "valkyrie" Iberfel Marta who travels in the star realm with a will of justice and kindness. I believe that during the period of the Karamus Empire against the devil, everyone present The righteous people have never slackened to save the innocent poor people. At this moment, the brilliance that belongs to the kindness has been gathered on the plane of Faerun like never before! Although with the continuous invasion from the abyss, with the footsteps of the cold winter As we get closer and closer, the difficulties we face have become more and more, but the struggle against the evil forces cannot be slackened. No matter what hardships we face, we must overcome obstacles and move forward."

Dressed in a heroic lady's armor, Iberfeld proclaimed his will in a passionate tone like many passionate spiritual leaders, even though many of the legendary powerhouses present are stronger than her in strength. There are many, but the "valkyrie" lady who gave a speech in front of everyone has been able to be neither humble nor overbearing from beginning to end.

And under the complex gaze of everyone, Iberfeld, who releases his mental power and casts pictures in mid-air, quickly explained the substantive content that is most worthy of attention at the moment.

The first images presented are twelve recorded images from the vicinity of the rift in the abyss. These images, which seem to be taken in high-speed flight, without exception, record at least one ferocious and full body. The Abyss Demon of Bone Spurs——Because most of the demons in the abyss are extremely chaotic and even bizarre in appearance, anyone in their location can easily see that the demons in these twelve images are completely different and independent individuals... ......They are all the morning star demon lord who descended from the fissure to the plane of Faerun!

"As you can see, after many adventure investigations, I finally found out the number of demon lords who came to the plane of Faerun until three days ago, and this number is too dangerous and dangerous for the Karamus Empire. It’s horrible. In contrast, the seventy-six sub-lords who have been beheaded by ordinary legendary professionals are just the first cannon fodder for the evil invasion. These morning star-level demons are what everyone has to go. The real troubles they face".

After sternly pursing his lips and arranging the pictures of the twelve Morningstar Demon Lords neatly in two rows, Iberfeld's tone has become very solemn and cautious without knowing it.

The worries of the "valkyrie" are obviously not without reason. After all, for the Guardian League, which has eleven ordinary legendary professionals, even if there are hundreds of sub-lords scattered invading, they can completely rely on their own wisdom. The advantage is to kill and eliminate brainless beasts, but if the "enemy" who is now wandering in the direction of the Mithril King City is the Abyss Lord at the Morningstar level...

No matter how wise, it is impossible for ordinary legends to kill a Morningstar powerhouse, even if the so-called "Morningstar powerhouse" is actually just a crazy demon wielding a big wooden stick, ordinary legends such as the Valkyrie are still There is no way to take it.

What’s even more frightening is that with the accumulation of time delays, the number of Morningstar monsters emerging from the rift in the abyss is still increasing. Today’s twelve demon lords are already a very scary number. Their existence is very important to Karam. For the Sri Lanka Empire, it is definitely the biggest threat!

In the face of such a difficult and dangerous threat, only four people in the huge Guardian Alliance are capable of taking action...or rather, only four people can "theoretically" kill the enemy to fight...

"Ms. Iberfeld, do you mean that you need me and Mr. "Clean Glow", Mr. "Destroy Whisper", and Mr. "Astral Wolf" to get rid of these demons"?

Seeing that Iberfeld placed pictures of demon lords generously in the center of the royal palace, a morning star priest who had been standing in the line of the deity camp quickly asked with a kind expression. It's just that during the questioning, the Pastor Morningstar's gaze was always on the friendly-eyed and kindly smiling "companion" Anthony.

Regarding this question of unclear meaning, the "feminine god" who solemnly performed a noble courtesy of gratitude, nodded and replied:

"Yes, the power of the Morningstar Demon is too powerful. Only you, Mr. Anthony, the leader of Donnela...and Your "Whisper of Destruction" have the ability to kill these ten The path of the two great demons is enough to pose a serious threat to the "Horaka Line of Defense" of the Karamdor Empire. The "towering barrier" we built a few days ago overnight may also be destroyed at any time, in order to avoid hundreds of Hundreds of millions of refugees have been killed. I hope you four strong morning stars can personally defend justice and kindness"!


This is definitely an argument statement that makes people difficult to evaluate. The entanglement and impact it brings also involves a huge range of interests. So as Iberfeld’s righteous request just fell, almost all ordinary legendary professionals His eyes instantly converged on the three Morning Star experts present.

And the most interesting thing is that the ordinary legendary professionals in the "volunteer" camp are almost waiting for the answer from the two Morningstar priests with a "natural" look, while the ordinary legendary priests in the Pantheon camp coincide. Immediately turned his head to look at "Destroy Whispers" standing alone in a small shadow............

Obviously, legendary priests, including Anthony, now all need a "neutral camp" "ally" to help say a few words of "justice", and in a ridiculous alliance of the "good and lawful" camp, they can At present, there is only one person who speaks freely.

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