Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1085: The real end

"Shut up, you only have one head left, so be quiet. It's better to think about how to face Mr. Eman when you have a broken mouth. Your boss is furious in the magic tower by you." .

Hearing that Walkway was still grabbing his own lines to issue orders, the malicious mad knight in his eyes would not be used to a lunatic who made trouble for himself, I saw him directly schatting the anger of the old Emman while mentioning it. Walkerway's head started shaking violently for several seconds at a speed of at least five times the speed of light, until the red-robed mage whose soul was severely wounded, his eyes turned around and fell into a dazed vertigo, and his smile was still bright and sunny." "Instant Killing Gun", who looked at him again, said with a bad look in "Destroy Whisper" calmly:

   "Since it is a misunderstanding, how about letting go of this idiot? Don't worry, old Eman is a very reasonable Sun Throne. As a ransom to redeem a stupid pig, he is willing to give you many Morningstar-level resources as compensation."

He insisted on the "Throne of the Sun" and negotiated the terms. Kane is worthy of being the only "confidant friend" of punk for 200,000 years. He understands that he wants to let the "Destroy Whisper" who has never been unwilling to suffer a big fight for nothing. Basically it is impossible, so the first thing this guy said when he opened his mouth was "a generous ransom."

   And after hearing the word "many morning star-level resources" that represents wealth, the punk expression finally slowly returned to that cold calm state.

To be honest, if there is a chance, the caster still wants to kill Walkway to "cut the grass and root". After all, this dangerous lunatic is definitely the most powerful enemy punk has encountered since he was promoted to Morningstar. If this time let him go back alive. , The next time the "dead writing lantern" who is not sure when to go crazy again may come to trouble him again.

   But, staring at the huge shield in the hands of the Morning Star Knight that exudes magical aura, and then at his cautious defensive posture holding Walkway's head...

It seems that Old Eman really can't tolerate the "dead text lantern" falling into this barren wilderness so casually and worthlessly, so he must have explained that Kane will live the Red Robe Mage no matter what. Bring it back, and this rescue operation of the mad knight is probably also the "guild leader"'s acquiescence.

What's more, considering from the perspective of actual combat, the "Instant Kill Gun" is obviously not easy to deal with as a forty-fourth-level Morning Star Knight. He is not the kind of "death lantern" that can't defeat the enemy but insists on fighting back. An idiot who doesn't think about how to run.

Well, if you think about it carefully, it seems to be a good reward to be able to get the compensation promised by a shining throne. After all, Walkway's remaining head and a life obviously do not have any practical value, and the current punk is indeed quite good. Lack of Morningstar supplies.

   At the same time, taking this opportunity, he may also be able to blackmail more information and "remuneration".........

   After being so thoughtful about the gains and losses, the "Whisper of Destruction" that silently spilled the half-built Morningstar spell model finally gave up the reckless decision to forcibly kill Walkway.

   But as a timely payment, Punk immediately made a serious request to the shining Kane:

"This is the first battle in my life that didn't kill the enemy. Maybe in the future Mr. Walkway can proudly use "Escape from "Destroy Whispers"" as the title. I have lost the price of the title of "Kill every incoming enemy", Kane, you need to answer my two questions truthfully."

   "............Although this uncle has never heard of you having such a weird title for facial paralysis, it doesn't matter, what do you want to know the answer to?"?

   Seeing that the punk finally reduced the solemn killing intent in his eyes, the Morning Star Knight secretly relieved and shrugged helplessly and agreed to the caster's rather rude inquiry.

For him, being able to take away the "hostages" smoothly without fighting a complete monster is already a perfect ending. At this time, as a good-tempered "gentleman", there is no need for one or two simple questions. The answer is not easy to say, is it?

   Of course, the premise is that punk's questions don't go too far.

"My question is very simple. First, how did you hide from my perception spells? The appropriate charge fighting skills just now shouldn't be really "appropriate benefits"? Second, if this lunatic comes back next time Trouble, you shouldn't jump out to be nosy, right?"

With two simple questions, Punk felt that his words were not excessive at all. He was really curious about how Kane escaped his all-round investigation, and he really couldn’t tolerate Walkway’s troubles and a second time. escape.

   As for these two questions, "Instant Kill Gun" rarely answered casually. Obviously he didn't want to do nothing more, he just spread his hands and made an annoying expression and said frankly:

"To be honest, the madness of the red-robed mages is not a day or two. It is always unpredictable what Walkerway's mentally retarded will do, but at least during the period of this uncle's mission, Mr. Eman should We will no longer be cheeky to make trouble for the Silent Alliance, and at least a lot of freedom will be lost in the actions of the "Dead Wind Lantern" in the future... As for the way you are in doubt about the hiding method of the uncle? It is because of "President" "I lent this uncle a piece of magical equipment at the Huiyue level, how about it, envious or not?"

   took out a shiny silver brooch from the storage bracelet. At this time, Kane did not seem to intend to conceal the existence of a "something that does not belong to him".

   Of course, punk will certainly not have any envy for a lent out of the Huiyue magic brooch, what else can he evaluate?

   "President" is sometimes quite partial.


   "Let's do But in the end, Walkway's Morningstar Dagger is mine".

Watching Kane soar up with the red-robed mage's head, Punk didn't continue to say anything, he just calmly picked up the magic dagger that had fallen in a patch of flesh and blood, and then summoned an energy curtain and carefully wiped it clean. Every drop of blood above.

   Inquiry, but no matter what the answer is, this sharp blade that has been taken by the caster is destined to be one of his trophies.

   "Whatever, Mr. Eman has already told me enough. To be honest, if you can solve this troublesome idiot in an instant, this uncle could be more relaxed now."

   This is Kane's irresponsible declaration of calm, and the knight who has put away the shield is already flying high again.

   "Wait...wait a minute, that is my greatest alchemy masterpiece, you don't know its value, you can't just take it like this"!

   This is the unwilling roar of Walkway, who is finally clear-headed. It seems that he really cares about his dagger.

   But... even without punk retorting it, the impatient mad knight immediately ended the last hustle and bustle in the night with another "super-light shaking music":

   "Shut up, you trash, it's not bad to get a life back, what little dagger do you want"!



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