Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1099: Bailong

   "Are you here to play "Guess Guess"? I thought that this kind of game was no longer popular among children on the plane of Faerun 140,000 years ago"?

The punk, who has no intention of guessing the good news and bad news, also ignored Anthony’s "Guess Invitation". Maybe it was because of the mental strain and thinking about many reasons. It was a bit professional for the priest of the **** stick. With a friendly smile, the caster felt that his cynicism became more familiar than usual.

   For example, at this time, his ridicule directly choked the embarrassed Pastor Morningstar.

   while staring at the completely expressionless, cold and gloomy "Destroy Whisper", the frowning "Clean Glow" finally shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​selling the lawsuit and said directly:

"Uh, okay, actually the "good news" I said is also related to Iberfeld, did you know? Marta this guy not only went to the border farms of the Karamus Empire to purify crops , She also cleared out several sub-lords of the abyss that were wandering around by the way......This process was not necessarily a good thing. After all, the idiots of the Sandalin Society have almost stopped opening new abyss rifts. The existing, The legendary demon that descended on the plane of Faerun can be said to be one dead but one less. The scale of victory in the war has been slowly tilting towards the Karamus Empire, but it was about two days ago, the "righteous girl" who did not know how to measure. What he has done is really worthy of our joy."

   The words happily expounded his thoughts, and Anthony, whose eyes were shining brightly, had clearly planned a new conspiracy.

Next, I saw the "good" priest of this "neutral lawful" camp, while continuing to describe the glorious record of the "valkyrie", while taking out a blank divine magic scroll from the divine magic ring and spreading it in the dark. In the dead air.

   Then, he pointed to the clear image that slowly appeared on the scroll, and said to punk with a "friendly smile" at the corner of his mouth:

"Look at what good things our little girl found? I think she must have never considered the consequences of her righteous act of "eradicating the evil"... Anyway, I personally think that this is definitely what she found for us. What do you think is a good opportunity to advance the planning process?"

At this moment, the scroll suspended in mid-air is obviously a divine scroll. Its effect should be to present a real-time scene captured by a hidden surveillance using divine art. At this moment, the characters displayed in the scroll total There are three, one is "Justice Girl" Iberfeld who looks exhausted and looks a little messy with blonde hair, and the other is "Little Fan Brother" Tuotao who is still following her to help.

   These two "volunteers" with kindness and courage seem to be rushing back to the direction of Horaka defense line.

However, the core events monitored by Anthony are obviously not these. The most important thing is behind them... A huge creature like a hill, which is tightly bound by several layers of scarlet blood stains and chains, is being dignified by the two expressions. The legendary warrior of's flew fast while wailing bitterly and furiously struggling in vain.

   That is a white dragon! Legendary White Dragon!

   "Twenty-third level legendary white dragon, "Princess Winter"-Seralin-Hantooth?

   Looking at the awkward behemoth in the image on the scroll with some doubts, the punk, who was not doubtful in his heart, easily recognized the identity of this guy.

Although the legendary white dragon at this time seems to have been scarred to the point of being fragmented, the position where she should have grown two pairs of wings and strong limbs has become neat and smooth flesh and blood, almost reduced to a "dragon" More than half of Seralin’s scaly armor was stained red with coagulated blood, but from the information provided by the "chairman", I have seen this morning star with pictures and information about the "Winter Princess". The mage still recognized her iconic curved dragon horn at a glance.

   But what is a little strange and unexpected now is-how could this dragon, which has 23 warlock levels, is good at hand-to-hand combat and agile flying, and is not low in intelligence, has somehow become a prisoner of Iberfeld?

   "Ms. Marta, is this the nest of the Santarin Society to "declare war"?

   was quite surprised to ask Anthony, and Punk's heart quickly thought about how to use this time to stir up the wind and rain.

   By his side, Anthony, who had put away the scroll, pretended to helplessly spread his hand and explained:

"That's right, anyway, I think Ms. Seralin must feel wronged. After all, she was flying on the border of Karamus to patrol the progress of the demon invasion as usual. According to the unspoken rules of this war, there is nothing. People have a reason to attack her. However, her luck is really bad. The righteous "Valkyria" Lord has some leisure because of the elimination of most of the secondary lords. At the same time, she is obviously not Acknowledge the existence of the so-called "hidden rules", so... it becomes like this."


Well, it seems that even if the old fritters who are good at being so good at their own lives, once they encounter the "unreasonable" Erzhezi, they are completely helpless. Think about it carefully, if the red robe mage can open up a few more abyssal rifts and release a few more times. Level lord came to join the battle, does this white dragon still have a chance to escape?

However, there is no such thing in the world. Now, most of the rifts in the Morningstar-level abyss that are scattered on the border of Karams have been closed by punk and Anthony. The ordinary rifts in the abyss are also due to Iberfel’s almost endless battles and scattered Tallinn. There are very few slacking fishes left by the relevant persons in charge of the meeting, so when the "valkyrie" who vowed to fight the evil to the end has the leisure to point the finger at the legendary member of the red robe mage who has never been used to "helping teammates" ~ www.wuxiaspot. com~ Some old fritters who don't work hard have to pay for their perfunctory actions.

   Saying retribution, isn’t this coming? The unlucky Princess Seralin was blowing a cold wind in the sky, singing songs, chewing elemental crystals and looking at the scenery... Suddenly someone was cut off!

“It’s nothing to be defeated. It’s the most interesting to be caught alive. It seems that Iberfeld wants to take the poor Madam Coldtooth seriously? But with such a painful lesson, I think Elman Those disobedient subordinates should not dare to continue perfunctory or even irresponsible."

   reached out and touched the smooth chin, the punk, who was still expressionless, quickly analyzed the most likely root cause of Iberfeld’s failure to "kill the evil" on the spot.

   Of course, compared to the childish details of the "Valkyrie", "Destroy Whispers" is more concerned about the specific reactions of the ordinary legendary old fritters of the Sandalin Society.

If you do something like this, everyone is worried. After all, even after punk has been attacked by the lunatic Walkway once, he dare not continue to let the crevices of the morning star level and abyss bloom all over his residence, so be a white dragon. When being cut into "dragon sticks" and used as trophies to be displayed in the exhibition, will the crazy evil wizards also have the opportunity to experience the entanglement of the "tragic rabbit and fox"?



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