Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1122: Golden Rivet

? "Morning Star Mage of Conjuration System-Tide of Tracer"!

Since the war has already started, there is nothing to say. Although punk and Donnella have no grievances, but considering that killing a troublesome opponent is the most convenient way to stop, then the harsh Morningstar Mage will never There won’t be any mercy from his subordinates, so almost immediately after the "Astral Wolf" rebelled against the "Destroy Flash Blade", the "Destroy Whisper" that tried to irritate the enemy was released immediately after he uttered a mockery. Morningstar killer moves that have been prepared!


The space is trembling, the law is dissolving, and the entire cloud dome seems to be wiped out in this dull tide. There is no room for Donnelado to refute what Donnelado said, and the three times are compressed and dissociated from high. The "trace of light" composed of laws has already drowned the fat mage who hardly made a dodge, and the rush of tidal waves completely covered the entire area attacked by the caster. Under the corrosion and melting of Morningstar’s ultimate move, the entire plain land naturally had to collapse quickly due to the sudden evaporation of mass and energy.

But... Although the first attack was successful and completely hit the powerful enemy, but in fact, he was floating in mid-air, watching the monstrous raging waves composed of the black law in the "basin" below, beating and exposing to the air. The expression of the caster on the gray rock formations of the Faerun Plane in the middle of the world will only gradually become more solemn, because within the overturning of the destructive power filled with the law of dissociation, the "destruction of the spell releaser" "Whispering" not only did not feel the aura of his "prey" weakened, he could even perceive that the energy fluctuations in Donnela, the inconspicuous "noble mage", were following the "trace of light." The killing continued to take effect and quickly increased!

That's right, Donnella was obviously different from the many enemies that punk had encountered before. He took a morning star killer from the front, but he was not seriously injured or even killed on the spot because of the attack on the morning star spell.

Not only did this guy not reduce his own aura fluctuations due to the corrosive effect of "Trace of Lights", his energy dissipation efficiency became even stronger in the perception of the Morning Star Mage because of the laws of "Trace of Lights" attack. Stronger!

"A defensive morning star spell? Mr. Augustine, it seems that the "arch mage" has found you all the way to be the hapless leader of the "Guardian Alliance of the Faerun Plane". It can be regarded as "there is a reason"... ………

In no hurry to attack again, the punk with the "pale scepter" in his hand just continued to brazenly mocking the "star wolf" whose life was controlled by others, while continuing to stand in the shattered sky and watch The deep black wave tumbling and boiling swept across the vast land.

To be honest, don’t look at the faint "Destroy Whispers" on the surface. It seems that he doesn't care about the "Defense Type Morning Star Killer Moves" possessed by his enemies, but in fact he is very serious about his ongoing battles. Solemn.

The forty-sixth level of Donnela's own professional level is exactly the same as that of punk. What's more, he also has the ability to defend against the morningstar's killer moves released by the enemy. After all, he faces the tyrannical bombardment of the "death wave". , This fat mage, who is usually not serious, can be said to be a positive and direct choice without changing his face. This kind of confident behavior and his unscathed aura fluctuations are enough to explain the never-behind. " "Astral Huskies" actually possess this kind of combat strength.

"I know that as long as the task is worthy of the "guild leader" personal account, it can never be too simple. Now it seems that the idiot Messoul found is actually a very troublesome enemy."

Slightly squinting his eyes to look at the whole piece of the deep pit, where only the earth's crust is left, directly underneath him, and punk can't help but secretly express a little self-talking emotion.


The law of "trace of light" fluctuates and self-evaporates extremely quickly. As the last bare rock formation also gets rid of the immersion and attachment of the dissociation energy tide, it is almost immersed in the rushing dissociation law tide water for more than one percent. The second Donnela finally revealed his chubby figure again...Of course, since he released a morning star spell of close-range defense, the current "Astral Husky" naturally has a brand new one. appearance.

At this moment, Mr. Augustine not only dyed every inch of his skin and clothing completely into a shimmering golden red, even his curly hair was plated with a hard metal texture by the morning star spell.

There is no doubt that Donnella's almost turned into a "metal celebrity" posture seems to possess amazing defensive capabilities!

"Enchanting Morning Star Spell-Golden Rivet Clothes"! How about it, Mr. Sai'an, have you ever thought that a shy, timid and unsung unknown person like me also possesses a dying morning star spell that can be used in battle? "

His eyes revealed hatred and despair, staring at the mighty enemy floating in mid-air, and the twin pupils of the "star wolf", which had been completely wrapped in golden red energy, could still see the burning anger surging.

Now that the life-and-death battle has begun, the redundant rhetoric and complaints are of course meaningless. The "Astral Wolf" wearing the "golden rivet suit" has finally changed into a heavy and determined tone. In his words, the heavy killing intent revealed no need to cover up.

Strictly speaking, punk, who can be described as "famous and outstanding" today, can be said to be the most terrible enemy that many Morningstar professionals in the entire multiverse are willing to encounter. If it is possible, it is quite good for oneself. Donnella, who is confident, would never want to fight against such a powerful enemy.

But...Who told Mr. Augustine that the current Mr. Augustine was involuntarily controlled by himself?

He can't get rid of Messoul's control if he can't upgrade in a short period of He can't get rid of the control of his boss, so he can only honestly "solve problems and work hard for the Mage Guild."

To put it bluntly, there are only two choices left in front of the "Astral Huskies"-Either defeat the "Morning Star Professional Supernova, Legendary Killer, Destroy Whisper" in front of them, or run back desperately and get angry "Archmage" slapped it into a paste...

Eternal death is over, what is the country of death?

Facing the path of desperation in front of him, the golden-red light all over his body began to become hot and scorched. The wolf of the star world could only speak for himself while preparing to launch an offensive:

"Punk-Sean, don't think that all honest people are bullies! You have successfully angered me, and you are about to witness how unstoppable my anger is"!

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