Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1129: turn up

Punk is not very clear why the "guildmaster" is so sure that the "named" Messul has nowhere to escape in the entire huge multiverse except for his own magic tower, but if If this piece of information is an objective fact, then at least the "Destroy Whisper" can be judged-desperate, your Excellency "Archmage" might have stayed at home since the last time he suffered a head-on fight with the "guildmaster". Never left in the tower.

Then as the end of the war approaches step by step, as the last place of refuge is about to fall completely surrounded by the wave of demons, with the "guildmaster", Tiamat, the old Eman, and even the "devil prince" "Dimogogan is full of four veteran Sun Thrones staring at him. As a "solitary" Sun Throne, how many choices can "Archmage" make.

Continue to rely on the powerful defense of the magic tower to delay time and wait for the "miracle"? Or bravely leave the shelter that has been turned into a cage and rush out to give it a go?

I'm afraid it can only be so, right?

As long as there is enough intelligence support, it is not difficult to judge the narrow path left by a strong person in the sun. Long before accepting the mission of the "guild leader", punk had probably expected this to be enough to subvert the structure of the multiverse legendary organization. How might the war end?

And now it seems-"Whisper of Destruction" is still reasonably satisfied with the accuracy of his judgment. After all, at this moment, just as Donnela is still trying to use "Golden Rivet Clothes" as a weight At the time of the negotiation, the day-to-day level battle, which is about to decide the outcome of the war, really came as he had imagined!

"The battle of the sun... is really unimaginable, isn't it? Covered by such a magnificent light curtain, the silence of the sky alone is more beautiful than the noise from the abyss, yes...I can sleep I can feel the breath of magic in the law, but this magical magic is different from all knowledge in my cognition... Maybe it’s because its magic structure is a bit too perfect?"

Standing with emotion on the crust of the rock that has cooled down rapidly, punk gently stretched out his fingers to feel the energy in the air, and there was only an indifferent cloud in his heart at this moment.

The battle of the strong men in the sun is about to begin. Punk's left hand has tightly held the crystal sphere lent to him by the "guildmaster". If necessary, he can release the magic shield of the sun at any time "eternal" Sheltered against the aftermath of the war between the strong.

The existence of this insurance is undoubtedly very reassuring, and it is precisely because of the guarantee of sufficient safety that the curiosity of "Destroy Whispers" has the courage to continue to stand here and feel the mystery of the high-level laws.

After all, according to the "Chairman"'s previous explanation, not only can the professionals in the "eternal refuge" move freely, even the caster can continue to use teleportation to quickly get away from the battlefield without any obstacles...

Of course, such enviable magical equipment is not something that everyone has the opportunity to have. Now punk is lucky to hold a "death-free gold medal" to stay away from the oppression of natural disasters, but the unfortunate "star" "Wolf of the World" Donnela could only smile wryly and look around, crying without tears.

He didn't have any life-saving things. With the defensive effect of a morning star's ultimate move, it was a foolish dream to survive the aftermath of the Great War.

And because of the unique nature of "Golden Rivet Clothes" that greatly reduces the movement speed of the spell releaser, the poor Augustine Temporary Leader is now unable to even try to escape.

So I stared blankly at the increasingly rich orange-yellow curtain that rendered the sky deeper and deeper, feeling that the natural laws that had just fallen silent were slowly becoming distorted and weird, and the "star wolf" seemed to be able to see it. The miserable sight of myself dying without a place to bury in the sudden explosion.

"Damn it, Sian, did you expect this war to develop into this look? Have you been waiting for the war on Sunday to break out in Karams"!

He suddenly turned his head and glared at the still expressionless "Destroy Whisper". Panting, Donnela hated that the fat on his face was twisted into a ball.

He hates it, he hates the insidiousness of Messoul, he also hates the insidiousness of punk, he hates his own stupidity, and even the greed of human nature!

If it wasn't for rewards, if it wasn't for magic, how could his "Astral Wolf" live in seclusion in the vast and silent star realm, how could he come to the plane of Falun to participate in any war? If he hadn't participated in this war that was as deep as the sea, how could he inexplicably become a slave of the "arch mage" and finally had to wait to die with an expressionless powerful enemy in this ruin?

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world. Any creature must be responsible for every choice it makes. Mortals are like this, and legends are no exception.

When that "price" comes, whether it is hatred or "if" is destined to be completely meaningless. Compared with regretful jumping and cursing and slamming one's chest, calmly accepting the reality may make oneself dead more dignified.

But from the perspective of a dying person... The meaning of the four words "accepting reality" may not be as relaxed and calm as ordinary people imagine. For example, at this moment, the "star" with blood red eyes and grinding teeth “Wolf of the World” obviously cannot bear his millions of years of life. This is the end here. After realizing that the fate of the fall is approaching, Donnela, who suddenly flashed with golden red light, was almost in the first place. For a while, he rushed to the position of punk desperately.

Obviously, he might have guessed that the distant morning star spellcaster with a cold look and never changed must have some trump cards in his body that are enough to make people face the disaster of the sun's level but still have no fear, and as a "pauper" with nothing, If Augustine's provisional lord, who was abandoned as cannon fodder, wants to survive, then this unknown hole card belonging to the enemy must be his only hope.

So driven by a strong desire to survive, the "Astral Wolf" who directly ignited the soul without hesitation finally broke out in despair.

"I am Donnela Augustine! I am a jackal from the astral realm. I will never fall here unexplainably. I want to grab the hope of survival"!

Forced by the crisis of life and death, the mage Chen Xing, who claimed to be the "wolf of the stars", showed for the first time the unscrupulous **** eyes of a hungry wolf. The golden-red brilliance on his body was like a wolf's hair formed by a fiery fire. Keeping a close eye on the head of the powerful enemy in front of him, there is no slack. At this moment, Augustine, who does not hesitate to write runes in his soul, is definitely an out-and-out and powerful demon wolf. The deterrent aura he carries even makes punk once. I remembered a certain mysterious golden knight!




It's a bit too late for the meal of this bit of battle. In the quiet and lonely silence, the real hosts of the grand banquet are already here!

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