Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1150: informer

   "Hi, Mr. Sai An, my dearest old friend? It's been a long time since I saw you, don't come here without problems"?

  Familiar mental power fluctuations coupled with a familiar language accent, the projection of the punk who had just arrived at the fifth meeting of the "executors" immediately knew which guy was pretending to be plausible.

Obviously, even though many thousands of years have passed without knowing it, the crazy Kane still has the set of boring interests that arrived at the venue early to show off his arrogance. For example, the current mad knight is keeping his signature style. The golden shimmering side greeted the "Whisper of Destruction", the spellcaster who pretended not to see him. He looked like a peacock looking for every opportunity to show off his brilliance.

  Even professionals in the evil and chaotic camp like him generally have no "brilliance" at all...

"Pay attention to your title, Baron Besadas! The relationship between me and you has never been a "friend"... the past is not, the present is not, and the future will not be, so if there is nothing particularly important, it will be Please don't talk to me if a certain baboon speaks."

   very coldly responded to the warm welcome of the "Instant Kill Gun" with a gloomy voice, even in the presence of several other ordinary legendary "executors" in the face of punk, he did not give Kane any face.

After all, speaking of it... the last time the mad knight suddenly intervened in the battle between himself and Walkway and saved the neuropathic mage, Punk still remembered clearly in his heart, although he was in a short time due to the "guild leader" rule. There is no way to stab a certain morning star knight behind, but at least before the meeting officially starts, it is okay to use some verbal mockery to destroy the other's good mood.

Of course, in the face of the venomous irony of "old friends", the "instant killing gun" that never cares about face has always paid no attention to it at all, so even if the punk silently walks to a corner and stands still, it has been seen. Without looking at himself, the chattering mad knight still stood in the middle of the venue like a speaker, and exclaimed to all the attendees including the caster:

"Ahem, it will take some time for our versatile "chairman" to reach the conference site, and in order to act as low-key as possible, the great throne does not plan to spend too much time on narrating the content that is too basic. , So next, please let the handsome guy who accepted the commission of the "Chairman" to reveal some of the things that happened some time ago and the small news about our Silent Alliance... Please listen carefully. Ha, what the uncle said is absolutely true and not false, and I think Mr. "Destroy Whispers" over there should also be able to testify."


Sure enough, Kane, a guy who doesn’t know what he’s thinking, once again involved "closed eyes, cold expression" punk before he finished the three sentences. He looked like he was afraid that someone would not know the "executor" Among them, there is a Morningstar member known as "Destroy Whispers" as annoying.

But at this moment, the mage of Morningstar, who was silently frowning, didn't have any leisurely quarreling with Kane, because in the long words of the mad knight just now, the cautious punk had already keenly caught a touch of nonsense. Unusual flavor and color............

   seems a little strange? Obviously, the battle against the Mage Guild has been completely won, and Messoul has already fallen in the war. Why has the "guild leader"'s behavior become more low-key instead of being brisk? This overly cautious posture is not like a winner should behave.

   and other than that... When does the "chairman" need to say something like Kane to relay it? Is it true that the Yaori Throne, which is rarely seen in ordinary times, needs to be cherished like gold even when speaking in a legendary meeting? This important strategy of handing over to subordinates to resolve matters does not fit the "chairman" style of behavior.

   Or to say... What deeper development strategy is the deserted girl who can never be seen through? Does the announcement opportunity she handed over to Kane also represents a sense of decentralization? If this is the case, what kind of rights will the next Throne of Shining give to himself a professional who is more powerful than the "Instant Kill Gun"?

   All kinds of thoughts flashed around for a while, and all kinds of thoughts emerged endlessly in the mind of Master Morning Star.

Gatherings at the level of "executive meeting" are no trifle. The rigorous "chairman" is never Kane's kind of casual **** professional, so punk believes in all that his immediate boss does. Behaviors should all have their own deep meanings, and every word and deed of that shining professional can't help but think carefully.

For example, the current spellcaster found many unusual places at the very beginning of this "meeting", but the information he can understand is not enough so punk can't make accurate for the time being. Judgment and decision.

Of course, the speculation of "Destroy Whispers" will not interrupt Kane’s passionate speech. "Instant Kill Gun" seems to know very little about the idea of ​​"President", so even a few others including punk The executors almost all changed their expressions to varying degrees because of the "intelligence" he blurted out at the same time, but the mad knight who ignored all strange gazes still performed his duties earnestly:

"It's like this. Two days ago, in the well-known battle of the sun, our "President" won the final victory, the despicable "Archmage" Messoul-Pitnath. Having been defeated and killed, the Mage Guild has since been removed from the multiverse... It's just a pity for everyone-the next meeting of the Yaori Throne is obviously not a boring celebration party, is it?

Although it can be seen that all the old friends present are happy for this hard-won great victory, but my uncle, the disappointing morning star knight, still has to tell you with a heavy heart-even though the wizard guild is dead, But the despicable sneak attack plan planned by the Pantheon against everyone is secretly unfolding, and the **** gods are stretching their dirty claws behind all the legends! In fact, just as the battle of Karams was underway, this uncle and our Mr. "Destroy Whisper" were simultaneously attacked by the gods."



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