Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1153: Sudden Card

The fifth executor’s meeting was over. After the "chairman" left the meeting, the five executors naturally had nothing to discuss, so everyone also spilled their projections and disappeared into a white one. Venue space.

This is true of the three ordinary legends, as are the two Morningstar professionals, Punk and Kane, although in this discussion, the throne of the sun, which has always been vigorous and vigorous, has shown such an ambiguous mission goal for the first time. But as a group of mercenaries who essentially take money to do things, everyone obviously has no reason to delve into the inner meaning of "employer" words and deeds.

   So carrying full of doubts and guesses, Punk woke up from the laboratory of his magic tower.

"Tiamat, Pantheon, one chooses to be hostile but not to provoke, and the other to provoke casually but not counted as hostile... How do you listen to the weird development strategy? Could it be said that the "chairman" is also planning to be in the future. During this period, the cooperation with the Pantheon could not be achieved"?

   stood quietly on the dimly lit laboratory floor, feeling the warmth and comfort brought by the deep darkness, but the punk's eyes became quieter and colder.

The strategy under the throne of the sun sounds a bit strange, but think about it carefully... this course of action seems to be no problem. After all, although the Pantheon always cooperates wholeheartedly with all the deities of the good camp called exogenous, But in fact, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the most complex organization of gods in the multiverse fights in battle almost all the time.

Struggle can bring gaps, and hatred can create opportunities. The factional disputes in the Pantheon and the strict supervision of the "clergy" are destined to be the most easily exploited legendary organization. The "guildmaster" does not want to be with these guys for the time being. There is nothing wrong with turning over completely.

   What's more, in this world where interests are paramount, who would dare to say that the enemies who had been retaliating fiercely with each other in the previous second would not be able to shake hands and defend against foreign enemies in the next second?

"Forget it, don't think about that much for now. Anyway, tasks like things just need to wait quietly for the notification from the "guild leader". Then, before the next task that I don’t know when it will come, I have to …………"

   After summing up the content of the meeting as usual, the punk who has never slackened in magic research now turned around once again while sorting out the turbulent thoughts, preparing to enter the magic tower storage room to get the inventory of Morningstar materials for experimentation.

   But this time, Mage Chenxing, who had just opened a portal, suddenly looked surprised and froze in place...

As a cautious spellcaster, Whisper of Destruction has a good habit of scanning the entire magic tower every one thousandth of a second when he is inside his magic tower. He has to check the magic tower repeatedly every time. Every protection system of the company is intact to stop.

   But generally speaking, the deterrence of a morning star tower is even enough to make ordinary Huiyue powerhouses feel awkward, so the operation of the punk magic tower protection system has never been abnormal in the past 200,000 years.

   But this record is destined to be broken, because just now...what did he find when he released a wave of mental power in punk to scan the magic tower in a thousandth of a second? He was surprised to find that a thin and light card no larger than a playing card appeared on the outer wall of the magic tower that was more than 100,000 meters high! That semi-energy body crystal card with bright red brilliance inclines and stabs into the alchemy wall of the magic tower with the toughness and hardness of the morning star like a blade inserted into a cake!

   This is really outrageous! "Whisper of Destruction" is 100% sure that there was no such thing on his magic tower two thousandths of a second ago. At that time, the alchemy wall was smooth and perfectly comparable to the crust of a neutron star, but now... this ignores magic. What are the gadgets that all defense systems and early warning systems of the tower have inserted into their magic tower "out of thin air"?

   Alchemy bomb, location coordinates?

   "Morning Star Conjuration System Spells-Ultra Long-distance Portal"!

   "Pale Scepter Curing Spell-Powerful Timeout"!

   There is no need to hesitate or hesitate. The moment punk discovered this anomaly, punk immediately released the moon-level protection spell on the pale scepter to prop up the strongest shield he currently has.

   And taking advantage of the short time when the laws of the surrounding space fluctuated calmly and were undisturbed as usual, the dignified "Whisper of Destruction" completed the "ultra-long-distance portal" spell release in the laboratory with the fastest speed.

Carefully sail the ship for ten thousand years, even if he has become a prestigious "supernova professional" in the multiverse, punk will never reduce his vigilance. He knows that his strength is far from being called. So in the face of any sudden unknown threat, the first response strategy thought of by "Destroy Whisper" is bound to be escape.

   must only escape!

Only on the premise that he has the ability to escape, the caster will have the mind to explore the strange source of danger. For example, the current punk opened a portal to the Chaos Sea and stepped half of his body into it. A bit of excitement calmed down.

The appearance process of that mysterious crystal card is too weird. In the perception of "Destroy Whisper", this thing was completely changed out of thin The hundreds of layers of warning system and permanent shield of Morningstar Magic Tower are in There is nothing in front of it!

But then again, it’s been a while since this little card was inserted on the wall of the magic tower. It didn’t seem to show any hostile or threatening meaning, just looking at it from the outside. It's really harmless to humans and animals.

   So... In the face of such an unknown visitor full of mystery, what kind of response should a friend make?


   "Pale Scepter Curing Spell-Powerful Pause"×2

   After thinking about it a bit, he simply blessed all the curing spells of the pale scepter to his body and raised his own defense power to the limit of "Destroy Whisper", and there was no good way to deal with it.

   Such a weird thing can't be thrown outside and ignored, right? It's not appropriate to run away or stay in front of the portal like now.

  In the end, he had to use a somewhat helpless mental power fluctuation to give an order to the build butler who was still checking the enchanted runes routinely at the energy center of the magic tower:

   "Linton Houston, a crimson semi-energy crystal card appeared on the outer wall of the Magic Tower, find it, bring it back to me, and go!"



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