Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1155: Resistance and unwillingness

"The river of destiny... it plays with creatures and controls the universe. It is like an invisible thread that binds every puppet in the world. Whenever the number of legendary powerhouses reaches a certain level or there is a big event in the silent universe When it appears, the tide of fate will begin to overwhelm all chess pieces that have no resistance...Yes, even if the throne is as strong as the throne of destiny, it is still just a chess piece that can be played at will, as long as it’s " The roll call "comes as promised, and the fall of a shining sun is no different from the death of a mortal."

Standing in the silent space, the image left by Messoul did not reveal too obvious mood swings. After all, the "arch mage" made it and the crimson crystal card only to transmit information. This information contains one There is nothing wrong with the deep sigh of a shining professional at the sinking of the multiverse, but there is no reason to be immersed in the sad vortex in a last word...

   Presumably, when I left this last word, Messoul, who was not sure what he was holding, must have thought so.

   However, even so, punk can still hear the unconcealable reluctance in Mr. "Arch Mage"'s words.

Undoubtedly, the super power who was once at one of the apexes of the multiverse was unwilling to fall, he was unwilling to fail, and he was unwilling to be defeated by fate. He had too many unwillingness and too much helplessness. Mood fluctuations have even become part of the message it left behind.

In fact, it is precisely because of this heartbreaking unwillingness and anger that Messoul, who refuses to accept failure, will release thousands of magic crystal cards to fill the multiverse, and he is in one of these crystal cards. The "wealth" left in China is destined to be more than just some helpless complaints.

So at the end of the deep emotional narration, the virtual image that became serious as soon as the conversation turned and suddenly began to explain the real valuable business, and in the experimental space with a small area of ​​the caster , A cumbersome and complicated spell model scheme that made Morningstar professionals look scalp numb also suddenly appeared in front of punk without warning.

Obviously, this mysterious model that makes "Destroy Whispers" completely incomprehensible, and just looks at it and feels that his soul is under load is definitely a super spell that belongs to the category of Sun's ultimate move, and its existence is undoubtedly The precious legacy that Messoul kindly left to the "strangers"!

"... Being a chess piece is just a very sad thing, but if you are a chess piece but don't want to go beyond the chessboard, it is a "pitiful" tragedy. Maybe you who are listening to this message don't know it. Since ancient times, almost every generation of Mage Guild presidents has exhausted all thoughts in order to get rid of the control of the long river of destiny. Every predecessor of the Yaori level and even the successive leaders of the Silent Alliance and the Santarin Society have tried various ways. Such amazing and magnificent ideas...Although they failed without exception until the end, their failures also named us the only path with a little bit of success, and that is-promotion to the gods." !

The words are not astonishing and endless. Messoul’s words show the courage and foresight of a generation of superpowers as soon as they are spoken. He did not even think of using any "interference mechanism transfer" means to avoid the long river of fate. His vision Without hesitation, he pointed to a grand goal that would surprise the professionals of Yaori.

  Promoted to the **** seat!

What a mysterious and ethereal goal this is. Everyone knows that the realm of the **** seat is real. The members of the Great Austrian Council in the era of Netheril are even powerful **** seat powerhouses without exception. In the era of the legendary island full of despair, the Judgment Eye and the filthy bird, as the mighty gods, are still showing their incredible power from time to time.

   But... Is it really that simple to be promoted to the gods?

  Under the interference of the long river of fate, God knows how difficult it will be to advance to the God seat, which is already extremely laborious and lifeless? At least in the history that punk knows, since the collapse of Netheril civilization, the entire multiverse has never seen a strong God seat. Even the filthy bird and the eye of judgment should be strictly in The guy who appeared suddenly at the end of the Riel era.

   So at this moment, isn’t the idea that Messoul clinging to really a kind of absurd whimsical?

The gloomy punk did not express any extra emotions. He neither cheered for the grand blueprint of the "Archmage", nor dismissed because he did not believe in Messoul's "legacy". He just stood calmly in the original. Jiqiang resisted the exhaustion that originated from the soul and completely memorized the dazzling sun's ultimate move spell model that appeared in front of him-even the current "Destroy Whisper" could not even understand a rune above.

   Of course, while punk memorizes precious knowledge, the images of Messwuer did not stop its endless narration, I saw that he continued to say calmly in that solemn tone:

"Promoting to the gods, what a great dream, how magnificent and perfect it sounds to get rid of the control of the long river of fate with absolute power? However, in this era, in this era when the power of "destiny" is prosperous like never before, in this era, In the era of Netheril, where all the knowledge to advance to the gods is ineffective, how can it be so easy to advance to a leap? God knows how many people have tried and how many methods? The only result they get is failure—how much is this? The fact that people are desperate...

   But! Will true brave people shrink back because of this?"

Speaking of The sound of the crystal card image suddenly turned from dull to agitated. The projection of the "Arch Mage" at this moment even made punk feel more fearless than the "Mage Guild Leader" before his death. Fighter, Messoul, who completely broke free of all shackles through death, must have released his unwillingness, resentment, and unscrupulous deep in his patience through this virtual projection.

   After all, against the backdrop of a deadly magical light, the "crazy words" that the late Sun Throne said afterwards are enough to make the "informed" "Destroy Whispers" stare in surprise:

"I can't accept such a pitiful ending that is left to fate! I can't tolerate the stagnation of my own strength. I am by no means inferior to the super genius of any great master in the era of Netheril. My failure is just Because I was born in the wrong time, I want to subvert this sad multiverse, I want to change my sad and ridiculous garbage destiny! This is the goal I decided from the day I was promoted to Legend, and now I am far from success. It’s only one step away—yes, the descent spell "Bitnant’s Soul Fusion" that I invented definitely has a chance to get rid of the shackles of fate and advance to the seat of God. This is my "arch mage" Mei Swul's greatest invention in his life"!



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