Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1173: The War of Lantern Language (5) is over


When Xvia saw the rapid expansion of the oval aperture in the picture sent by Xvia, the punk who recognized this spell specifically for killing small and medium-sized structures knew he was in the middle.

There is no doubt that Walkway is actually not crazy enough to try to use a morning star spell while preparing for a second morning star spell. His desperate effort on the surface and even the pale green rune he doesn’t know is just acting. It's just a guise for punk, and this guy took a huge risk to create these guise for the sole purpose of attracting the Morning Star Golem hiding in the shadows to attack!

Now in a sense, the "dead writing lantern" strategy has been mostly successful............

However, at this time, even if "Destroy Whispers" realizes that he is in the middle of it, what can be done? You know, even if punk wants to give Xvia a new order to remedy the mistake, it takes time to transmit information, not to mention the chaotic battlefield that will seriously interfere with the transmission efficiency of mental power fluctuations, usually in order to transmit an order , The caster must quickly send tens of billions of mental power fluctuations to make sure that their Morning Star Golem can be received.

However, at this urgent juncture, how can punk have time to give orders? It was a lot of luck for Xvia to pass back the scene of the scene in time!

"This is a big trouble. Xvia's level of intelligence is simply not enough to support her to make the correct combat response. Even if she is aware of the trap, she will only rigidly obey the order and plunge into the enemy's trap. , It seems that in this battle... 80% of my golems can no longer be used."

Silently shook his head, "Destroy Whisper", who knew that he could not undo the result, quickly made the difficult decision to give up the Golem Girl.

You must know that Xvia is a standard assassin-type golem. In the design of punk craftsmanship, she almost sacrificed all her defensive power in exchange for amazing lethality and hiding power. She has two This offensive skill has only an ancient armor as a defensive method, so if the crispy Morningstar Golem is hit by a powerful "material steal" from zero distance...

Then she can basically announce her withdrawal from the battle.


Punk’s judgment is undoubtedly sensible enough. I believe that any smart professional will make the same judgment as him in battle. After all, abandoning what needs to be discarded at a critical moment can maximize the recovery of losses. This is every one who participates in the war. The basic qualities that everyone must have.

However, even if the caster's decision is decisive enough, but... what kind of emotions in the heart of Xvia, who is at the forefront of the most dangerous battle, are suddenly coming and going?

To be honest, the golem girl at the beginning was very willing to obey the orders. She is the sharpest blade in the hands of "Destroy Whispers". She is also a golem that does not require extra thoughts and emotions, no matter what kind of powerful enemy and whatever she faces. The danger that she needs to do is just an indomitable challenge.

Even if he heard the weird words of a mad mage, even if he saw a palpitating red glow, what reason would a lifeless construct have to shrink back?

Of course it should be like this in theory, but in fact...

"No, I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I'm so scared"!

It is like a poisonous snake seduce Adam and Eve to take off the fruit of the taboo, like a nightmare whispering to a baby in a deep sleep, and at the moment when he feels the threat of death and enters the depths of the virtual soul, Xvia’s thinking ability is not strong. I feel that an invisible bowstring in my mind has been broken!

Yes, she didn’t want to die. From the moment she was born on the test bench and had life, the golem girl, who was silently hidden in the shadow of the caster, did not want to die. “True death should be eternal sleep and completeness. The disappearance of..." After his body was damaged once in the last battle, the words that Punk said had actually remained in Xvia's heart.

Eternal sleep... Complete death...

What a terrible ending is this? What a horrible encounter?

When the choice between life and death suddenly appears in front of a sufficiently advanced "artificial intelligence", will the so-called commands that cannot be violated still occupy an indisputable weight?

"No, I don't want to die like this, I don't want to die, I want to live"!

"Kacha, Kacha".

The answer is probably no.

In this critical moment, something inexplicable suddenly shattered. For the first time, the restraint from "Destroy Whisper" became a simple "suggestion" in the mind of the girl golem. With an incomparably simple "don't want to die" bleak consciousness, Xvia, who fully drives the energy circuit to stop her body, is the first time in her life to successfully give her own order to her body, and a curing spell that has been used without authorization. In the white starry sky, a golden glow suddenly burst out.

"Morning Star Golem Curing Spell-Shimmering Fast"!


Like a sharp blade across the sky, like a hot knife splitting cream, I saw the girl golem with amazing braking ability suddenly turned around and avoided the lingering red light under the astonished gaze of the "dead writing lantern". palm.

And after successfully avoiding a "mortal", Kesvia, who did not stop her actions, has also worked out a perfect counterattack plan in an amazing way!

"Shadows Hidden", "Shimmering Lights", "Dance of Sharp Lights", "Nether Spurs", "Blooming Edges"!

At the same moment, there is no gap!

The golem girl used all the fighting methods she could use in an instant, and the "shadow hidden" that suddenly escaped into the shadows successfully made Walkway, who was trying to remedy the mistakes, lose his goal, and the short-range acceleration of "Shine Light" It helped the dexterous Xvia easily come to the back of the "death lantern" that still maintained the "Hate of the Airbreaker" and could not turn and move.

And when this series of displacement skills were perfectly declared successful, three morning star attack spells were launched at the same time, and it was easy to tore up the "Dead Wind Lantern" with only a thin layer of defense. When Walkway opened his mouth wide and showed an expression of unbelievable horror, the exquisite and beautiful "Settis Blade" had smoothly penetrated the thin head of the "Dead Text Lantern"...

The battle... this is over!

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