Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1175: past

"Why are you obsessed with a ridiculous dagger, a mere morning star magic equipment is worth your crazy man's life"?

This is a question that has been asked by several people. In fact, until he closes his eyes forever, "Dead Wind Lantern" still remembers his most beloved Yaori powerhouse-Mr. Black Jack at the time with a tone that was almost roaring. Ask a question.

The memory of Morningstar professionals is unforgettable, so Walkway remembers it clearly... He remembers that Morningstar Knight Kane, who had saved his life, had similar questions, and his "old enemy" spellcaster's Although the doubt has not been bluntly stated, it is not difficult to see the change in the other's ridiculous expression.

Even in the deepest part of his heart, Walkway had asked himself very solemnly about this question.

However... this is an unsolvable problem.

No matter who asked, what attitude, or for what purpose, a crazy mage with difficulty in his mind would always be unable to give a clear answer.

The Blade of Setis...Who knows what this dagger represents for the insane "death lantern"? As the endless years blew away, even Mr. Zuo Mi might have been unable to judge what weight it occupies in his heart.

But what Walkway can be sure of is that it's not just a weapon or tool used for combat, but it also represents a morning star powerhouse that can't let go of it after thousands of years of wind and frost, and is unforgettable. "Past", it represents the most important obsession of an "old immortal" magician, and it also represents the source of a neurotic and murderous self-consciousness............

People often say that "opening up the future" is the most difficult thing in the world, but for some persistent people, forgetting the "most perfect happiness" and "heaviest sadness" of the past may be The truly desperate way to the sky.

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Walkway-Zuo Fan was born in a family of nobles in the countryside on the plane of Faerun...a lame old horse, a pair of scratched armor, a bladed sword, plus two rural food towns ——Under normal circumstances, these things are all the possessions that a standard "rural nobleman" can have. Walkway's childhood family situation is often only less than this "standard asset" and not more than this. Many states.

And because of the existence of an old drunkard who can only eat, drink and have fun all day long, Little Walkway did not even experience starvation during his days as a "noble master".

It must be admitted that this kind of poverty-stricken life is unbearable for anyone, not to mention the fledgling young people who have never imagined that they can go out and break out of poverty and ignorance, and then start a great career. What?

So it is natural that Walkway, who has entered his youth, had the naive idea of ​​"stepping into the upper class" and becoming a real nobleman on the first day he had the power to wield an iron sword.

Of course, in terms of "ideas" alone, Walkway's thoughts at the time were actually no different from the fantasies of many of his peers, but compared to those "dreamers" who only lay in bed and fell asleep. , This vigorous and resolute aristocratic young master is a very rare "brave man" who dares to put his dream into action.

Because he really rode a sika deer caught from the mountains and forests, he did not hesitate to embark on the journey to the big city!

I believe that for most of the little nobles who have never left their place of birth in their entire lives, "reckless" guys like Walkway are definitely "wonderful" that they can't understand at all...

But even if the will is firm and the original intention is clear, the start of the dream is always not easy.

According to the unspoken rules of the small kingdom where Walkway was located at that time, if a heir of a small nobleman like him wants to enter the real "high society", he must first start with a low-ranking noble servant, and even if he is willing to spend ten years So many great youths have become a noble servant who is equivalent to working for nothing. It is still a question of whether a "great nobleman" is willing to allow him such an "indecent countryman" to enter the house.

So in the first period of time when I came to the big city, the innocent "aristocratic young master" who innocently asked for help from "distant relatives' distant relatives" and even almost starved to death on the cold streets, if it weren't for a kind and beautiful big family The girl saved the dying Walkerwei's life, and the future Morning Star Arch Mage "Dead Text Lantern" might cease to exist.

Of course, those are things to follow. In fact, Walkway at the time was very grateful for his lifesaver. After all, on that day, on the luckiest day in his life, he not only met A beautiful girl who is as holy as an angel, he also succeeded in getting a valuable job as a "aristocratic servant", and his target was the great aristocratic family who brought him light in the cold wind. Miss daughter-Setis Olkra!

It is worth mentioning that the reason why Setis saved a tramp boy and insisted on leaving him as her servant was actually not too complicated. Although all her behavior motives were inseparable from "kindness." The main reason is that... Walkerwei was so handsome in his youth.

No matter how big a lady is, she is also a and everyone has the love of beauty.

Think about it, if a girl who is in the early years of love encounters a beautiful boy with a "look like winter snow" while shopping, then she has no reason not to look more, right?

Since I have seen it all, it is logical to save it, right?

Since the rescue is saved, it seems pretty good to stay and be a seductive servant...

So just because of the natural and normal decision-making of the girl Setis, the young Walkway managed to escape from the claws of death and took the first step towards his dream!

Not only did he become a servant of a nobleman with a stable life, he even got a chance to become a professional-after all, only professionals are the real masters in this world. In order to keep the family prosperous, usually a noble family No matter whether he is talented or not, he will be taught by some professionals. At that time, Setis, the girl who rescued Walkway, was in the youth stage of being educated as a spellcaster and preparing for a career level.

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