Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1188: Visitor

   "Huiyue Grade Mind Spell-Mind Replacement"!

   This is the result of punk's 20,000 years of research-a brilliant moon magic that can be called excellent.

   In fact, after discovering that the perfect idea of ​​upgrading "telephony" in all aspects would not work, punk has already begun to try to solve the problem with a more flexible way of thinking.

Since the conventional speed-up magic structure cannot freely lock the displacement direction and complete the positioning in the aftermath of the battle at the Huiyue level, if the spell releaser leaves a mental level coordinate as an aid, it will not be perfectly solved. Is the key issue of direction?

In the beginning, punk found some inspiration from the "Flying Thunder God" skill in a comic called "Mouth Ninja" he saw in his previous life. The movement method of teleporting back and forth through the retained coordinate nodes also sounds very handsome. And the "Mind Replacement" of "Destroy Whispers" can even instantly swap the position of the marked object that has received psionic infusion with oneself.

But think about it carefully, the battle at the Huiyue level often explodes the space, laws, and materials within the entire battlefield into nothingness, and the special rock formations on the Faerun plane cannot be left behind by any magic. Where should he leave his "mind mark"?

   So the open-minded spellcaster thought of his own morning star golem.

Yes, it is the Morning Star Golem. After Xvia was "disposed", Punk has put a new soul into the body of the repaired Morning Star Golem, and he also named the newly reborn Golem Girl Miu Lan Oona, whose moral is "the blade without thought".

And on this golem, the caster also very carefully painted a mental coordinate, so that when "Destroy Whisper" casts "Mind Replacement", he will directly swap positions with his golem. , I believe those progressive professionals who dare to approach Master Huiyue without authorization will definitely feel the "sudden pain" deeply.

"Huiyue's power is already under my control, and the rest is left to learn Huiyue-level spells and Huiyue killer moves. Well, let me think about what glory the "guildmaster" has left me. Moon level magic wealth............"

The caster of Huiyue moved his body happily, with a slight smile on his mouth, is already preparing for his next research plan. He plans to give the "guild leader" to his more than 20 Hui The moon level spells are proficient in learning, and then master a powerful Huiyue killer as the hole card, just like what he did when he was just promoted to Morningstar.

   just before that............

   "Linton Hughes, what do you mean by the message you sent one thousand or three hundred years ago? Who came to visit my magic tower"?

   impatiently opened the data access permission of the laboratory, and the expressionless caster asked his build housekeeper in a somewhat unpleasant tone.

He remembered very clearly that about 1,623 years ago, he was immersed in magic research and received a "white warning notice" from Linton Houston. In the narration of the construction butler, punk got Knowing, it turned out that two ordinary legendary "visitors", a man and a woman, suddenly came to their magic tower without warning. They refused to tell the Constructor anything, and insisted on seeing them as soon as possible.

   It's just that the punk at that time was focusing on the study of spells, so he just told Linton Hughes to stay vigilant and watch the other party, and then...there was no more.

   Is there anything in the world that is more important than the promotion of Master Huiyue? Unless the Throne of the Sun is killed, otherwise the "Whisper of Destruction" who is focusing on spells will not be distracted until he has successfully studied his goal.

What's more, when he wants to come, the guys who come to visit him are nothing more than some small legendary members who come to ask about the battle of Yaori, or simply troublesome guys who want to join the Silent Alliance through their own recommendations. This kind of legendary professional punk with ulterior motives has also been sent several times before, and he feels that this time there will be no exceptions.

   "Hold them for one or two thousand years, and the more interesting idiots will naturally leave."

   This was the idea before "Destroy Whispers". He didn't even bother to receive a bunch of messy cats and dogs.

However, now, Mage Huiyue, who has canceled the information shielding function of the laboratory, is slightly surprised to find that there are still two legendary powerful souls beside his magic tower, and one of them is impressive. It is the legendary member of the "executors" who once had a relationship with him-"Plague Box"!

   As for another legendary professional whose life flickers like a candle in the wind, it simply cannot be identified by simple sensing means because of excessive damage to the soul.

"This is a bit inexplicable. Why did the "Plague Box" come to see me so well? Could it be because the Pantheon had acted on the ordinary members of the "executors"? But that's not right, the Morningstar priests of the Pantheon are here In the last battle, didn’t I and Kane almost completely slaughtered them? Their ordinary legendary priest should have been killed by the mad knights and the red robes in the battle of the Karamus ~ The gods of the good camp have no "justified reason", and it is even more unlikely that they will fight for no reason. So...what is the reason that the little girl mage came here? Why didn't she go to find the "instant killing" who didn't know what she was doing Death gun"? She can't always bring the half-dead legend next to him for treatment, right"?

   slightly frowned and guessed the motives of the "Plague Box", and then he waved his hand at random to open a portal, and walked directly out of his magic tower.

Because of the cross-level promotion, punk’s thinking speed is now much faster than the information processing speed of the "Big Spider Butler", so there is no need to wait for Linton Hughes to answer the question, "Destroy Whisper" is an instant step Came to the temporary camp of his "guest".

  Since the "uninvited guests" who came to him were members of the Silent Alliance and his nominal "colleagues", then punk felt that he still had a reason to meet each other.

   But if there is something that needs to be helped in a personal capacity... the savvy caster has to consider the issue of profit and loss.


   "Hello, Ms. "Plague Box", in order to save time, I hope you can tell me the purpose of your visit to me as soon as possible, and...what did you two do to my build housekeeper"?



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