Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1189: meet

There is no doubt that the two men and women who came to the punk magic tower are the "Plague Boxes" and "Thunderstorms" that came to avoid disasters. Although Kaisanoya, who has only reached the 26th level, has always been jealous. With the existence of "Destroy Whispers", she has never wanted to approach the forever expressionless, cold-eyed "Legend Killer" Punk-Sean, but when the life-and-death crisis comes, she feels a little bit of psychological discomfort and groundless fear What is it?

So under Dieter’s anxious half-dragging and half-persuading, the hesitating girl mage finally accepted the terrible facts of the "Pantheon attack", and then used the super long-distance teleportation spell to quickly arrive at the plane of Faerun. On the Great Plains of Tucker.

Of course, the "Destroy Whispers" today is not the ordinary legendary "little mage" who just joined the Silent Alliance. He is now a powerful spellcaster with an independent magic tower and a clear voice, so he intends to seek refuge under the fence. Of course, it’s impossible for the two legendary professionals to stand impolitely under the magic tower and yell and ask to meet each other. They can only find Linton Hughes, the construct butler who patrols the magic tower day after day, and then ask This "big spider" informed the true owner of the Morning Star Tower.

   But they only got a "please wait patiently" answer, and a dumb structure called "blatant" and strict surveillance without technical content............

To be honest, the “surveillance” of Linton Hughes cannot be called “surveillance” at all. This build butler without the “monitor” module is just a small camp set up temporarily by Dittburn and Kesanoya It was summarized as part of his patrol route.

Went around in the morning and then around at noon. In the evening, after completing the basic maintenance of the magic tower, I lived in the camp all night and all night, watching my "surveillance" target with my eight red eyes. .

In this "surveillance" process of nearly three thousand years, in order to perfectly protect the safety of the magic tower and the safety of the owner, Linton Hughes stayed with the "Plague Box" and others faster than it stayed in the magic tower. Longer.

   A long time together will bring about quick familiarity, and the familiarity between each other will naturally bring about “friendly” communication.

   So when Punk successfully promoted Huiyue and left the magic tower to meet the two "visitors", he saw this scene that made people wonder what to say.

I saw that the "big spider" butler at this time is no longer the monotonous appearance of the bright silver 3,000 years ago, and Kaisanoya, who is idle and doing nothing, actually painted its whole body with bright colors. dye!

Not only that, the playful girl mage also used the painted Linden Hughes as a large doll and added a lot of ornaments. She put a different color and style on almost every claw of the structure. Different, but all exquisite high-quality leather cases, she also designed a large enough pink wedding dress to be draped on the stupid Lindon Houston.

So the current construction butler looks completely different from before. Not only does it have a beautifully crafted and brightly colored lightweight garment, there are also hundreds of them made of various common metals and gems. Beautiful ornaments.

Although these extremely feminine decoration styles are somewhat unclear and unclear to the huge construction housekeeper, even punk has to admit that the auditing standards of the "Plague Box" clothing even look at the entire multiverse. It is definitely a super-class type. The structure embellished by her not only possesses the graceful and luxurious brilliance, but also possesses the elegant and calm introverted charm.

However, "Destroy Whispers" has never known how to appreciate the so-called "art", so the first time he saw his "guest", he summoned a flame of Master Huiyue and directly burned every copy of Linton Hughes. "Excessive" colors.

   "Well, Linton Hughes, your mission is complete, now you can go back and continue your work."

Using cold mental power fluctuations to give orders to the "Big Spider" structure that is still "surveilling" the target, the caster's emotionless gaze has never left the smiling and embarrassed "Plague Box" and relying on one. A legendary warlock breathing air on a stone pillar.

   "Yes, the great Mr. "Destroy Whispers", number c380 mission sequence to be removed, now continue to perform mission a762."

There are no redundant reactions and no redundant answers. The rigid-thinking construction butler is like the most perfect "robot" and he obeyed the instructions of the "master" for the first time. It didn't even see that he was burned. The decoration turned and left at a glance.

   So far, the afterglow of the setting sun once again shined through the misty clouds on the vast and quiet Hatak Plain, and the sweet rustle of grass blades blowing in the breeze became the only natural sound in the silent air.


   "You...Hello, I mean hello, Mr. "Destroy Whispers", it's really nice to see you, isn't it?"

   respectfully performed a non-standard mage etiquette, and the mental power fluctuations of the "Plague Box" at the moment seemed to stumble a little.

Watching the engulfing flames, she burned all her art works to ashes in the blink of an eye. Kaisanoya, who likes to work **** these "insignificant" life styles, is actually a little unhappy, but she is a bit unhappy. When facing a spellcaster far more powerful than herself, she certainly cannot complain about such trivial Actually, after perceiving the existence of punk, it looks like In the depths of the "Plague Box" that smiled awkwardly, there were waves of turbulent waves that were unquenchable.

   What did she see? A luminous moon caster with a caster level of up to fifty?

The girl mage clearly remembers that just about 200,000 years ago, this terrifying "monster" who was so powerful that his soul could tremble with only his breath was still an "executive member" who was in the realm of ordinary legends with him. Well, but look now? His professional level hasn't even been improved by one level, but the opponent has already reached the unimaginable Huiyue level!

   That's a total of fifty spellcasting levels, which is a terrifying gap that is more than twenty levels higher than ordinary legends! It was the mysterious realm of her "Plague Box" that could not even be imagined!

Presumably, in the eyes of most ordinary legendary professionals, the promotion speed of punk is too incredible, although the self-awareness of Kesanoya knew from the beginning that half a bottle of water like her is still swaying "half". "The Hermit Mage" is destined to one day become incomparable with the "Adventurous Power" like "Whisper of Destruction", but she really didn't expect this "shocking" day to come. fast.

   is coming... She would feel awkward and awkward even to change her name...



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