Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1195: "Dietburn"?

Punk did not expel the divine curse in Dieterben’s soul before starting the experiment, because he needed a destructive enough energy to help him suppress the rejection of the legendary warlock’s soul, and this is already happening. The curse effect that spreads across the entire soul of "Thunderstorm" is more appropriate. Directly using these energies that have been adapted to "Thunderstorm" can also prevent the new spells used by punk from destroying Dietburn's soul structure again.

But now it seems that the killing effect of the curse of the magical spell seems a bit too good, because it is not only destroying the integrity of a soul, it is also using the continuous pain to corrode the willpower of the enemy, which is extremely needed in the "thunderstorm" It’s a bit unsuitable for this kind of thing to jump out and make trouble with willpower, so the current punk can only reconsider purifying it on the spot in the soul of the legendary warlock!

So when Dietburn’s rejection broke out, will the conflict between the soul of this unlucky wizard and the "virtual soul fragment" cause something "not very pleasant to see" to happen in the caster's laboratory? ?

   "Destroying Whispers" is only the first time such an experiment has been conducted, and he is not very clear about the consequences of accidents during the experiment.

   But... Anyway, letting the magical energy erodes like this "thunderstorm" will not last long, so a dead horse will be a living horse doctor... Just try it?

   So punk decisively took out a new bottle of "soul stabilizing potion" and "try".

   "Morning Star Conjuration Spell-Atoshis' Purifying Beam".


   Like the sun to disperse the mist, like the breeze to wash away the dust, with a clean light green light beam shining on Dieter's entire body, his restless soul also calmed down in a flash.

The power of the magical energy itself cannot be compared with the spells released by the punk, the Great Moon Master, and the curse suffered by the legendary warlock is not the entire share of the entire morning star spell, so only a simple "Ah" "Tosses' purification beam" shined, and the soul of "Thunderstorm" was completely purified in an instant.

   Along with the haze that seemed to be carrying wailing and howling mists scattered on the experimental platform, the terrible curse that had entangled Dieter for thousands of years was finally perfectly lifted by stronger magic.

It is worth mentioning that this curse of magical energy is actually a bit weird in the "Whisper of Destruction". After all, from the perspective of the good camp gods in the conventional sense, its killing principle is a bit too much anyway. "Cruel", punk really doesn't think there is any "good god" doctrine and priesthood that can tolerate this kind of magic that is obviously torturing the weak to be used by "good" priests, so...

   Who are the guys who attacked the "Thunderstorm" and still used the name of the Pantheon?

   Mage Huiyue, who never overlooked any detail, intends to ask carefully after his experimental subject wakes up.

   But that is the future, not the present.

   "The curse is done, and then I hope the guy "Thunderstorm" can survive, otherwise I won't find anyone to answer my question."

Some helplessly poured the second bottle of "soul stabilizing solvent" on Dieterben's head, and the punk that really started "dead horse as a living horse doctor" simply ignored the physical reaction of "thunderstorm" Up.

   The opportunity to obtain data related to the "Soul of Sorrow" is extremely precious. In order not to miss any important details that may carry important knowledge, punk must concentrate on observing every piece of information he wants to observe.

   As for whether the "thunderstorm" that was suppressed by the rejection reaction would die... That would not be taken into consideration by the inhumane Mage Huiyue.

He does want to know the whole process of Dieter’s strange attack, but compared to his attention to the Pantheon, the "Whisper of Destruction" at this moment is more concerned about his own research on "Soul of Sorrow". Punk's prediction and estimation, as long as he can gain a little knowledge from the observation process of "Soul of Sorrow", he has a chance to upgrade his professional level!

   After reaching the fifty-first level, a Huiyue professional can safely learn his own Huiyue killer moves.


  The mystery of the soul is magnificent and magnificent. No one knows how many incredible magical powers a professional soul has. Then when a will is immersed in his own soul, what will he see?

"Thunderstorm" felt that his consciousness was about to melt into his own soul at this moment, because surrounded by a hollow experience that seemed to be constantly falling, this warlock, who had already become a legendary professional, actually saw an incredible experience. Phenomenon of blood blending!

That's right, the dumbfounded Dieter could clearly see that a piece of dark blue thunder was entangled with a piece of ice-white frost mist, and countless gray silk threads entangled them, surrounded them, and bound them inseparably. Under the constraints of those weird lines of sewing, whether it is the twisting frost or the roaring thunder, they can only calm down and live in harmony.

   So in this illusory mental scene, a frosty white thunder and lightning light ball lingering around hundreds of gray threads was successfully born in the final roar.

   "This is... my blood?"

   I was a little dazed to watch that dazzling ball of light fell into the bottomless abyss with my suddenly felt a lot of clear mind, and then the legendary warlock instinctively realized something.

   He realized that what he saw just now was probably the collision of two bloodlines, and he also realized that the light ball in front of him, which fell faster than himself, was the brand new bloodline he had now!

   It’s just...

   "Yes, this is indeed your blood, but are you still your Dietburn?"

   Such a hoarse and low voice suddenly appeared in his mind, and the bitter cold seemed to instantly fill the "thunderstorm" mind.

   In instinctive consciousness, "Dietburn" immediately wanted to refute this absurd question to himself, because who else could he be if he wasn't Dietburn? He still clearly remembered that he had the surname of "Akama" and the title of "Thunderstorm".

   But before this rebuttal was spoken, the dignified legendary warlock was suddenly stunned.

  Because in the ocean of his memory, many experiences belonging to "Dietburn" have unexpectedly turned into a foggy blank! As a legendary strong man, he actually... amnesia!



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