Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1235: Hit

After realizing that his enemy was about to flee the Eternal Forest and step into a safe place, even if Rickhors still had a very strong idea of ​​seeking the truth, he could not continue to persistently release the water during the attack, so he listened to the sky Zhong Luo Dati urged, and the "Misty Morning Wind" who gritted his teeth silently could only continue to fly and try to maintain a short distance from the target, while gently placing his right hand on the back of the short blade. .

That’s right, this legendary ranger is a left-handed. Under normal circumstances, he will hold a knife with one hand in his left hand to ensure that his right hand can relax flexibly to deal with various situations, but now... in order to prepare for the next truly deadly attack, Lik Hoth had already begun to firmly control the blade with both hands.

"Although I still have a lot of questions I want to ask, I'm really sorry, I can't let you escape smoothly, so next... just ask two guests to die here"!

From the moment when the sharp light of the sword was aimed at the "Candy Merchant", the gloomy cold killing intent instantly swept the minds of everyone present. At this moment, the "Misty Morning Breeze" seemed substantive. The killing aura even caused the wind and clouds in the sky to gather, and the cold light representing the danger of death shocked Mimibezi's heart for the first time.

"This is a legendary ultimate move"!

There is no need for more observation and judgment, just after seeing the touch of determination revealed in the enemy's eyes, the little businessman who is fairly rich in theoretical knowledge immediately realized what the enemy's next move would be.

Obviously, the real strong enemies of the two brothers and sisters who have been chasing them did not actually show their real strength just now. The seemingly sharp beheading of the other party actually had the idea of ​​staying alive.

But from now on, or to be precise, from the next cut, the degree of danger of the battle will inevitably enter a completely different state of tension, because the "Candy Merchant" can clearly feel the sudden disclosure of Likhos. With her strong killing intent and sufficient self-confidence, if nothing unexpected happens in her judgment, the next enemy’s attack will inevitably have some extraordinary superiority, and this "extraordinary killer" is likely to be Let yourself, a girl devil who has no actual combat experience, fall on the spot!

We must know that Mimibez is the only combatant among the legendary twins who has the ability to deal with the "morning breeze". Once she falls or suffers severe trauma, then the fate of Oakris is basically doomed. At that time, the "executors" of their group will end with the ending of "group destruction"...

This is really an unacceptable ending.

"Damn it, can't let him attack as he wants"!

Mimibezi, who bit her lower lip lightly, braked and turned abruptly, decisively began to use her own attack to interfere with the enemy's killer moves.

Although there are less than ten seconds left for young girls and girls to enter the Great Plains of Khatak, no matter how slow the release of a legendary professional’s assassin, it can’t take ten seconds, right?

All after seeing Rickhors’s slashing, regardless of whether the "Candy Merchant" and the Devil Archduke would like it or not, they could only stop and face the powerful enemy head-on-and as neither of them had legendary kills Warlock professionals, they must also intercept before the enemy completes the legendary killer move.

It must be admitted that the difference between having an assassin and no assassin is really too big. If the unlucky legendary twins can now also have a legendary killer move, then they can use the legendary killer move to protect their safety and fly in mid-air. The legendary Druid Rodatti in the movie can't even get involved in the aftermath of the "killer clash".

But unfortunately, the legendary spells of warlock professionals are not so easy to awaken. Neither Mimibez nor Oakley have such important combat methods, so now their method of intercepting Rikhors is destined to be He rushed to the enemy awkwardly, and then used his fists and feet for melee attacks.

This so-called "method" is really helpless and inefficient. The most important thing is that it is not very useful, because the "Quenching Bite" that has been burning in mid-air is not a useless decoration. As a "colleague" of Likhos, she must be very aware of the fact that the legendary ranger needs to accumulate energy to prepare for the legendary fighting skills.

So after seeing the two eager legendary demons suddenly turn around and prepare to interfere, the flames almost completely transformed into an incandescent giant eagle and immediately joined the battle.

"Shameful despicables, you all have to pay the price for what you do"!

"Legendary Natural Magic-Living Flame"!

"Boom, boom"!

Along with the billowing smoke, the starry sky was obscured in the night sky lit by the firelight, and two huge flame **** with hot tentacles flew to the young **** the ground one after another.

It seems that this natural magic technique should be a summoning magic technique with a certain autonomous tracking ability, so the "living flames" rolling forward locked the Legendary Gemini and chased it for the first time.

After realizing that two huge fireballs that were rolling close to him were chasing after him, the helpless Mimibezi and Oakris could only turn around to give priority to solving the flame tentacles that were about to stick to them.

The professional level of "Quenching Bite" is not low, but her attacks are from the beginning to the end belong to the low-kill type flame that releases aoe indiscriminately, so when she saw two big fireballs full of unknown rolling in, Sister Devil Brother actually didn't have too much fear in his heart.

They are powerful legendary warlocks! Even if the "Living Flame" has a relatively strong self-detonation effect, judging from the attack power that a certain violent druid has shown so far, it can only cause them a little skin trauma that does not affect their actions.

Isn't it time to care about a little "skin trauma" now?

So accompanied by two consecutive blood-red rays of light tearing through the space The legendary devil waving wings and fists directly hit the "ball of fire" that was approaching him, no matter it was from the "Candy Merchant". Both the fist and the wings of the Devil Archduke are absolutely sharp enough, so their attack easily smashed the "living flames" that looked rather hideous.

However, the facts later proved that... this so-called "solution" actually hit Luo Dati's arms.

Because it is very unexpected that the smashed fire giant **** not only did not explode or disappear without a trace, they also instantly leaked a large amount of fiery red gas like a punctured balloon.

It was a large amount of fire elemental steam with a powerful shielding perception effect. Suddenly he was placed in this temporary ground cloud and mist. The poor legendary twins were really out of sight...

"It's over, it's all over"!

The moment he realized that he was being recruited, there was only this idea in Mimibezi's mind

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