Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1247: The perfect answer?

Why didn't the great vampire Triklan eat his favorite flame cake? What happened to the tradition of the Akitara family? How could this question be answered by an ordinary noble girl?

So after the mad knight questioned with a serious expression on his face, the incoherent Linka's sweat had already wetted her clothes in just a few seconds.

Not answering is definitely not good. After all, the Golden Glitter Knight looks like a flirting joke, but... But there is really no way to answer the answer. How to answer the unanswered question?

The poor little girl really has nothing to do, she can only bite the bullet and rack her brains to say the so-called answer:

"This...this vampire tradition may...may also need to be changed, right? It's like...just like when a fruit grower grows vegetables, he suddenly wants to cultivate some wheat for a different taste, right? After all, wheat is made. The bread is the best, that... that... So because the Akitara family changed their traditions, there may be no flame cake in their kitchen, right? This... Since there is no flame cake anymore, so... …So Mr. Trekland just...can't eat it?"

With a timid expression like a small animal, observing the terrifying eyes of the "Instant Kill Gun", the girl with her hands tightly clenched on the skirt only felt that her brain was filled with empty and broken blanks.

Oh my God, what kind of mess is she answering? What wheat, what fruit grower, whether there is a flame cake, and what does it have to do with the kitchen? What and what is this? This incoherent answer is definitely not qualified, right?

As soon as the word "unqualified" was thought of, Linka's eyelashes began to condense tears of fear. She still remembered the terrible scene where Kane slapped Mr. Zweig's head while shouting "unqualified". Scenery, if my answer is not up to date, then... will I also get a miserable treatment of "head blooming"?

At this moment, the coldness in the spinal cord seemed to rush directly into her mind from the girl’s back. From birth until today, the noble girl who had not seen blood a few times discovered for the first time that she was eager for adventure. She was so powerless and vulnerable in the face of the threat of death, the huge fear made her unable to move even when she wanted to run desperately.

If she was given another chance to choose, the girl who always innocently adventurous and yearns for an adventurous life would definitely feel how happy her aristocratic life is.


"Is this answer? It's really interesting. I thought you would make up a story as complete as possible and explain it as reasonably as possible to win the trust of others. It turns out that the answer you chose was to use ambiguity to cover the truth... Well, this is indeed a way to deal with questions, and it is quite effective from my personal feeling."

Somewhat unexpectedly the girl, after listening to her incoherent answer, the shining golden knight with a fierce expression in the last second suddenly returned to the handsome image of the handsome boy at the beginning.

Obviously, Baron Besadas, who asked an inexplicable question, did not expect Lynka, who knew nothing from the beginning, to give himself a "correct answer". On the contrary, what he needed was an "incorrect answer". "An answer template!

All scammers face a question, that is, when facing other people’s questions, what kind of answer can they use to win the other’s trust with false information?

In the beginning, according to Kane's idea, since he wanted to deceive people, he must make up a perfect story. A perfect lie must be fabricated to the extent that it can deceive himself.

Of course, a lie is a lie, and a fake is a fake. Even for a legendary powerhouse, it is almost impossible to plug all the loopholes in a lie so that the lie is tantamount to the truth. The Radiant Moon Knights on the border of the Tucker Plain were so exhausted that they lost their usual patience.

But at this moment...In the process of questioning the noble girl in front of him, Kane found that he seemed to have entered a blind corner of thinking-why should he be obsessed with letting others believe lies? Wouldn’t it be a choice if the lies were simply laid out and the deceived person was forced to find the so-called “truth” from the lies?

A large piece of flawless truth crystal and fragments of fragmented truth pieces are put together. For those who like to use conspiracy theory to figure out the world, which one is the most credible? Which of a bunch of ambiguous nonsense and a logically rigorous argument can really be used to perfuse the facts?

The answer is always self-evident.

With new ideas, new inspirations, and misunderstandings of thinking, the Bright Moon Knight quickly made a new plan based on the newly acquired ideas, so at this moment, the "instant killing gun" bathed in the morning sun was quickly replaced. A bright smile that represents a good mood.

Thanks to the blessing of this little girl by chance, Baron Besadas has already thought that he has mastered an unprecedented "big killer", and the so-called winning tickets are already in hand!

"Yes, yes, I am very satisfied with your answer. I will give you the reward you deserve. You are welcome. I am a noble knight with a gentleman's demeanor."

Inspiration is very Bright Moon Knight of "Zhien Illustrated News" quickly decided to give a "deserved reward" to those who helped him. After all, before asking Linka a question I said that as long as a girl can answer her own questions, she can give her a "big gift". As a bright moon professional with a face and a strong demeanor, Kane can't break his promise and get fat, right?

As a result, the trembling noble girl could not tolerate any words of approval or disapproval, and a delicate flower that seemed to be born out of gold slowly bloomed from above the palm of the "Instant Kill Gun"...

What a delicate flower that is, the shiny and delicate handle bears five or six golden petals. The branches of the flowers are small and slender and stretch out as far as possible. The dots of flowers seem to be linked by golden awns, slightly rotating. The flower body traversed a hazy bright golden track after another in the air.

In fact, it hasn't waited until the suspicious Linka could see the movements of the mad knight clearly, and this beautiful flower, as beautiful as a work of art, had been properly carried on her head.

"Thanks...thank you, Mr. Knight..."

"No thanks, this is a small gift you deserve. Well, with its decoration, you will become very beautiful, very very beautiful"!

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