Netheril’s Brilliance

Chapter 36: Operation Dark Night

The army has not moved, the food and grass go first. This sentence is also applicable in the ordinary warfare on the plane of Faerun. The 100,000 army has brought huge combat power and also brought the same huge material consumption, especially in Konola City. In this kind of border area, the transportation of materials is not convenient, and the surrounding natural resources are barren. It is conceivable that Prince William’s army will inevitably carry a large amount of grain and grass. If these important grain and grass can be destroyed, William’s 100,000 army will not immediately withdraw. , It must be impossible to surround Konola City so unscrupulously, and this simple strategy is the best way to deal with the crisis now!

Menesi’s strategy is to take advantage of the fierce battle during the day and the night when the enemy’s army and professionals are exhausted to launch a night attack. He will use official-level spells to shield the enemy’s detection predictions. The enemy’s only official-level professional. It was Lunka, a warrior who only relied on a group of apprentice-level wizards to detect the information blocked by official-level spells.

After that, the plan was relatively simple and clichéd. Let the probationary professionals take the initiative, sneak into the enemy's granary in the form of a team, turn around after lighting a fire, and use this method to destroy the enemy's logistics supplies, even if Lunka is more powerful There is no way to conjure the food needed by the 100,000 army out of thin air, and then as long as you withstand the enemy's onslaught for another day, you can get at least one week of buffer time!

   may be procrastinating, but there is no better way right now! If Menexi wants to get a chance for his Royal Highness, this has almost become the only choice!

   But...there is only one question left now-can the reward impress this group of professionals!

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I have to say that there are still a lot of good things in the hands of a formal level powerhouse. At least the knowledge of the apprentice level can be called "rich and colorful." Menezi took out several apprentice level peaks without blinking his eyes. Level knowledge is for the mages to choose, and the princess also took out some "royal cheats" and placed them in front of the warriors. Almost all mages and warriors can find knowledge that cannot be denied, and punk is no exception!

   So there was a group of sneaky men in black gently falling from the city wall, spreading out and immersed in the night under the light of colorful stars.

In order to reduce the possibility of detection, the night raid team adopted the form of a three-person team in terms of the number of people. A total of eight teams were dispersed and sneaked into the enemy camp from each position. Menezi was responsible for predicting the location of the enemy's supplies, so Everyone only needs to move towards the goal. As long as a group of personnel succeeds and the enemy’s food is destroyed, even if the action is successful, everyone can get rewards. The team that destroyed the granary can also get additional knowledge rewards. , No matter what the reason, as long as the core goal is not achieved, then... the action fails, everyone only has ten comforting cutscenes as hard work......

There are two wizards and a knight in the punk team. The wizards are punk and there is a shy boy named Pute. This young man who has just been promoted to the apprentice wizard can only release simple secondary fireball skills, although the release is very Skilled, but still can't conceal the fact that he is just a rookie, the task of setting fire is undoubtedly undertaken by him! As for the last knight............

   "Well~~The air under this city wall is so~it makes people excited"! ... Kane.

  Punk glanced helplessly at the still inconspicuous Kane: "Shut up!"

On a bright night, the brilliance of the three moons outlines a circle of silver lines on everyone’s bodies, and the elongated shadow illuminates the piles of dead bodies that no one has buried. The temperature deficit caused by the fireball heating the air during the day , The wind has been blowing constantly under the city wall now, and the robe chaotic by the cold wind projected a ghost image on the ground!

   "It's not what I said, punk, why did you burn these corpses, I'm hungry by smelling it"! Kane made terrifying remarks under the influence of moonlight.

"I said... senior Kane, senior punk, let's... do we have any plans? This kind of night seems... not suitable for sneaking in." Putt, who had been talking a little silent, was only one person. Spell apprentice mage, this guy is only about fourteen years old. Because of the momentary "Familiarity" joined this "Dark Night Operation", it seems that he has already regretted it now. You must know that this is not a copy of the RPG game, he is dead. It can be resurrected. In this real world, if you die, you are completely dead. In the city wall, Pute may still be blood boiled. Now on the battlefield where corpses are everywhere, Pute feels that all the blood has been extinguished. "Lung Pain" is left!

"An Xin Shiba, the great adventure is about to begin, what can I do with a mournful face? Don't worry~ my suave Kane knight will cover you," Kane grabbed Putt's shoulders, using a kind of neighbor The big brother said to him in his tone!

   "Really...really, I am so grateful to the predecessors". Having been living in the cold mage group, Pute felt the "buddy loyalty" in his mind for the first time. It seemed that this kid was very moved.

Punk looked at the two Kane and Putt, who were just like the righteous brothers, and said, "Dare to let Kane, the smiling wolf "cover", hehe, I really look forward to him being The look on this fool's face when Kane died"!

" stop talking next, we are already close to the enemy's camp", crossing the moat, the punk walked to a jungle edge to remind Kane and Putt in a low voice, and then be careful Leaning down and hiding behind the half-person-high bushes, Kane and Putt also knew that something was serious, and they quickly closed their mouths.

Punk blessed Kane's armor with a "darkness technique", which reduces the reflection of bright silver metal by scattering the light on the armor, while Putt took out a scroll and held it tightly in his hand, staring at the distance with fear. Bright fire light.

The enemy’s camp is no different from the medieval defensive camp. They are also stab horses and fences cut from wood. The small square tents in the camp are neatly arranged, and the torches illuminate the camp transparently and brightly. The only difference is that The patrol of several professionals has reduced the number of guard soldiers, but these soldiers and professionals are not the kind of soldiers who sleep while standing guard. They are all elite soldiers who are prohibited by order and stand upright on their posts. , Holding the spear tightly without any slack

   More than ten ordinary soldiers standing guard is not a big problem. Even if punk is not a stalker, he is confident that they will lose their lives in one minute without making any noise. But... those very vigilant professionals patrol frequently, and they are all composed of mage fighters. Groups of five, led by an apprentice-level professional, are almost impossible to solve "quietly"!

   Seeing this scene, punk couldn't help but frowned. Kane rarely put away the cynical smile on his face, and there was a dignified look in his eyes shining with cold light!

   Only Pute still has an expression of "the predecessors are so handsome in thinking" with stars in his eyes.


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