Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 790: The Battle of Mystery (4) Broken

The space inside the magic lock is completely dependent on the magic circle constructed by the magic lock to maintain its existence. Therefore, when the entire lock as the cornerstone is declared to collapse, the "small world" shrouded in the lock is naturally destroyed. .

As a result, as patches of brilliant colored light and shadow began to circulate and fluctuate in the air, large cracks spread all over the extremely fragile space at the same time. These dense cracks, like broken glass, not only appeared in each In cubic meters of space, and it is expanding rapidly with the passage of time!

In less than a second, there was no space in the entire spherical "magic fan lock cage" that could hold ordinary matter, and there was only one deep hole that seemed to have hollowed out all energy. .

Then...In the next instant, the edge of the hole that had lost almost all matter and energy was neatly shattered, and several legendary powerhouses who had lost the energy of the law of space also appeared outside.

Up to this point, the cage made up of magic locks was finally completely broken and clean, and the only trace it left was a little bit of energy slowly forming a light band swaying.

And outside the locked space... the brand-new scene revealed is an endless starry sky.

This... is the star world!

"It turns out that the body of this mysterious lock is actually hidden in the star realm. It seems that the great master Kaleusk who arranged his mage tower like this really deserves the title of "the escaper". All kinds of spells that involve the laws of space come out."

The punk who broke the lock and came to the new environment did not rush to join the battle between Kane and Aztlán. Anyway, for a while, the surviving white-robed mage could not ignore the legend of being close to him. The knight rushed towards him, so the calm "Destroy Whisper" could calmly observe the surrounding environment and take away his own spoils by the way.

For example, now, punk who quickly releases perception and scans the vast astral space has discovered a lot of "interesting" things, including a pile of semi-energy legendary remnants composed of the remains of magic fans locked, but also Including the "treasure" in the eyes of the caster, and even... half a tattered magic tower.

That’s right, in this empty starry sky at this time there actually appeared a magic tower the size of an ordinary mountain range. The reason why punk can determine that this thing is a "half magic tower" at a glance is because there are so many things. The edges of the rune array were almost torn into torn cotton scraps.

It is not difficult to see through the shape of this "rotten residence". It was originally supposed to be closely connected to something through the magic circle, but now it is injured because of being rough from the "connected object". The reason for tearing it down, even through the gap of this "block" of magic tower, punk also discovered many looming exquisite daily necessities.

There is no doubt that the original connection object of this "half magic tower" is undoubtedly the "magic fan lock" that has been fragmented, and now the "magic fan lock" destroyed by the "cheat code" has collapsed, and everything that originally depends on the fan lock has existed. Naturally, they were all thrown into the star realm, and this half piece connected to the magic tower of Fascinating Lock was no exception.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the existence of this “piece” of relatively complete “magic tower” debris that punk will praise “Escaper” Kalyusk for his superb skills in space, because all the evidence now can show that , Kalyusk did not use traditional alchemy materials to connect his magic tower and magic fan lock. The "sticky objects" he used were tampered with the laws of space.

After a short period of thought, the punk who was interested in this Morning Star Magic Tower probably knew the specific structure of Kalyusk's design.

In layman's terms, this great wizard did not directly put his magic tower into the lock like most wizards, and let the powerful magic lock act as an indestructible super shield.

He chose to divide his magic tower into "front" and "rear" parts, and then use the magic fan lock as a "transit station" to connect.

The "second half" of this magic tower and the entire magic fan lock were hidden by Kalyusk in the boundless star realm, and only the first half was placed on a small plane to hide from people's eyes.

Although in this way, his magic tower will greatly reduce its defense power because the main structure is not installed in the magic fan lock, but at the same time, this "magic tower" completely through the "space technology" together with the front and back "magic tower" is also It has a very strong trap function and "cover" function that an ordinary magic tower cannot have.

For example, if the enemy thinks that the defense of the mage tower is insufficient, and then chooses to invade from the main entrance, then the fate of punk, Kane and others is a typical example-they will suddenly be locked in "no Knowing where to emerge from the magic fan lock".

And if the enemy is strong and raids from the second half of the magic tower, the owner of the magic tower who usually lives in the "second half" can also leave the main entrance after passing through the magic fan lock, but the enemy who pursues him will He was stopped by the "magic fan lock suddenly emerging from the middle".

All in all, this creative great Austrian teacher of Kalyusk didn't mind turning his lair into a solid turtle shell. He actually tried to turn his base into a bottomless trap.

Although today’s punk has no way of knowing what kind of situation the Great Austrian Master "Escaper" was facing before deciding to transform the magic tower, which was supposed to be a defensive facility, into a weapon to kill the enemy, but at least 1.6 billion years later Now, he has successfully pitted his younger generation............

"Fortunately, fortunately, although this Kalyusk has very good ideas and insidious methods, he is quite poor, otherwise...If the trap he used to "capture the enemy" was an independent "customized" magic fan lock, Then I might have to sit in a cage and watch the sky in a I looked at the "second half" of the magic tower wandering in a vacuum environment with quite emotion, and punk shook with joy. Shook his head.

In any case, now he has broken free from the cage of ten deaths and deaths, and the remaining "half" magic tower has become a real trophy. At the same time, punk has the opportunity to harvest more than that. !

Generally speaking, the caster who has mastered the "standard fan lock cheat code" is still more skilled

Of course, even if you escape from the magic fan lock, a legendary battle will not be declared over. After all, in this world, even the troubles that the legendary strong need to face are not all shortcuts.

For example, now... Kane, who had just shot a "Legendary Fighting Skill" at Aztlán, had already begun to "call for help" without caring about his face.

"Punk, you are not a human bastard, come and help! The madman in front of my uncle has not been solved yet, so you have the mind to monopolize the spoils? You are the culprit in breaking the lock, OK? Now the trouble is coming to you. Don't even think about oiling the soles of your feet"!

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