Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 811: Contract signing

   "This is the Eye of Judgment Contract. You should know what it represents. If you have no objection to the above can sign the name."

Standing in an extremely empty "room" with an area comparable to a large square, the spellcaster with most of his face hidden under the shadow of his hood stared coldly at the young man in front of him, while holding a picture in his hand. Parchment paper with lots of mysterious lines.

   There is no doubt that this contract is the "eye of judgment contract" that punk has just obtained.

It’s just that the current Judgment Eye contract is no longer in a blank state. There are a lot of neat clauses on it, and the beautiful writing uses common language to write the "Overlord clauses" that are completely beneficial to the legendary mage. , The magic ink embedded in the paper is as deep as the deep dark pool.

   That’s right, these terms are outright overlord terms! For example, the first contract content on the parchment is-"The contract signer Ganatika must fully protect the interests of Punk-Sean, and any subjective betrayal will be counted as a breach of contract."

   In addition to the second and third items:

   "Ghanatika must unconditionally obey Punk-Sean's orders, even if he is facing death directly, he cannot shrink back"

"Ghanatika has the right to destroy the "hypocrites" he believes, but his actions must be approved by Punk Sai'an. Punk Sai'an can reject Ganatika's "revenge" application if there are sufficient reasons. ".


   The three clauses in a row are complete slave clauses. It can be said that as long as this contract is signed, Ganatica will completely become the number one punk fighter, because this kind of contract is actually not an exaggeration.

However, facing the contract with shockingly unequal conditions, he touched the ruby ​​juvenile Avenger in his right eye socket without any hesitation. He took the parchment from the punk hand without hesitation, and then signed it with resolute expression. Got his own name.

For a master-level professional like Ganatika who is almost impossible to advance to the Legend, any opportunity to increase the success rate of the promotion to the Legend is unavoidable, regardless of the unequal contract that punk has come up with. Extreme, but if it is placed outside, there will be no knowing how many master-level professionals rush to sign.

   After all, the promotion of the legend is too difficult and too dangerous. If there is a greater chance of getting an incredible power and a theoretically eternal life, what is a small slave contract?

It’s just that there are few legendary wizards like punk who have the courage and ability in this world, and there are very few master-level professionals who are qualified to sprint to the legend and are qualified to be trained, even if there is a slave contract. Existence, most of the time a legendary powerhouse cultivates a legendary "beater" by himself is not worth the gain.

   So don’t look at the harsh terms punk made for Ganatica, but this “investment” is still a huge opportunity that can’t be met.

  Not to mention that in order to ensure that the young avenger can work for himself at ease, the "kind" mage gave him the right to submit a "revenge application"............

Ganatika obviously understands these truths. He also knows that he must be promoted to the legend if he wants to realize the dream of "cleaning up the hypocrites", so as long as punk is willing to help him, even in the face of a bunch of slave clauses, he won't frown a little. .

   "I am Ganatika the "Avenger", a man who was driven to madness by hatred...and willing to be driven to madness by hatred. From today onwards, I will be your subordinate, Mr. Sai'an!"

   The pen sharply swayed the pitch black ink on the blank space of the parchment, and the young Avengers finally completed his allegiance in the absolute sense.

At a certain level, the signing of this contract is not only a decisive road choice for Ganatika, but also a historic attempt for punk. After all, in this "legendary" In the era of lonely islands and destiny, anyone who has the courage to create power and join forces with other legendary professionals can be said to be the creator of history.

  At this moment, "Destroy Whispers" finally took the first step to form its own power, although at this historic moment, there is no one who will have a third witness...

   "Very good, the contract was successfully made."

   silently watched the parchment carrying the Judgment Eye Contract burn out in mid-air, felt an eyeball-shaped emblem emerge in his soul, and punk said softly, expressionlessly.

   "Yes, dear Mr. Sai'an, the contract has been reached... Then I am going to start preparing to be promoted to Legend".

The soul deterrence brought about by the signing of the Judgment Eye contract is still very shocking for a master-level professional, but Ganatika is indeed a person with excellent willpower. He quickly learned from the "eye of judgment" embedded in the soul. "The mark came back to life.

   Standing under the dim golden light formed by the magic spar, the expression of the young avenger became more determined.

The promotion of a legend is always a matter of "unsuccessful benevolence". There has never been a creature in the world that can survive the failure of promotion to the legend. So for those master professionals who are about to sprint to the legend, they The road facing is destined to be a super trial of a lifetime of nine deaths.

   Faced with such a "trial", even Ganatika, who is full of hatred in his heart, could not avoid her nervousness. In his opinion, his promotion should begin soon.

But punk certainly won’t let the young Avengers start to advance so He doesn’t think that everyone can advance like himself and feel free and easy, and the water will come naturally, so he faces Ganatica’s questions. , Punk’s answer is very conservative:

"Patience! Ganatika, your strength has not reached its peak. As a master-level professional, you only need to complete the promotion before four thousand years old. Now you are only more than two thousand years old. You need to use the remaining, nearly two thousand years of time to exercise your soul. Only after you have reached a higher level of mastery of your own soul will the door of legend appear in front of you."

With a blank face, he reminded himself that he was the first real "subordinate". Punk did not hesitate to advance the experience and knowledge of the legend. After all, his investment in Ganatika is of great value. The young Avengers have the most successful promotion. It is in the interest of the caster.

In the next two thousand years, Punk also plans to let his golem butler "Sebastian" such as the Kingdom of Khatak exploit some genius treasures that are beneficial to master professionals, and then give them to Ghana. Tika regulates the soul.

   And he himself will continue to carry out the "Magic Equipment Manufacturing Project" that was temporarily interrupted.

   Don’t forget, the calling order of the “President” of the Silent Alliance may be issued at any time, and Punk also plans to make a series of legendary magic equipment to improve its strength before joining the “executive group”.

   It is very necessary for the current legendary mage to hurry up, and it is not advisable to waste time at any time.

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