Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 815: Success and failure

   When you devote yourself to a task that requires concentration, you will find that the passage of time is even so fast that it is difficult to detect. This is also valid for the legendary powerhouse with an extremely long life.

  For example, punk is like this now. It has been so long since he has been promoted to the legend. He has long forgotten the standard of time judging by ordinary creatures. For him, the progress stage of the experiment is the best watch to weigh the passage of time.

But... no matter whether the caster who is immersed in magic research cares about the passage of time, the progress of time will never stop. With the sun rising and setting again and again, a full 1,700 years have been spent. Unknowingly passing by in the magic tower that has avoided the turmoil of the world...

   A lot of things have happened in this time of nearly two thousand years, both good and bad.

  Of course, these things that punk the legendary spellcaster can remember are no small things.

Compared to the "smile" of the unlucky girl **** who is still suffering in his own kingdom of God, punk's path forward is much smoother. In the process of making magic equipment, his spellcasting level has been promoted to 27th. Although the current spellcaster's promotion speed cannot be compared with the "thousands of miles" he had just promoted to the legend, the obvious progress can still be intuitively felt by the legendary mage who is immersed in the research every day.

As the saying goes, practice is the best way to master knowledge. As a "Netherel inheritor" who has the interests of Great Ossian Vedraxia, Punk deeply understands-"Practice those magic arts that have theoretical foundations, and integrate them. The most effective way to learn is to find a place to sit and gain insights. It’s far less rapid than hands-on experimental research.

   It is precisely because punk has always been pursuing the correct concept of "practice brings true knowledge", so punk's promotion so far will not appear obscure and bottleneck, on the contrary, it seems to be natural and natural.

Of course, the caster also understands that the foundation of his own "practical" knowledge comes from those magic materials that are used less and less. If the resources available for practical research one day are used up, he wants to maintain such rapid progress. Speed ​​is impossible.


   In addition to his own promotion, the good news for punk is more than that.

   About 1,500 years after the end of the adventure in the magical ruins, Ganatika, the key training object of the caster, finally completed the promotion.

In a sense, Ganatica’s promotion is more surprising than punk’s own promotion. After all, the difficulty of master-level professional promotion to legend is obvious to all. When punk invested in Ganatica, there was Quite a lot of gambling.

You know, in the entire multiverse, there are probably few people who can increase the success rate to the top 90% like when punk was once promoted to the legend, even if there are a few lucky people who have been deliberately cultivated by a few legendary powerhouses. Thankfully, the promotion success rate of most professionals can reach about 10%.

Therefore, even if punk "generally" took out the "Redeemer Divine Neutralizing Potion", Ganatica's promotion success rate has never exceeded 30%. Such a low probability is not at all if it fails. Strangely, ordinary cheating gambling is almost like this poor probability.

   And now, Ganatika’s success in promotion naturally represents the punk gambling victory.

The precious divinity in the hands of the legendary mage was not taken for nothing, and the legendary materials "sacrificed" when redeeming the Judgment Eye contract were not wasted-because the success of this investment has not yet demonstrated the prestigious "Destroy Whisper" in the universe. "I already have my first loyal subordinate.

   Although punk does not yet know what kind of "interference mechanism" that the "long river of destiny" who likes to keep in mind will have in response to his behavior after a few years.


His own promotion to the 27th level and Ganatika’s promotion legend are undoubtedly two good things. However, punk is still only a "new legend" after all. He does not have any powerful protagonist aura, as an alchemy. For a spellcaster whose skill level is not high enough, all the things he can experience cannot be good.

   In the course of thousands of years of experimentation, there is undoubtedly an unpleasant failure for the caster.

   For example...After more than 1,700 years of concentrated research, punk finally scraped the leftovers that were originally intended to be made into gloves...

   In order to ensure that oneself will not turn a whole piece of legendary leather into waste due to inexperience or wrong operation, the process of making magical equipment at the beginning of punk started with the experiment of scraps.

   In this way, he can be familiar with the alchemy spells that will be used on his robe, and on the other hand, he can personally experience the difficulty of making legendary equipment.

   And now looking at the mud-like weird substance placed on the experimental table, punk feels sincerely that his cautious decision at that time was really too correct!

   As the saying goes, practice brings true knowledge. After full practice, punk came to an extremely correct conclusion-the production of legendary magic equipment is difficult, and it is not ordinary difficult, it is amazingly difficult!

   Even if the caster who is not so lofty at all just wants to add some legendary attributes to the leather and add two curing spells, the various problems he faces have already made people nervous.

The manipulation of legendary alchemy spells is not as simple as punk imagined. Those magical materials that have the power to tamper with the laws will always confront the spells that descend on them, but the energy particles that are not processed by magic are still fragile. It breaks with one touch.

Enchanting is also more troublesome than punk’s imagination, because enchanting on a legendary material and strong enchanting on those low-level materials are completely different. The energy structure of the magic circle will always be affected by the material itself. Affected by the law, the operation of the energy node will conflict with the magical fluctuations of the leather As for making a processed leather into a complete legendary equipment that can be used in actual combat It is so difficult to make the legendary mage numb.

Although according to the design drawings, those spell structures with huge differences in structure can coexist on a piece of leather as long as they are perfectly processed one by one, but in actual operation...punk can only get the feeling of "hands and feet." To describe.

Anyway, since he started to process the two scraps, all the steps that should have been in order have become more and more chaotic. Every small mistake needs to be dealt with by the caster on-site thinking and planning, but every time it is out of the extra design drawings The processing steps have left a foreshadowing for more mistakes.

   So after a thousand years of sleepless "remediation" process, punk finally turned the two legendary leftovers that were intended to be made into gloves into waste garbage that is not even qualified as a formal material............

  It is also until this time that punk intuitively understood why since the time of Netheril, the alchemists of the universe have always been so rare-because this work is really too difficult! Get legendary materials

The sense of frustration that can't even hear the "ringing" is even more astonishing.

  For example, punk nowadays... After throwing a "destruction rift" and extinguishing the "masterpiece" he created into nothingness, the legendary mage took a few deep breaths to calm his extremely unhappy mood.

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