Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 821: Star Robe

Equipment Name: Star Robe (Phase 1)

Equipment material: unknown (Legendary biological leather)

Equipment style: Robe with hood

Equipment origin: It was made by the legendary mage "Whisper of Destruction" Punk-Sean. Although it is a magical equipment that can be used on the battlefield, it is still only a semi-finished product to be optimized due to the limited technology of the producer.

Curing spells:

1. Legendary Alchemy Spells——Legendary Toughness: The mature and planned legendary alchemy craftsmanship gives this magical equipment a strong toughness attribute. Combined with the legendary flexibility of the leather itself, its defense power even exceeds Less common legendary magic protection spells.

2. Legendary Alchemy Spells——Legendary Elemental Resistance: The mature and planned legendary alchemy technology endows this magical equipment with the ability to resist the erosion of the law of elements, and with the legendary elemental rejection characteristics of the leather itself, it is against The resistance of the elements can barely match the scales of the dragon.

Special: Okanic Alchemy Structure-This alchemy structure inherited from the Netheril era has become an important core of this magical equipment. In theory, the alchemy structure that can be unlimitedly added with other functions makes this robe updated. It is possible to change generations. Although every new evolution requires more resources and magic skills for processing, at least theoretically, the future of this morning star robe is still very bright...

Evaluation: Although this is a piece of magic equipment that cannot be called "magic equipment", as the "first" existence in various senses, it is still a milestone "excellent" work, at least for the next During the adventure, there is a true legendary robe that is more decent to wear than to condense clothes with magic power.

This is the concise list of information that punk gave to his own works, which is clear at a glance and the information is true.

Although such information analysis that fits the actual situation and does not conceal the shortcomings and the same evaluation as the old one would seem that the producer of the "star robe" is not smart enough, but...anyway, this data was written by the caster for himself. He does not Need any extra self-deception.

For punk who is very clear about doing things in a gradual manner, temporary difficulties do not mean anything. Although his alchemy level is not high enough for the time being, you must know that as a new legend, punk’s legendary career has only just passed 20,000 years. That's it.

Vedraxia's knowledge and experience are still acting as a beacon for guiding the way, and the period of his own strength explosion is far from over. Being able to make a magical equipment that can be used is enough to satisfy him.

This is not not thinking about making progress, but knowing the process of progress.

Only steady and steady experimental research can bring the greatest gains. Too much greed for efficiency will mess things up like when the caster first made gloves.

"The mystery of magic can't be impatient, and not wasting time doesn't mean rushing. Only by steadily moving forward can you step into the hall of truth. Whimsical experiments are just a waste of resources."

Spilling the original lavender robe on his body, punk silently summarized the lessons and experience he had gained while putting on the "star robe" he had just made.

The specific details of the robe are tailored by the caster according to the details of his body. When this magical equipment like the night sky is worn, the hem of the robe will just reach the knee position, and the hood of the robe It can perfectly cover the punk blue hair and pointed ears, and because of the presence of the brim, the shadows that appear under the light can still cover most of the caster's face.

I have to admit that dark black clothes are always in harmony with the cold temperament of punk. With this clothing like a dark fountain, "Destroy Whispers" immediately becomes more in line with the mystery of a "villain boss" Image.

Although in reality, punk’s most important points are the perfect face and the always expressionless face, but even the undead and demons with exaggerated aesthetics have to admit, “People depend on clothes, Buddha depends on clothes. The phrase "Golden Suit" is quite reasonable. After wearing a dark hooded costume, a spellcaster who is unclear about the details can always become more daunting.

Of course, punk doesn’t care about these small details. The reason why he always wears a hood is just because he doesn’t like to expose the pointed ears to the air. Besides, the performance of the robe is the best. Importantly, whether it looks good or not is a dispensable additional attribute.


"Very well, the preparation of the magic equipment has been completed, but there is still no news from the Silent Alliance. It seems that I still have enough time. Then I will start to make a few alchemy potions and try it out by the way. Let’s try if we can further upgrade the level.”

Even after finishing the hard work that took nearly five thousand years, the legendary mage didn't want to use rest and play to reward himself. After all, he had many plans to start acting without stopping.

So, after using his mental power to scan the robe that he had just made, punk's focus has been changed.

He still remembers that during the last adventure, the four "brightness of life" potions made a lot of contributions to the victory of the "Magic Ball", and the power of the medicine that can quickly recover from the injury was also the response he expected The effect is just as good.

Although the injuries that "Bright of Life" can recover are only limited to the flesh and blood of the legendary professional, it is almost powerless to break the soul, but even so, the low cost and extremely fast effective speed still lay the foundation for this medicine. Advantage characteristics at the ordinary legendary level.

So next intends to make at least two bottles of potions to carry with him in his free time, which he is not destined to have too much.

For him, a legendary mage who is almost impossible to use his body to resist the enemy's attack, being able to use the "brightness of life" as an emergency response during the adventure is just one of his secondary goals, and his other potential main purpose... ...Is to find opportunities for "transactions".

Needless to think about it, nine out of ten members of the Silent Alliance who are willing to join the "Chairman" executive group are lawless and ambitious true-legendary figures like Punk himself or the "Mad Knight" Kane. Maybe most of the reclusive factions. Legendary professionals would rather allow themselves to be clanging forever than to exchange a word or trade a commodity with other legendary powerhouses, but for those courageous "adventurers"... they are still very likely to be willing Expend some resources in exchange for precious Legendary Alchemy Potion.

Therefore, from the perspective of economic principles, this kind of "luxury" shortage caused by the "legendary island era" is the business opportunity. In the thinking of a punk who understands a little bit of economics, whether or not the interoperability of legendary alchemy items is unpopular should be a kind of extra income that is stable and unprofitable.

Even in the end, it won't work...Isn't there still Kane who has tasted the sweetness can go to death...

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