Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 830: meaning

For punk, since the grouping has been completed, and he has become the group leader by accident, there is nothing to complain about, so after the president started to talk about the specific grouping list, he used plain Spiritual power agreed:

"I agree with this distribution."

Immediately after the caster, the leader of the second group "Phantom Mirror" and the leader of the third group "Plague Box" also expressed their opinions one after another:

"I also agree with this distribution"

"I also agree"

Of course, among the voices of approval, a very abrupt "unusual voice" also appeared just like the expectation of standing silently and "whispering destruction"............

"Wait a minute... Then what... I don't agree very much..."

Okay, this disagreement mental power fluctuates seemingly abrupt and dazzling among the mental powers expressing agreement, so almost everyone felt the sentence "I don't agree very much", the few people present Including the chairman, they all gathered their eyes to the source of spiritual power.

And when punk released his perception, he was not surprised to find that the guy who boldly said "disagree" was the legendary knight who looked like a shining light bulb in the crowd-Kane Bisada S!

At this moment, this guy is completely ignoring the dissatisfied eyes of the "phantom mirror" around him and staring at the projection of the "guild leader" on the high platform, that look looks very sincere.

"Do you have any objection, "Mr. Instant Kill Gun"!"

In a quiet atmosphere, facing Kane's "opposition", the "chairman" spoke without delay.

"Dear Sir "Chairman", I'm just expressing a little question with pure curiosity-I have reached level 28, which is similar to Mr. "Destroy Whisper" over there. But why in my group, the 26th-level "Phantom Mirror" lady became the group leader."

After hearing the question from the "guildmaster", the mad knight immediately answered without humility.

Of course, even Kane, who was talking about running the train, became polite at this time. For example, his usual self-proclaimed "Master" has disappeared, replaced by a very ordinary first person. Words.

However, although Kane's question is not unreasonable, and his attitude is not too rude, the "chairman" did not mean to change his mind.

As the producer of the grouping list, the dark gray projection representing the "chairman" just continued to use calm mental power to clearly inform the legendary knight:

"My appointment is absolutely fair, and your professional level is indeed higher than the "phantom mirror", but it is a pity... the position of team leader needs more than pure strength, you should know what I am talking about , "Mr. Instant Kill Gun"."

"...Understood, then I will obey your assignment."

After receiving the words from the "guild leader" that could not tell a specific attitude, a serious mad knight did not continue to argue.

He gave in very naturally.


With the unconditional change of "Instant Kill Gun", this sudden episode seems to have come to an end, and the other five legendary professionals have once again turned their attention back to "President".

In their view, Kane’s questioning was nothing more than the simple resentment of an impulsive fighter, and his “impulsive” performance also made people feel that “this kind of guy’s not being the team leader is a very reasonable thing.” .

But at the same time, punk, who has always been in the perspective of an outside observer, felt a little different in the dialogue between Kane and the chairman.

The most important thing is...In the only two brief conversations between the legendary knight and the "guildmaster", the words that made the caster feel that the slightly mysterious were not spoken by Kane, but by the "guildmaster". of!

There is nothing wrong with Kane’s discourse of obedience, and his behavior that he did not continue to defend is not surprising. After all, as a new legend, it may be reasonable to raise a question, but he continues to raise questions against a "throne of the sun" and himself. 'S immediate boss is too stupid

But correspondingly, the explanation of the "chairman" is somewhat wrong.

Punk always felt that there was a little lack of clarity in his words, and there was a hint of incomprehensibility...

The explanation that is equivalent to no explanation sounds like a normal arbitrariness, but in the keen thinking of the legendary mage, this "solitary arbitrariness" sentence is a little more cryptic when it is only used on the mad knight. Warning means...

This kind of obscure "meaning" is very confusing, even punk can't be sure whether his flashing "illusion" is correct, but in his heart, the cautious legendary mage secretly remembered the "ambiguity" this time. .

Those details and clues that are temporarily unclear may not be useless forever. Maybe even his legendary mage can't watch all the details, but the so-called paying attention to one point is one point, one point is better than nothing.

Maybe one day, a large number of fragments will be able to spell out a complete "clue".

------split line-------

In order to seize every bit of time, the "chairman" informed the information very quickly. After taking the time to answer Kane's question, he immediately began to explain the content of the "executors" first task.

Although such a one-time "intelligence dump" will make people feel such a frizzy formal meeting, but there is no way, the legendary professional gathering of this era has to be such a "quick fight".

So under the silent gaze of six people, the founder of the "new execution group" calmly stated the first mission goal of the performers:

"This action is code-named "Splitting Bone Dice", and the enemy we are going to face... is the Mage Union"!


The "chairman" is worthy of being the "chairman", and the executive team is also worthy of the executive team. This is just the first task that the "executors" usher in. The enemies everyone has to face are so unusual!

I have to admit that even punk can't help but frown slightly after hearing the president's clear words.

Although the Mage Guild always claims to be "the first legendary force in the multiverse" and is purely gilding itself, as a long history and strict system of spellcasters organization, this behemoth is not to be underestimated by anyone.

Even in terms of the number of legendary powerhouses or the quality of high-end combat power, the Mage Guild is destined to be inferior to the "Silent Alliance", and this greedy organization of wizards has a large number of enemies... But don't forget that the president is formed "Executives" at this time only had eight members. After all, this organization is just a part of the entire Silent Alliance!

Considering the embarrassing situation of the severely insufficient centripetal force of the "Alliance" nowadays... Punk still has some doubts about the decision of the "Chairman" to directly challenge the "Mage Guild".

If there is not a sufficiently reasonable plan, then this action is a complete joke. After all, facing a group of "mercenary" subordinates with extremely high nature, don't want to drive others to die by a simple order.

So next, the "reasonable explanation" given by the "chairman" will be very important.

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