Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 851: Unplanned plan

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"Haha, it's already clear who is a coward, isn't it? Babeng is not afraid of any magic tower. The Owen and Babeng are at level 27. Babeng has powerful magic equipment in his hand, Babeng. Only Ba Beng knows the strength of Ba Beng. Professionals without fighting and adventure cannot get gold coins, and now...a lot of wealth is beckoning to Ba Beng!"!

Punk's warning is useless. The grinning ogre has pulled out the huge hammer-like staff from his belt, and its triumphant face is full of confidence in its own strength.

Just as the so-called newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and true ignorance brings real senselessness. As a person who has never had legendary combat experience, but will be extremely excited by the frontal fighting ogres, Babeng is really "fearless".

Even after saying something with ridicule to punk, this reckless big guy simply laughed and flew off the table in front of him, and then unscrupulously released his legendary aura and snarled at the sky:

"Owen! You old tortoise shrouded in its shell, do you have the guts to come out and fight Babun? It doesn't matter, even if you don’t get out of the hull, it doesn’t matter, Babeng is here to come to you"!

The ogre magician did not hide his meaning at all. While ignoring the warning of punk, he declared war directly on the Empire of Cabeldo, and the terrifying sound of the tremor space instantly shattered the humble tavern, forming a sound wave. The shock wave caused the clouds in the sky to boil and roll.

This time, all the "concealment" that Babun hates is completely non-existent, because as long as the creatures in the entire Kaibordo Kingdom are not deaf, they must have heard the roar of the ogre mage stirring the situation, as long as they are not dead. , Must feel the soul fluctuations of a legendary professional violently released.

All the concealment has become a joke, all the disguise is broken like a table that has been lifted off. After the "thick rock" has declared war extremely generously, all the intelligent creatures within the diameter of Asuka Town will know— -A powerful legendary professional is coming!


"Well, team leader, now Babeng is going to enjoy the hearty battle."

After the loud roar, the ogre still showed an arrogant expression of teeth at the legendary mage who couldn't see clearly. It was obviously very satisfied with his behavior just now, and used it as evidence of the bravery and fearlessness of the "hammer" clan. .

Well, in a sense, this kind of loud declaration of war, like a gorilla courtship, is indeed a kind of evidence-a kind of evidence that proves how stupid an ogre can be!

And after leaving such a piece of evidence, Babeng, who had been eager to try from just now, immediately rushed out of the broken Asuka Town with rumbling steps, and its goal was directed at the center of Kaibordo, which is Owen’s magic tower is located.

The argument that "thick rock formation" wants to challenge the magic tower is more than just talking, it really needs to be put into practice!

-------split line------

"A stupid guy, how did this thing advance to the legend all the way? Is the threshold of the legend still too low"?

Looking at the ogre "Mage" who couldn't speak a word like an extra-large bear rushing to the enemy's nest, the punk mood was cold.

This is a gloomy coldness that contains helplessness and anger.

Now that he has seen such a series of arrogant "operations" of Babeng, Punk feels that even if he does not use prophecy spells, he can know how the ogre has gone all the way before the legend.

The tribes of ogres are generally located in uninhabited jungles. The "big clans" that reach a certain size will generally stop expanding due to lack of food and violent internal fighting. As an excellent "warrior", Babon has been a long time ago. Possessing a magical equipment with legendary level of lethality, within his narrow range of action that must be based on the tribe, this ogre magician with legendary equipment is completely capable of rampant even if he has no brains. In such ignorant overbearing, the ogre who has never "seen" at all naturally gained a confident heart.

It is conceivable that the promotion of "thick rock formation" will be smooth and indescribable. Until now, it has been promoted to the legend, and its self-confident and arrogant character is nothing more than "convergence".

Now this "Lengtouqing" who has no legendary level of combat experience has heard the authoritative statement of "you have the ability to complete the task" that the "guild leader" categorically said, and the nature that has been entrenched in his heart has all erupted.

Under such circumstances, how can a warning from a "coward captain" dispel the enthusiasm of the arrogant to make a fortune?

"I really don't know where the "guild leader" found such a thing. This kind of rebellious second fool is not so easy to use. The scarcity of the "executors" can be regarded as a "chatter". Replenish the "degree".

Standing in Asuka Town, which had completely turned into ruins, Punk calmly pulled on the brim of his hat while watching his team members leave craters one after another as they galloped.

At this moment, when all the original plans were overthrown, the legendary mage found that his inner heart was instantly unwavering.

Anyway, the "pig teammate" with an abnormal head has already known everyone who did a good "raid", so what plan is needed for the next action?

It's nothing more than soldiers coming to block, water coming to cover up, just seeing tricks, even if you wait for a big, you only need to implement the strategy of "fight if you hit, and run if you don't." That's it.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, the "chairman" team plan can really be called "very successful". Babin has already obeyed the order and rushed to the enemy. Then in order to be able to go back and "meet" When punk wants to get one-third of the reward for nothing, the plan of quitting and perfunctory will naturally no longer exist. Now he can only perform actions according to the newly released mission and eat a fool. The humans and demons went to find a way to smash the magic tower and catch the legendary mage "Inscription Sage" Owen, who is hard to say is unlucky or lucky.

"Well, the unsatisfactory things in life are always unavoidable. When you encounter trouble, you should always think about it. Anyway, the task has been exposed. It seems that there is not much difference between a strong attack and a direct attack after a shout. There is a stupid ogre willing to act as a meat shield, and my spell bombing will definitely be a lot more handy..."

With no emotional fluctuations in his eyes, he released himself a "legendary flying technique", and punk said to himself in his heart with a helpless and cold tone:

"The plan has become awesome, and now I hope that the idiot ogre who rushed to target people will not be directly killed by the first round of magic tower fire. In a tough battle, a qualified meat shield is very important. "!

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