Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 856: Battle of Bones (4) Inscription Sage

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As the saying goes, destruction is easy and difficult to build. It is naturally easier to destroy an enemy’s half of the teleportation array than to create one from scratch. Especially at the moment, Owen’s powerful enemy "Destroy Whisper" not only sees through his falsehood. He is also very good at the commonly used legendary combat auxiliary spells. After falling into such an embarrassing situation, the poor "Inscription Sage" will naturally be in bad luck.

In fact, at the same time that Ba Beng rushed to the broken magic tower, Punk was already extremely skillful in releasing the spells he needed.

"Legendary Plastic Energy Spell-Space Blockade"!

The vague magical power fluctuations are quickly transformed into solid spatial laws. Almost half of these transparent energy threads composed of laws extend out of the caster’s hands. They crisscross in the air, clinging and tangling, and finally form An overwhelming and dense net covered the entire area within a few hundred kilometers.

Under the precise control and contact of the legendary mage, when this big net was formally formed, it was completely integrated with the laws of nature and even complemented each other, and the area surrounded by "space bans" was loose from the original. The "air" turned into a sturdy "iron block". Until this imprisonment is lifted, the creatures below the legendary level that have been "sealed" within the effective range of several hundred kilometers of the spell do not even want to move even a single cell on their body!

However, it is not the purpose of punk to create a vast "no air zone", it is the key to interfere with Owen's teleportation circle.

Even if the network formed by legendary spells envelops the entire battlefield, punk has not relaxed his vigilance against enemies who have yet to show up. He has been staring at the magic tower that lacks a large piece of material in the distance.


A mental power fluctuation full of anger and fierceness, but also implicit fear and hysteria, was quickly transmitted from the crumbling tower:

"Damn invader, I am "Inscription Sage" Owen-Rildi, I am a legendary member of the Magic Guild, and a powerful general under Messoul, "Archmage" on the Throne of Sun, I warn you most Good not to deceive people too much"!

There is no doubt that this emotionally complex mental power must have been released by Owen, the mission target of the two attackers. It seems that before the enemy killed his door, he had relied on a fake magic tower for tens of thousands of years. After all, the legendary mage still had no time to set up the magic circle for escape.

As for now... After the network of laws that cannot be seen by the naked eye has strengthened the solidity of the overall space, it is impossible for any ordinary legendary mage to teleport ultra-long distances on this battlefield with his own power, inscription All previous efforts of the sage have been crushed by punk's "space ban".

As for leaving this "forbidden air realm" to find a way to escape... How could "Whisper of Destruction" and "Thick Rock Formation" allow the enemy to leave?

In fact, when Owen’s mental power fluctuations appeared as expected, Punk did not have the idea of ​​wasting time with the enemy. He almost made the most correct decision in just an instant:

"Babeng, taking the gap in the magic tower as the boundary, you remove the side, I remove the top, and quickly get the target out is the first priority! We have wasted too much time."

In order to maximize efficiency, punk has not forgotten to assign tasks to his team members. Anyway, it is the easiest to smash the lower half of the magic tower with the height of an ogre mage. I want to come to this kind of critical matter. I will also cooperate with my team leader's actions.

While making a decision, punk was not idle in his hands. With a large amount of magic power quickly consumed, many legendary spells formed on the top of the pale scepter quickly targeted the top of the magic tower and bombarded the past. .

For a time, the means such as "energy dissociation", "rune burst", "legendary metal melting" and other effective methods against legendary alchemy creations almost chased one after another and smashed on the tower protected by only one layer of "green gold" In less than one hundredth of a second, the beautiful “Symbol of the Power of Cabaldo” that was still intact just now became a devastated “disabled building”.

Deceive too much?

No, no, no, "Destroy Whispers" is now a hunter pursuing wealth. Hunters hunting prey are called "the weak and the strong." There is no such thing as "deception too much"!


A pirated magic tower is too fragile. Even as a sandbag that can only be beaten passively, its defensive power is unqualified. Punk's targeted spells clean up the pretendant "green gold". ", and Ba Beng, who was groaning with thick fangs, also smashed the bottom wall of the tower with a hammer and staff.

If this continues, Owen Riltier, who has been sealed off from the space, will be caught in the urn by two fierce enemies.

For a legendary professional, sitting and waiting for death is unacceptable in any case. Owen is no exception. Seeing his magic tower was demolished in a blink of an eye, this deceptive "inscription sage" "Zhe" can only quickly fly out of the ruined tower room.

At the same time, punk and Pabun finally saw the true face of this "lord of the Kaibordo Empire".

Owen’s image is a thin, thin old man with a white The wrinkles and wrinkles on his face are very harmonious with a crooked staff. Judging from this outfit , He should be very entertaining about his title of "sage", but now that the magic tower has been blasted and the teleportation circle is interrupted, this "bad old man" with an embarrassed expression and tattered robe is already Can't see any "sage" demeanor, his appearance is more like a poor refugee in the process of fleeing famine.

However, the miserable appearance does not mean that Owen has lost his fighting ability. The rabbit will bite people when he is anxious. After rushing out of the mage tower, the anxious legendary mage immediately began to counterattack with spells.

Of course, the first target he aimed at was undoubtedly the ogre mage who was the biggest, loudest, and closest to him.

"You **** savage **** smells like a scavenger, I want to teach you a little real politeness"!

"Legendary level enchanting spells-heavy damage and broken"!

The self-proclaimed "sage" mage scolded the enemy in front of him with words full of bitterness and hatred. At the same time, the spell release in his hand quickly greeted Baben's head. It could be seen that he was going to hit the obvious first. The average strength, but reckless and impulsive ogre mage, then tried to escape from the punk chase.

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