Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 858: Bone dice battle (six) hole cards

Even punk did not expect that the strange-looking staff in Babeng's hand was actually solidified with Morningstar-level spells, and it was also the mainstream attack spell type with strong lethality and significant destructive effects.

Although I don't know that this "intellectual destruction" can be used several times in a row, in the high-intensity life-and-death battle of ordinary legendary professionals, even a morning star spell is enough to play a huge role in reversing the battle.

For example, at this moment, Owen, who was taken aback by the enemy’s reckless play, had to temporarily overthrow all the battle plans he had thought about before. The layers of defense on his body could not stop the spell attacks of the morning star. If you don't want to end up with the same end, the "Inscription Sage" can only give up offense and choose to retreat.

But... the temporary choice of retreat obviously won't benefit the legendary battle, Owen's move is just to drop himself from one danger to another.

The white-bearded old man did dodge the "intellectual destruction" attached to the top of the Barbun's staff in a thrilling manner. The brilliance of the legendary descendant spell clings to his tattered robe and passed by, but don't forget, in the sky The punk who overlooked the entire battlefield was still holding a legendary spell and was ready to shoot.

Seeing that the retreating figure Owen moved quickly following an unusually obvious trajectory, the responsive caster immediately aimed at his enemy and released an attack.

"Legendary Conjuration Spells-Time Imprisonment"!

Punk did not choose to use lethal legendary spells to attack the enemy. This was mainly because he knew the solidity of the eight or nine layers of magic protection on Owen. The ordinary legendary attacks would definitely not be able to cause too much damage to this cunning old mage. Big damage, and directly bombarded with a "disintegration singularity"... and it is easy to kill the mission target and affect his nominal "crew".

In this case, considering that only "catching" Owen can get the full reward and the caution not to let go of rare opportunities, the best option for "Destroying Whispers" is naturally to restrict the enemy's actions with auxiliary spells. Ability.

And now the strongest banning method "time imprisonment" possessed by the caster is undoubtedly a good choice. Even in order to strengthen the specific effect of this trick "time imprisonment", punk also uses the casting materials, casting gestures, and Casting spells enhances the spell model in all aspects.

I believe that as long as Owen is hit without avoiding it, then this legendary battle will be declared over on the spot. At that time, punk has the means to make the old man lose his ability to act and defensively in a full hundredth of a second. The mage immediately lost combat effectiveness.

The battle of the legend is so dangerous. As long as one decision is made wrong, all the battles may collapse in an instant, and the huge danger will come quickly!

Seeing the light ball containing huge energy and distorting the law of time approaching him quickly from the left side at an alarming speed, Owen, who had just escaped the attack of the ogre mage, was soaked in cold sweat, and he was still at a speed faster than light and quickly retreated. In the state of movement, the old man who has nowhere to borrow in mid-air can hardly avoid such a fast and precise attack. If he moves along such a trajectory, Owen will just hit the "time confinement".

The "Inscription Sage" is very clear that if he did not avoid this obviously terrifying legendary spell, then he would be defeated in the first round of the battle!

"Damn, you rude fellows, can't deal with a respected old mage like this"!

His pupils dilated rapidly, his muscles were tight, his gray beard danced in the air... Owen's sharp cursing sound sounded like an old monkey in a hurry. At the last moment he was about to be hit by a staff, his eyes were red. "Inscription Sage" finally used a hole card he had few possessions!

That is a legendary magic scroll!

At the legendary level, any magic item that can assist in battle is undoubtedly very precious, even one-time consumables must have a lot of value, such as magic scrolls and alchemy potions.

Perhaps these two things are fairly common below the legendary level, and it’s not a big deal to throw out a few in a master-level battle, but once any magical creation has something to do with "legendary", then its value and rarity are bound to appear geometrically. Times the increase.

Don’t forget, anyone who wants to make legendary magic items not only needs very strong alchemy skills and precious magic materials, but also faces that in this "legendary island" era, any material circulation is almost impossible to find. In an embarrassing situation, in this case, a bottle of potion and a scroll will be precious strategic materials for the legendary professional.

At this moment, Owen, who was driven to a dead end just after the war, had to grit his teeth and use his own one-time life-saving means.

"Legendary Conjuration Spells-Flash"

Along with the magic scroll painted with sophisticated runes, it was instantly torn to pieces, and the legendary spells stored therein also took effect immediately. Although this is just an ordinary "flash", it is better than it can be released instantly, ignoring the big Most of the legendary law interference, but also allows Owen to make a highly mobile displacement without time to spill the "heavy shattering" spell model in his hand and re-release a new spell.

So using this magical scroll of life-saving at a critical moment, "Inscription Sage" once again evaded a fatal crisis dangerously and dangerously.

"Savage and unreasonable garbage! Don't you want to easily defeat a wise old scholar!"

Brilliance flashes emerges from the rhythm of a space, just after avoiding a spell attack, this old man with crunching teeth can't take a look at his side. The "time imprisonment" of the blockbuster law is hysterical and mentally cursing the enemy while quickly preparing to use the new enchantment spell to quickly escape.

"Inscription Sage"'s abuse at this time was just to vent his nervousness of escaping twice in a row. He wouldn't really try to make any counterattacks. After a series of thrilling attacks just now, this cunning old man has already I understand the fact that I have no chance of winning a head-on confrontation with these two amazing attackers.

Escape is the only option he has.


How could the prey that the hunter spotted escape so easily?

In fact, before Owen could fully recover to complete a new spell, the head of a huge hammer rod had already been rapidly enlarged before his eyes...

"Do you dare to scold Ba Beng trash? Ba Beng is angry. Not only is Ba Beng going to beat you, but Ba Beng is going to blow your head"!

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