Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 861: The Battle of Bone Cice (9) End and Failure

Fleeing, this is such an extravagant vocabulary. When he heard this voice in his heart, Owen’s first reaction was that his head was completely confused. As a legendary professional, he even appeared in auditory hallucinations. Now he Lying on the ground can't even think about it, but still thinking about unrealistic things.

But after an instinctive reaction, the desperate "inscription sage" thought with difficulty, anyway, now that he is on a dead end, then there is no hesitation in listening to his "inner voice" to gamble.

Although "Mioni's ultra-long-distance random teleportation technique" is known as the most retarded teleportation spell invention in history, the probability of failure is as high as 99%. Once it fails, it will undoubtedly end with a broken soul!

But... if you fall into a mortal situation, then a 99% chance of death is better to accept than a 100% fall.

"This...this is a real gambling, but must be a bet"!

The "destruction rift" thrown by punk has stirred up the fragile laws of nature, and Babun's angry roar is already close at hand. As the saying goes, if you don't erupt in silence, you will die in silence. The frightened Owen is simply vicious. Gritting your teeth and stomping...

Gamble! Isn't it just a gambling? It's time to be promoted to the legend again, if you don't succeed, you will become benevolent! Even if you end up dying, it's better than being caught back alive by the enemy!

Thinking so crazily, the "inscription sage" with bleeding eyes began to exhaust the magic power that could be condensed in the end, squeezing his soul with the power of pain, and finally faced the two terrifying figures entering the field of vision, Owen Almost screamed out with an unprecedented determination:

"Asshole, rubbish, scum! Don't you want to catch me, never think about it, look at my legendary spell magic system-Mioni's super long-distance random teleportation"!


The blooming light of the spell flashed away. In a short time, the bursting light was intertwined and scattered in the air. The violent energy torrent washed the dust-filled wilderness like a tide. The large pieces of law were distorted by the terrifying force. The huge noise made by the legendary mage's rapid flight was quickly drowned in this mighty ocean............

"Mr. Lilierty, what's wrong with catching with one's hands, why do you have to seek death"!

"Don't run, old stuff, Ba Beng must hammer you"!

Under the solemn warning of punk and the threat of anger from the ogre mage, Owen finally started the "random teleportation technique" that bet on life without hesitation.

And the most outrageous thing is... he was very lucky to cast a spell successfully at one time when his soul was injured so severely.

Accompanied by the harsh sound like scraping a blackboard with a piece of glass, an extremely unstable spatial crack immediately absorbed the old mage, who was limp on the ground like mud, while taking into account the flood of repulsion and the law of gravity. The eruption was like a breeze blowing leaves. Punk threw the "destruction rift" far away. When the colorful space energy storm dissipated, the ground on which Owen had just lay down was already empty, in a sudden silence. In the air, only fragments of fragmented space debris were floating and disillusioned.

At this moment, the whole world became quiet.



This is the sound of Ba Beng's huge body falling on the ground, but now he is not facing the position where Owen ran away just now, but just staring up and staring at the legendary mage in the sky.

"Damn it! This **** liar just ran away. These are all the fault of the group leader. You killed Babin and lost his prey"!

The ogre magician looked really angry. After a series of attacks just now, Ao Wenming was dying and fell to the ground with hands. As long as the two legendary professionals are a little faster, two generous trophies will be at your fingertips. .'s a pity that a "coincidence" interrupted the action of the two strong men, and it was too late to say anything by now.

No one thought that Owen would be able to release the rather complicated spell "Mioni's Super Long-distance Random Teleportation" so smoothly under such an injury. Now that the battle is over, there is nothing to gain, and Ba Beng naturally endures it. I can't help but vent my grievances about "enemy escape".

But his complaints were meaningless. The punk who landed quickly from the air didn't pay attention to the crude words of his reckless teammate.

The caster who was in a bad mood just walked silently to the huge crater where Owen had lay down, and then frowned and used a new spell.

"Legendary Prophecy Spell-Trace Tracking"!

This is a probing spell that can track the fluctuations of the law. Punk is very seriously looking for the location Owen may reach. You should know that the main difference between "Mioni's ultra-long-distance random teleportation" and normal teleportation spells is only that it does not With the precise coordinates of the pre-positioning before the spell is used, after the spell takes effect, the "random transmission" still inevitably leaves a lot of traces.

Through the study of these traces, it is entirely possible for punk to "predict" where Owen was transmitted, and whether the transmission will be successful with a 99% chance of failure............

Of course, normally speaking, with the old mage’s unclear soul state at the time, his chances of success should be minimal. Even if punk and Babun don’t even look at it, it’s not too much to announce the death of the "inscription sage". .


After using the prophecy spells to carefully detect, the pupils of punk involuntarily quickly constricted............

According to the traces of the prophecy tracking, Owen’s teleportation was a miraculous success, and his arrival location was still in the shadow plane second only to the abyss and the sea of ​​chaos!

What is "good luck"? "Good luck" is-"Owner of Kayboldo Empire", legendary members of the Mage Guild, mission goals of punk and Papun, "Inscription Sage" Owen-Lilierdi... There is less than a one-thousandth chance to escape successfully!

"I knew that the long river of destiny could not let any legendary professional "behave reason why the interference mechanism has not arrived is actually just waiting for an opportunity..."

The spell in his hand was spilled blankly, and Punk's face had become extremely gloomy.

One or two coincidences can barely be called bad luck, but a series of targeted coincidences can be seen by anyone. In this "cracking bone dice" action, the performance of the long river of fate is just It seems to be telling punk clearly: "I just want to mess with you so that you can't complete the task. Even if Owen has become a cooked duck, it has to "fly away" smoothly today."

Faced with such unreasonable disgusting things, what can punk do?

The prey in hand escaped in a ridiculous way, leaving only an extremely upset "Whisper of Destruction" and an angry "thick rock formation" staring at the Imperial Kingdom of Kaibordo, which had become a ruin.

No matter what the mood of the two "hunters" who were busy in exchange for an empty battle, this battle has been declared over by Owen's escape, and the first action of the first group...

I am afraid it will end in failure!

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