Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 863: traitor

Punk didn’t know what the outcome of the confrontation between the “guildmaster” and the “arch mage” Messoul was. The negotiation or battle of the Sun Throne must take place in the distant star realm, and all traces will be erased after the battle is over. As an ordinary legendary punk, there is no way to perceive that level of information.

But since the mission has failed, and the Wizards Guild hasn't bypassed the "guildmaster" to make trouble for itself for the time being, then punk naturally has no reason to pay attention to those who have not.

In fact, the current legendary mage has been separated from the reckless ogre crew, and he is quickly returning to his magic tower while quietly feeling the new power born in his soul.

After experiencing such a battle that was not considered dangerous but was urgent enough, Punk found that his professional level had once again been improved, because he had reached the edge of the twenty-ninth level before he began to perform the "Bone Smash" operation. , So the sudden promotion this time is relatively logical.

Now, "Destroy Whispers" is already a level 30 legendary mage, and this level also officially marks the caster's departure from the "new legend" category!

"In this way, today's harvest is not too bad, at least my professional level has been improved"............

It wasn't until he flew back to his magic tower that Punk muttered to himself to express his unpleasant mood.

If the legendary mage is not disappointed that his two handy rewards are missing, it is undoubtedly a lie. The two generous rewards are enough for him to continue to study magic resources for two to three thousand years. No more, punk has a heart to kill.

But the active-thinking spellcaster did not take it too seriously.

This is only the first mission of the "executors". It is not difficult to see from the bold actions of the "chairman" that there will be no less actions by the "executors" of the Silent Alliance in the future, and there will be more Opportunities await those who have the courage to take risks.

For example, now...just like verifying the feature of "Say Cao Cao Cao Cao will arrive", before punk landed in his magic tower room for five minutes, the magic crystal card that had been silent for a long time was sent again with a concise statement. information.

This is a direct communication from the "President":

"According to the prediction of Ms. Hitomi of Eternal Sleep, I already know that all the members of the executor have successfully escaped from the battle. Although in this "Bone Shattering Die" operation, you all took part in the mission seriously. It’s a pity...Due to the accidental exposure of the mission, none of the three teams succeeded in catching the hostile target. The first stage of the mission of Shattered Bone Die has been declared a failure... Next, please ask the team leaders and members to After ten minutes, use the projection to gather at the following locations, and we will discuss the next issues together."

"It seems that it is not only my first mission that failed. It seems that Kane’s “second group” has nothing to do with it. Sure enough, a “raid mission” that was completely exposed before it even started would not exist much. The possibility of success... Alright, Sebastian, step back."

In an understatement, he summoned a half-energy chair sitting by the window. The calm-faced punk sipped the fruit tea brought by the butler in time while looking out the dark window at night, the blue hair revealed in the shadow of his hood. The shoot and the star robes set against each other, and the slender white fingers of the caster lightly tapped on the arm of the chair.

Unknowingly, an ordinary "Night of the Tender Season" has arrived again. The dark night is still like a deep lake on the uninhabited land around the magic tower, with only a little breeze as the air. There are some fresh ripples, and the sky has become thick and stretched because of the cover of dark clouds...

Before attending the next meeting, Punk felt that he needed to carefully analyze the reasons for this failure. Reflection after the battle is always an important good habit.


First of all, the long-term fate is not what punk cares most. Although that thing is really disgusting, but its core essence is a program mechanism without wisdom at all, and its purpose is definitely not simply to kill a legendary profession. By.

Although the troublesome "interference mechanism" did make myself suffer huge losses, for the time being, punk has reason to believe that "the long river of fate" will not be too dark on the ordinary legend of "small trouble".

In fact, during all the actions of this "Bone Smash", what left punk with the most lingering fear was not only the extremely "lucky" escape process of Owen at the end, but the "sudden exposure" at the beginning of the mission. .

After all, for any sophisticated professional organization, the leakage of legendary-level secrets is a bit too frightening, and considering that the "chairman" as a Yaori Throne must have a way to shield the prophecies of other Yaori professionals Department of Spell Exploration... There is only one reason that punk can think of, and most likely to cause the mission to be exposed.

That is the most troublesome and difficult internal threat of the organization-the existence of traitors!

Sitting in the magic tower thinking calmly, the deep-eyed "Destroy Whisper" is very reasonable to suspect that there are traitors mixed in the "executive group" where only six ordinary legendary professionals exist, because they can accept the "mission start" "The only people with the information are the internal members of the "executors", even the candy merchant "Mimibezi" knows nothing about the idea of ​​the "chairman".

Although punk is still wondering why this "traitor" didn't immediately inform the Mage Guild of all relevant information after the meeting ended, but had to wait until the mission began before leaking the information urgently, and finally even caused the "paper tiger" like Owen to have no time to escape... ………

But there is no doubt that this betrayer’s notice finally saved the three legendary members of the Wizard’s Guild from being attacked and and this time the "Bone Smash" operation It completely failed.

For punk's own interests, this hell, damn, and intolerable traitor caused him to lose a lot of money.

"...Since the betrayer has the courage to do this kind of behavior, it means that he has the confidence to avoid the search of the "guild leader". Now we don't know how our shining throne will respond, if If the response is not good... the executive team may not want to take any other actions."

He took a sip of fruit tea, feeling the warm tea flowing between his tongue and teeth, and punk squinted his eyes slightly.

From the bottom of his heart, the caster didn't want the "executors" to fall apart because of the existence of a traitor. He also counted on the mission of the "guildmaster" to obtain supplies in this legendary island era.

But for the time being, this matter is obviously not something that punk has the ability to consider and solve. It is the job of the "guild leader" to find out the traitor. What the caster needs to do now is to attend the meeting...

Then enjoy the responsibility for not completing the task!

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