Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 868: Legendary fighting skills

The process of exchanging Legendary Fighting Skill knowledge is smooth, or to be more precise, it should be very smooth.

Originally, punk thought that when he offered to exchange a reward for some knowledge of legendary fighting skills, it would arouse the curiosity of the "guildmaster", and he even spent a lot of time thinking about a set of true and false parameters. Miscellaneous excellent excuses to prepare.

But... In fact, under the crown of the "Sun Throne", which is very versatile, he did not ask the caster anything about the use of fighting skills. He simply packaged the knowledge and passed it to the punk crystal card.

In this regard, the punk holding three ordinary legendary level fighting skills magic crystal cards can only "guess"—perhaps for the "guildmaster", a young legendary mage even has some knowledge of fighting skills. What he was curious about was normal, or... he knew about the existence of the twentieth-level legendary warrior "Avenger" Ganatika by some means...

Punk himself prefers the latter judgment.

But even so, it’s nothing. The legendary mage never thought about keeping Ganatika hidden. This warrior filled with hatred will be exposed to the sun sooner or later, even if he is "chairman." It doesn't matter if you find out. Such things as gang formation and power development are common everywhere, and no one will find it strange.

In this way, punk no longer thought about the idea of ​​"guild leader", but took advantage of a little time before the start of the mission and came to Ganatica's room with three ordinary legendary fighting skills knowledge.

Facing the gloomy boy who walked out of the big dark room, Punk said straightforwardly:

"These are the three legendary fighting skills, the most common legendary "charge", a "legendary armor" and a "legendary heavy cut", as the most basic combat method, these three fighting skills Enough for you to get through the "new legendary stage".

After speaking, the expressionless caster turned the knowledge of three fighting skills into a group of mental power and handed it to Ganatika.

"Legendary fighting skills.........Okay, follow your orders, I will study seriously."

Standing at the door of the gloomy room, with a serious expression nodded, the calm boy placed the flickering spiritual power information group unsuspectingly on his forehead.

With a deep cry from him*, the divine power information was directly absorbed into the soul by Ganatika.

However, during this process, Punk suddenly noticed that Ganatika carefully brushed the bright red gem in the right eye frame with his fingers when he reached out. It can be seen from the naturalness and proficiency of his movements. Come out, this behavior has been done many times by this young man who is obsessed with Pandora.

Until now, the act of caressing that soul gem from time to time has become Ganatica’s habitual behavior...

"As a fighter, you shouldn't develop habits that have nothing to do with fighting, let alone show that you pay attention to a certain position of your body."

Seeing Ganatika's skillful movements, the punk who was still standing at the door of the room couldn't help frowning slightly.

He is a prudent mage who pays great attention to details, because with the great austrian Vedrasha who does not know how many years of combat experience, "Destroy Whispers" will always pay attention to any small factors that are not conducive to combat.

Because he knows very well that in the course of the battle at the legendary level, any small, inadvertent detail may be instantly captured by a careful-thinking enemy, especially for the legendary fighters who need to fight in close quarters, any redundant Actions may cause weaknesses in their own defenses.

For example, Ganatika’s now seemingly inadvertent, but actually very natural movement of stroking a ruby ​​is like this. In the punk vision, if the warrior in front of him fights against himself, then he will definitely catch it immediately. With this unusual little action, the next attack will definitely aim at the eyeball of the gem that doesn't know what it is for.

And if faced with such a situation in future battles, how would Ganatika respond?

Seeing the surprised look of the teenager when he faced his reminder, punk felt that the choice made by this guy must be very obvious.

He will definitely defend the magic gem containing Pandora's soul fragments with all his strength, and the right eye, which was not originally the key, will also become the new key of the "Muscle Shield Fighter"...

At this moment, punk couldn't help but realize that maybe... Pandora, the "one-time alchemy puppet" that had never been paid attention to by him, had completely settled in Ganatica's heart and became his weakness.

"You must forget your past, Ganatika! The legend is a new life and a new beginning. The memory of the past will only drag you down on revenge and progress."

Punk watched the boy's eyes seriously and said seriously.


Hearing the warning from the spellcaster, Ganatika's eyes dimmed from the joy of just getting the new knowledge, and his right hand, which was about to fall, habitually lifted up and stretched out again to the bright magic gem.

But in mid-air, the boy stopped his movements abruptly.

Perhaps it wasn't until this time that the novice fighter realized how abrupt and conspicuous his habitual behavior was.

But if a wise life can correct as long as it recognizes its mistakes, then there will be no flawed people in the world.

Therefore, Ganatika squeezed out a bitter smile, and slowly took a step back, but cautiously and carefully covered Jewel's eyeballs with her palms and replied:

"Although this is your order, I am sorry, I can't do this...I can't forget those memories, let alone my beloved...Pandora"!

At this moment, the emotions in the boy's voice seemed extremely complicated.

"I always can't understand the ways to discard emotions. After all, this is the "education result" passed by Pandora and you personally formulated it for me. I can't help but relive every bit of beauty and beauty in life. Pain, and then feel deeper and deeper hatred and sadness again and again, maybe...this is the so-called obsession."

Ganatika tactfully rejected the punk reminder. He didn't want to forget, didn't want to forget, and couldn't forget.

As he himself said his character existence also has a punk contribution, these "obsessions" are already part of the "self" engraved in the legendary soul.

"...In that case, let's practice those three fighting skills."

There was silence for a second or two, and Punk did not continue to say anything.

Before the real battle occurs, no one can say whether the influence of the existence of obsession is good or bad. After all, when caught in the torment of mental spells, an obsession may also help those who are not firm enough. Guys hold on.

Therefore, Punk did not force Ganatika to change his habit. Faced with the boy's rejection, the caster just continued to concisely get the topic back on track:

"Don't think that the number of three fighting skills is scarce, and the roads of warriors are not expensive. A guy I know is a strong person who can apply the three skills. I believe you can do this one day."

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