Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 877: eye

"Originally, I just wanted to visit all the five shadow demon tribes in the Andokla Forest, and ask if these little fairies have found anything strange. I didn't expect to ask the second tribe... I just met It’s a windfall."

Gently squeeze some fuel from the "small wooden sticks" firewood around and add it to the bonfire. Under the light of the white "day fire" that is becoming more and more vigorous because of the efficient burning efficiency of the "black leaves", Anka praised his face It looks even more angular.

On the face of the "burner" who has always maintained a serious face, no one can see what the thirty-third-level powerful spellcaster is thinking, even because the skills he uses to hide his breath are brilliant and powerful, even at a distance So close, the "Plague Box" couldn't feel any legendary breath from Ankazan.

I am afraid that few people can think that the legendary mage "Burninger" who has always been known for his fiery temperament characteristics such as "violence", "publicity", and "indiscriminate bombardment" has such a very powerful breath. Hidden means.

Of course, Kesanoya's hiding skills are also very good, so that an "incidental encounter" is possible. After seeing the appearance of the girl "Plague Box", Ankazan was also surprised and affirmed:

"Is the hidden spell you used "Zakat Breath-holding"? With the weakened perception environment of the Shadow Plane, the effect of this hidden method will indeed become very extraordinary, even if I haven't discovered it in advance... "

"Ha...haha, it seems we are really fate...hahaha".

Well, the girl mage who is the weaker side will not be happy because of the praise of the enemy, she can only answer with a dry laugh.

In fact, Kaisanoya now feels that her muscles are beginning to become stiff, although as a brave legend who participated in the "executor" action, she has long been prepared to face the legendary "flying disaster". , But... the unfortunate girl mage never thought that she could recite to this level.

How desperate is to run into the "monster" that I have been avoiding all the time, it feels like a rabbit running to the mouth of a hungry wolf.

Secretly began to build a model of the spell in the soul, cold sweat was secreted on her white forehead, but Kesanoya, feeling the warmth of the campfire, felt like an ordinary little girl standing in the ice and snow. Cold.

She knows very well that with her own strength, it is impossible to fight the amazing Ankazan. The reason why she was able to escape last time was completely because the poor "thunderstorm" was selected by the enemy as the first. Kill the target with a single blow, and then bear most of the damage of the legendary spells of the plastic energy system.

But at this moment, in this deadly shadow world, Kesanoya is acting alone, and there is no arrogant warlock teammate full of swear words by her side to attract hatred to act as a shield... if The current "burner" broke out into trouble, and the girl mage felt that she might not be able to escape before she would ignite her soul by the flames of the law of burning.

She has personally seen the power of Ankazan's legendary spells. Surrounded by such a sea of ​​fire, ordinary legendary professionals may be burned into alive fish without the opportunity to counterattack or defend.

"What to do? How to do? Do you want to fight? But if you fight, you can't fight it? Ask for help? But before the "Instant Kill Gun" and "Destroy Whisper" arrived, the old lady was burnt to ashes... It's over, it's all over, let you be a "stupid box", don't perform tasks well and enjoy the scenery! Let you have nothing to do to join the Silent Alliance, now play yourself in?"

I imagined that the red-haired uncle in front of me would ignite the entire sky and leave him nowhere to escape. The terrible memory of the last battle in my mind once again appeared like a tide, and the energetic Kesanoya even felt that her thoughts were all Began to panic involuntarily.

If the girl mage calms down now, then maybe she will notice that Ankazan’s double pupils seem to have a special effect that can quickly enlarge the fear of all creatures. When he is caught by his pupils that seem to be burning with flames When watching, even ordinary legendary powerhouses can't help but drift with the tide under the huge wave of fear.

In fact, during the last operation of "Splitting Bone Die", the usual taciturn "thunderstorm" showed abnormal state of instability after being watched by Ankazan's fiery red eyes. It was only at that time. Her "Plague Box" was escaping from the flames at full speed. Out of her unfamiliarity with her "teammates" and the tense spirit of facing powerful enemies, she did not notice this very inconspicuous little detail.

And now... There is no other legendary powerhouse in the shadow demon tribe, and Ankazan's gaze has never left Kaisanoya's face from the beginning.


It is naturally impossible for the girl mage, who has been flustered by the great fear, to pay attention to Ankazan’s eyes. Now her mind is full of various noisy sounds and chaotic thoughts. Following the confrontation with the "Burner" As the duration became longer and longer, the fear in the "Plague Box" became more and more magnified. After about a few seconds, the spell model she had just barely constructed began to be a little unstable.

"You...what do you want"!

Finally, Kesanoya couldn't help but question the strong enemy who hadn't spoken for a long time, but when she spoke, she didn't realize that her voice was so dumb to such an extent.

"I can feel your fear, little girl, the dark world is not the Garden of Eden in your home, and the turbulent disputes are not something new legends like you with insufficient strength should participate in."

Facing the enemy who should have met with swords and soldiers, Ankazan did not show any intention of attacking. On the contrary, he actually "preached" to Kaisanoya like an elder educates his younger generation.

It's just that under this circumstance, the serious "persuasion" of the "burner" is more like an out-and-out coercion.

"I accepted Mesul’s order to come here to rescue Owen. If I can, I don’t want to detonate unnecessary battles, but now... I can’t stop you from sending out a signal for help. I certainly can't know it without reporting, so..."!

Stringing up a piece of Eddes worm meat prepared by the shadow monsters and putting it on the campfire for barbecue, Ankazan's eyes have moved away from Kaisanoya's face I can see it. , This "burner" was not as impulsive and irritable as it was passed from the outside world. Not only did he have a calm and rational thinking, he also knew exactly what his goal was.

And he doesn't mind converging his usual publicity in order to accomplish his goals.

At least for now, Ankazan does not want to attract all the executors who are looking for "prey" in the entire Andokla Forest. After all, being besieged by five legendary professionals with legendary kills is not fun.

Therefore, the calm Ankazan just continued to suggest to the somewhat dazed "Plague Box":

"Well, let's all make a little compromise. I will give you one second to escape, and you will send a message to notify your teammates to come and support after you run away, so that you can avoid it while performing your duties. In battle, I can also use this full second to hide again and continue my mission. Anyway, there is a huge gap in strength between you and me. I was too busy to run away before calling the police. What do you think of this idea?"

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