Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 879: Unreasonable encounter

The communication function of the magic crystal card has been temporarily opened, so the crystal card holder can now send a signal to inform others of the situation and location, although no one except punk has enough to accurately locate the spatial coordinates on the plane of shadow Means, but telling the direction "with the Andokla Forest as the center, southeast, northwest and northwest" is enough for everyone to find the past.

After all, once a battle occurs, that shocking violent law fluctuations must be very conspicuous in this silent shadow world.

"I am the "Plague Box", I am now at the edge of the forest at 32 degrees, two minutes and six seconds southwest. I encountered Ankazan-Yanmei here. I am running away and I am about to be caught up. I need rescue"!

The information presented on the crystal card is very urgent.

However, the rescuers who received the information were not in a hurry:

"Is this guy hitting the "burner" again? What exactly did she do is targeted by the long river of fate, maybe this guy's luck is about to catch up with me now."

With a calm expression, he put down the magic crystal card in his hand, and punk didn't mean to start acting quickly, and he even had a mood floating in place to tease his teammates.

It can only be said that the "Plague Box"'s imagination of his teammates is really too correct. Although the request message she sent is very urgent, the members of the executor are not in a hurry.

Take punk for example-the "Destroy Whisper" that has reached level 30 is indeed the strongest among the five "hunters", but this does not mean that the legendary mage with the highest interests will have such kind things as responsibility.

He just wants to grab Owen and go back in exchange for rewards. If it weren’t for the "guild leader" to stipulate the duty of rescue, the caster would not care if Ankazan was killing his "teammate", even if he received a "teammate" now. The signal for help, the first thought of "Destroy Whispers" was also very perfunctory and procrastinated.

Well, due to the "guild leader" delineating the encirclement, he seems to be quite close to the edge of the plague box now, but the teleportation spells that can travel efficiently will be about 10% in the shadow world. The probability of error occurs, tusk tusk, this is too dangerous, let’s be careful and fly over slowly.

By the way...This kind of dangerous battle can't be taken lightly. First, using two minutes to carefully predict the enemy's strength and battlefield situation should not be a waste of time. This is called being careful and planning ahead!

what? You said that under the weird interference of the shadow world, the ordinary level of prophecy spells are not very useful? I do not care! A little usefulness is better than nothing. Anyway, I just have to predict for five minutes before acting. This is also a good habit of caution in the era of Netheril.

As for whether the hapless "Plague Box" can survive the full five-minute bombardment of the "Burner"... Anyway, I tried my best. If she can't stand it, it's not because I didn't go to the rescue. It's all caused by the long river of fate............

Thinking so selfishly, punk started to fly to the place where the "Plague Box" was located. On the way, all kinds of prophecy spells were used or used as if they were useful or not. a little time.

In the vision of the caster, as long as you don't be the last to be there, it is best if Ankazan quickly kills the "Plague Box" and then disappears into the Andokla Forest again.

Although such extremely selfish behavior may cause the "burner" to successfully destroy each "prey" one by one, punk has decided to use the moon-level prophecy spell scroll to find Aowen immediately after this incident At that time, you can declare the completion of the "Inscription Sage" task when you catch it. How many other people die has nothing to do with you!

In this way, punk began a "roaming" process of flying at about 0.5 times the speed of light. Although his direction has not deviated from the guidance of the "Plague Box", the number of "pause detection" along the way is sufficient. Thousands, time passed quickly under the deliberate delay of the legendary mage, and the expression of "Destroy Whispering" was still amorous.

Pulling aside the bushes and flying over the grass, the black and white colors turn into afterimages and retreat. The "Zakat Breath-holding Technique", the most suitable hidden spell for shadow energy, perfectly conceals the legendary aura fluctuations on the caster and the kinetic energy of high-speed flight. Also disappeared out of thin air after the tampering of the law............

For this Andokla forest, the flying shadow in the robe of stars is like a breeze blowing gently, and the punk running in the silent jungle feels like a ghost in the shadows. No interest, extremely secretive.

I have to admit that this feeling of hiding close to the enemy is still very interesting, and it is no wonder that many stalkers like to keep stealth and hide in the shadows all day long.


Well, the punk was in a good mood until he pulled aside a lush bush and almost bumped into a fiery red figure unexpectedly.


With one's own outermost magic protection and another fiery red energy stand, a harsh and sharp sound, a large number of high-temperature law fragments shot around like deflagration sparks, and the explosive shock wave shredded without any signs. With large white woods, punk also woke up from a relaxed mood and entered a complete fighting state.

He recognized the "enemy" that suddenly appeared in front of him just by looking at it for the first time.

The "middle-aged mage" who wore a scarlet robe and his eyebrows and hair were as flaming as flames is no one else, but the famous "burner" Ankazan-Brows!

Due to the limited perception of both to the manipulation of certain force majeure, "Whisper of Destruction" was so unlucky that it directly collided with Ankazan who was far away from the edge of the Andokla forest!

"Damn it! This **** "long river of fate" is too much!"

I couldn't help but swear in my heart, and the pupils of punk began to flash with scorching magical light.

Sure enough, the interference mechanism of "The Long River of Destiny" has not passed. After the last time "Miracle Creation" released Owen, it now makes Ankazan and Punk who have just left the battlefield stunned. They bumped into each other, and looking at that serious-faced "Burninger" also filled with surprised eyes, you can know that the other party was also extremely surprised by such an abnormal "accidental" existence.

You know, two fast-moving, perfect-hidden legendary powerhouses collided in a vast forest...The probability of this kind of thing happening is like telling a fairy tale!

But against this gloomy black and white world, this extremely low probability is now so unreasonable to come true!

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