Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 885: Shadow War (5) End

Can't beat it!

When he saw Ankazan easily repaired the fragmented flame colossus, and then launched a counterattack without giving himself time to release a legendary spell, punk knew it, even if he relied on " The "extraordinarily gifted" soul ignored Ankazan's moon-level eye pupils. Even though he gained a temporary advantage through mastery of knowledge at the beginning of the battle, the level difference between the full three levels is still a little too big.

The powerful and sensible "burner" is not the half-crazy and half-silly red dragon of the warlock like Amoda-Yamclaw. He is a powerful and well-knowledgeable member of the legendary wizard guild. Ankazan is neither like Amoda. That way, the battle is out of order, and he won't be seriously injured by being unfamiliar with legendary spells.

Now, even if you don’t want to admit it, you must admit that punk is facing a strong man who surpasses himself in all-round attributes. A small advantage for a while can’t explain anything. Needless to say, it’s urgent from Ankazan. After repairing the flame colossus, it can still maintain its aggressive state to attack. From the beginning to the end, there is no fatigue at all. There is definitely no chance of winning in singles and punk attrition.

And the "burner" who was manipulating the flame tornado raging across the battlefield again obviously knew this fact very well.

It can be seen that this guy has already started to get angry after catching a shot of the "disintegration singularity". He now intends to really leave a little profound "learning" to punk. Under such a dynamic trend, Ankazan The flame hammer naturally attacks more quickly and bravely.


Fighting is not a matter of stats in the game. It is one thing to fight or not, and it is another thing to fight or not. It is even more difficult to say whether you can escape or even come back because of various "external factors". clear.

For example, now, when the flame giant grinned and roared while smashing the giant hammer at the caster wearing the star robe, facing the blazing blue flame that obscured the sky, he was about to be hit by the hammer. The hit punk did not show any flustered expressions.

He just flicked the red ruby ​​brooch on the robe with his fingers, and then calmly answered Ankazan's threats with mental strength:

"Senior? No, I didn't see any seniors. I only saw a mad dog barking. Don't take your reputation too seriously, Lord Yanmei"!

Legendary conjuration spells-space charge.

Crimson Ruby Brooch (former Crimson Ruby Necklace) curing spell-flash!

Immediately after the spell was released, a large piece of space fragments fragmented in the battle quickly stabilized the structure under the energy filling provided by "Space Charge" and the maintenance of the law, and the punk who launched the "Flash" spell was also very relaxed. Surrounded by the fire, leaving the original position, the blazing sledgehammer engulfed the fiery explosion to create a new lava crater, but this amazing attack that was enough to blow up a city with one hammer did not cast a swift spell. Caused any harm.

Perhaps at the beginning of the war, punk's ridicule was quite reasonable-the "energy-shaping colossus series spell" used to attack the magic tower is really not suitable for fighting enemies that can move quickly and flexibly...

"Another piece of magic equipment! But how long can you run away like this? After all, your strength and cleverness are no match for my endless flames"!

Lifting the heavy hammer that plunged into the pit, the blazing colossus who turned its head and glared at him did not give up its attack. Its huge tornado that served as legs and feet kept spinning rapidly and continued to move towards the punk. At the same time, a blaze of incandescent color was apparent The brilliant energy circle was also revealed on the body of the flame tornado.

In addition to the fireball that is difficult to hit people and the powerful hammering that is limited by the attack distance, Ankazan's legendary spell also has an attack method that releases explosive shock waves that can cause damage to the enemy in the entire battlefield!


In a sense, the "burner" was right, and if the punk of level 30 was basically defeated after such a consumption.

But don’t forget, in this Andokla forest, "Destroy Whispers" is by no means alone and helpless. If his large group of "teammates" unite sincerely, they can put Ankazan on the ground. However, those selfish guys who didn't want to be the first bird came too slowly and too late, which forced the most unlucky "Destroy Whisper" to stand up against the "Burner" for so long.

After all... if there are reinforcements, there are reinforcements. Even if these reinforcements go slowly and come late, they will arrive near the battlefield sooner or later.

For example, at this moment, whether it is Ankazan with frowning brows or expressionless punk, they have already sensed the faint presence of a new legendary aura professional—obviously, due to the need to use legendary defenses to resist In the aftermath of the endless battles, some contented "watchers" finally could no longer hide.

"Kane-Bissadas............ After watching this for a long time, why don’t you come to help? Others can use their lack of strength as an excuse to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but...... if you go back, you also use such nonsense as an explanation What do you think the "chairman" will react"?

The icy mental power fluctuations were released by the caster aiming at a boiling ionic liquid lake, and the flame giant, who was about to attack again, stopped moving forward as soon as he noticed the abnormal aura.

In an instant that humble high-temperature "little puddle" suddenly became the new center of the battlefield, and the hearty battle between the two legendary powerhouses was suddenly suspended...

And when the caster’s mental power was passed on without mercy, a knight wearing a golden armor and holding a bright golden spear was not surprisingly bathed in an incandescent ionic liquid and emerged from the "lake" upright. , The shining brilliance made him still stand out among the flames of lava, with the perfect protection of vindictiveness, and the ultra-high temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees in the ion lake did not have any effect on that "gorgeous" dress.

Obviously, this legendary knight who just hid and prepared to watch the battle is the first "reinforcement" to reach the battlefield-"Instant Kill Gun" Kane Besadas!

And... after being directly pointed out by punk, he was destined to be unable to change his identity for a lifetime, and then the chat attribute arrived on the scene along with the iconic sorrow armor:

"Oula, Oula, Oula ~ Sitting on the Mountain and Watching Tiger Fighting is indeed very vivid and vivid as a descriptive sentence, but the uncle used to describe Yibo Yuntian is super~ It's not right! This uncle is "bearing the humiliation." "Waiting for a good opportunity to launch the "Definite Kill", don't you understand? Sai'an, your reaction really makes your old friends heartbroken!"

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